Briers launch accessories range with Pantone branding
Briers have introduced a Pantone garden accessories range. Featuring Pantone styling, the uniquely contemporary collection features three popular Pantone colours – Bluebell, Parsley Green and Rich Berry – and combines colour with contemporary materials and traditional gardening accessories. It will include hand tools, cushion kneelers, string tins, water cans, herb pots and metal allotment boxes. Gloves and umbrellas complete the collection.
 MD Jackie Eades says the range is unlike anything currently in the Briers portfolio. “We wanted to offer something that combines functionality with true contemporary design-led styling. Pantone is a highly recognisable brand, and will no doubt offer retailers a real point of difference, appealing to a wider range of consumers from core gardening to those looking for a unique gift. We have no doubt that this latest range will be a popular seller once it hits stores.