31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C

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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


Autumn gardening lifts garden retail sales

September saw a second month’s rise in garden centre and nursery sales providing a welcome lift after the industry’s most difficult spring in many years.

Figures reported through the HTA’s Garden Retail Monitor show sales 3% higher for September 2012 compared with the previous year and follow a similar increase in August. The September results bring the year to date figure to 8% behind the first nine months of last year, an improvement on the 10% deficit reported last month.

“It is very encouraging to see two successive months of growth being reported by members”, comments HTA Director of Marketing & Communications Andrew Maxted.

“While it remains early days, there are increasing signs that the squeeze on consumer spending may be beginning to ease and this, coupled with a rediscovery of the benefits of autumn gardening, are reflected in members’ sales.

"Reports of members giving a renewed emphasis to bulbs, shrubs, lawn and other garden care products, many making great use of the HTA’s Plan it, Plant it this Autumn campaign materials and in a number of cases choosing to delay bringing in Christmas displays, appear to have caught the consumer mood this autumn. Clearly UK consumers have not lost the gardening habit and this augurs well for the industry for next year.”

The HTA Garden Retail Monitor reports actual sales data supplied by HTA member garden centres and retail nurseries and provides contributors with a valuable benchmark to compare their sales performance with other members both regionally and nationally. Retail members wishing to contribute to the monitor should contact their

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