Industry aims for container gardening exhibit at Chelsea
The garden industry wants to promote container gardening on an exhibit at next year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The four-part exhibit will highlighting different looks that can be achieved in small spaces through container gardening. The idea is being championed by Sun gardening editor Peter Seabrook in association with the HTA and GCA. Linking in with the ‘Love the Plot You’ve Got’ campaign, schools and horticultural colleges ‘The Sun Flower Square’ will focus on: - A landscaped front garden
- A hanging garden
- A living seed catalogue
- A schools home-grown display
Peter Seabrook said the collaboration would bring together key growers and retailers to highlight the variety of plants available in the UK and innovative ways of displaying them. HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris said: “This represents a wonderful opportunity for the industry to come together and showcase its work at such a high profile event such – fingers crossed that we get the go ahead.” Project leaders will find out whether their bid has been successful in mid-November. To find out how to get involved, contact Martin Simmons or Gill Ormrod at the HTA (0118 9303132. Email: or