London potholes transformed into miniature gardens
 | is getting to the bottom of London’s pothole crisis by teaming up with Steve Wheen, The Pothole Gardener, to beautify the unsightly holes that line the London city streets in the most unexpected of ways. The grand finale of the Chelsea Fringe festival sees these totally unexpected three miniature creations launch around London today. The micro gardens have been designed not just to make passers by smile, but to inspire Londoners to be creative with their outside space, and get out of their usual garden rut featuring selected plants from the Garden Plant of the Month this summer. Usually an unwelcomed and unsightly inconvenience, these (pavement) potholes have been creatively hand crafted into three highly detailed miniature gardens to celebrate the Queen’s birthday, the musical legend David Bowie and the winning Telegraph garden at Chelsea Flower Show. All gardens feature a range of the garden plants of the month from including the rose, which is June’s garden plant of the month.
The Music Garden – Based in Brixton near the Ritzy Cinema is a tiny tribute to the musical legend David Bowie, complete with miniature instruments, speakers and it even comes with a truly British playlist, including hits from Bowie himself. This cute creation includes a range of garden plants including the rose, ivy and hydrangea petals. The Queen’s Birthday Garden - We’re celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday this year, so what better way to celebrate than marking the occasion with a pothole garden that’s fit for a Queen! The 20cm square miniature based in Southbank opposite the National Theatre, features a number of little props including an entrance with a beautiful floral arch, water feature, cake and even miniature candles. This pothole garden comes complete with a number of bright and beautiful plants including micro branches from the blue conifer, and floral million bells (calibrachoa). Chelsea Flower Show Garden - Chelsea Flower Show is always the talk of the town, so we’re adding to the chatter with our final creation - a miniature re-make inspired by this year’s Telegraph Garden winner, based in Chelsea, opposite the Royal Hospital Chelsea. Building on the geological theme the mini oasis includes a rock, concrete and water running alongside plants and grass. These three eccentric alternatives to the normal city sites are sure to create unexpected little moments of happiness for all passers by. has partnered with Chelsea Fringe, the annual festival of flowers, gardens and gardening to launch these micro masterpieces, which you can catch in Brixton near the Ritzy, Southbank opposite the National Theatre, and Chelsea opposite The Royal Hospital Chelsea, and Steve’s work can last for hours, and other times years, so anyone wanting to see these miniatures is encouraged to visit soon!