Individuality is key to the success of independents

The sale of more stores like Podington (above) to Wyevale Garden Centres this week has led to widespread speculation of who's going to be next. But leading independents like Bents Garden and Home, near Warrington, feel they can take advantage of the changing landscape of the garden centre industry.
Matthew Bent (left) said: "It’s hard for me to comment on whether any more centres will become part of the Wyevale Group, although a lot of the recent acquisitions have been a surprise.
"We are proud to be family owned and independent and think our customers appreciate the individuality we offer.
"There may be some impact on suppliers as the group has a large buying power, but I don’t think there will be much impact on independent centres as it is our independence that makes us stand out. "The acquisition of a centre may initially have a positive effect as it will be seen as being something new, but after a period of time it will become the same as the others.
"One of the major benefits of being an independent is that we can quickly introduce new ideas and initiatives. We know our customer base very well and can offer a personal service and provide an experience they desire."
Another leading garden centre boss told GTN Xtra: "I find the whole thing quite disturbing. What is going to drive customers into soulless centres that are just full of concessions? Customers have a choice, our customers' cars have steering wheels! I have yet to go into a Wyevale with charisma. "A well run and ‘driven’ independent will win everytime. If I was a supplier I would keep my options open – just how much business are these places going to do? "I hope Wyevale realise that this year we were gifted the most amazing spring, they don’t come around very often. If spring 2015 is anything like spring 2013 it's going to be back down to earth with a bump."