The annual Party for Perennial on Friday 15 January 2016 kicks off HortAid 2016, Perennial’s year-long fundraising campaign
It promises an evening of networking, fun and fundraising. It will be held at Skyloft at the top of the Millbank Tower in London, offering spectacular views over the Thames and London skyline.
The Party for Perennial has become a popular industry fixture, having been reinstated following the charity’s 175th anniversary in 2014, reviving the organisation’s Victorian tradition of an annual fundraising event. The last party raised more thaqn £20,000. Entertainment for the 2016 even includes a six-piece live band and the individual £55 ticket price includes a glass of bubbly and delicious bowl food. A raffle is planned, plus an auction hosted by garden designer Andrew Fisher-Tomlin.
Anita Bates, director of marketing and development at Perennial, says tickets are already selling fast. “It is a great opportunity for networking, but most of all it is a chance for people to proactively support their trade charity,” she said.
The funds raised will help support all UK horticulturists, retired and of working age, and their families, who come to Perennial for help when they have nowhere else to turn.
Sponsors to date include the HTA, Bulldog Tools, Bullrush, CED Natural Stone and the Landscape Show. If your organisation is interested in helping, please contact:
Information and to book tickets visit:

Above: Perennial's 'Grubby Gardeners', who helped to raise funds for HortAid in 2015.