Waitrose customers are into grow-your-own...
More Waitrose customers are getting into ‘grow your own’, according to a report in a leading retail trade journal. In a Retail Week story reporting that sales at the grocery chain remained flat, showing a marginal increase of just 0.1% for the week ending May 16, bosses were quoted as saying that customers were moving towards a “grow your own” fruit and vegetables mentality, with the range of outdoor plants stocked in store rising by more than 100% on last year.
The warm weather saw the Waitrose food-to-go range perform strongly again that week, with salads up 24% and snacks up 49%. Wine sales were 80% on the year. Supermarket plant sales are believed to have been good so far this season, with the generally cool weather helping stores to keep plants alive (as regular watering is commonly neglected). However, GTN Bestsellers data suggests garden centre plant sales have not been hit by the competition. GTN Xtra’s reporters are keeping en eye out for the first garden centre to buy advertising hoardings close to a supermarket selling plants, inviting customers to “Come to us for a real garden centre experience” …