Petface offers views on Brexit vote
Lolly Lee, Director of Business Development at Petface, says: "The current situation could have so many outcomes and it's very difficult for anyone to predict what they maybe at this stage as this is a changing model by the hour at present.
"All I can say with certainly is that Petface carried out extensive consumer research during the last recession to clearly understand how the consumers where planning to spend their household budgets. Anyone with a pet will be able to relate to the results as they become a member of the family!
''Consumers are extremely reluctant to cut back on spend on pet products and reported a willingness to make cuts in other areas. The pet category offers stability even during periods of economic instability.''
"Recognising that the pet category is relatively recession proof we have set about our business to be a 'one stop shop' for all the essential pet products that a garden centre would require in order that they may offer a pet department with depth and authority for their customers.
"We are not stopping there and are further developing secondary site opportunities along with investing in new products to increase impulse purchases and drive the business forward for both parties.
"We value our existing customer base and welcome new customers who maybe considering stocking this category and would ask them to contact me to discuss the opportunities that exist to capitalise on this important repeat and regular footfall generator."