Possible candle scam - beware
The HTA have asked us to pass on the following information:
"A member in Hertfordshire has alerted us to a possible telephone scam, involving Yankee Candles. "The customer rang up to place a telephone order for 140 Yankee Candles worth £15 and £19 each, as “wedding gifts”. She couldn’t come in to the store, so she said she would pay by credit card over the phone and her mother would call in later to collect them for her. "The store became suspicious when she wouldn’t leave a phone number for a return call and questioned her further when she did ring back. They also said they would take payment in cash, if the customer called into the store. She did eventually leave a telephone number – but it wasn’t working when the store called back. They haven’t been in to collect and pay for the goods. "This may have been genuine, but the concern is that the pair may have been working a scam using a stolen credit card, which would become invalid once the goods were taken." The HTA suggest you make your staff aware of the issue.