Following on from its success last year, the Love the Plot You’ve Got roadshow is again providing inspiration on getting the best out of your outdoor space at CarFest North, which is taking place at Bolesworth Castle in Cheshire this weekend.
The roadshow, put together by the industry wide Garden Industry Marketing Board (GIMB), aims to get people, particularly non-gardeners, thinking about different ways in which to use their outdoor space and encouraging them to visit their local garden centre for more information and inspiration.
The Love the Plot roadshow proved to be a runaway success at last year’s CarFest North and is once again receiving a lot of interest from people not expecting to see garden room sets at the family focused motoring and music festival, which raises funds for Children in Need.
This year, the inspiring Love the Plot You’ve Got Roadshow gardens have been designed by campaign ambassador Chris Collins, supported by Association of Professional Landscapers member Beesley Landscapes with further products being supplied by Pile Height, Mr. Fothergill’s, Scotts Miracle-Gro and EcoScape.

All plants and props for the gardens are being supplied by Bents Garden & Home, who recently won the Best Show Feature award at RHS Flower Show Tatton Park.
The four gardens focus on the following themes:
• The Wildlife Garden, shows how to make your outdoor space attract animals, insects and birds. Features will include wildflower turf, bug hotels, bee houses and bird boxes.
• The Children’s Garden, includes sensory pots, seating, a potting bench and a wormery.
• The Grow Your Own Garden combines vegetables and edible flowers into a great looking plot that provides tasty, nutritious things to eat and that’s lovely to look at, even when space is limited.
• The Al Fresco Garden shows how our outdoor space can be turned into an entertaining paradise with bistro sets, decking, lighting, barbecue and a chimnea.
The roadshow will also be appearing at CarFest South on August 26 – 28 at Laverstoke Park Farm, Hampshire.
The roadshows are part of the innovative three-year Love the Plot You’ve Got Campaign, created following detailed research into consumer perceptions about their desires for their outdoor living spaces, especially among the key 30-45-year-old age group. Highlights of the 2016 campaign have involved RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May, Al Fresco Fortnight in June and a comprehensive social media programme.