Town & Country is continuing its ongoing support for Greenfingers, with plans for a year-long campaign of activity geared towards maximising its fundraising efforts for their chosen charity.
It all starts with a very generous pledge of 25p for every one of their gardening gloves sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day, Friday, 27th March.
With an average 350,000 pairs of their gloves sold on a monthly basis that promises a significant amount of money to be handed over and Town & Country will be encouraging all garden centres to sell as many gloves to their customers on the day as possible.
Town & Country is also delighted to lend its support to the Greenfingers Glovies campaign. As the number one supplier of gloves to the garden trade – the UK’s best-selling glove is the Master Gardener with one pair sold every minute – Town & Country will be encouraging all of its garden centre customers to don their gloves and take part in the mass ‘glovie’ which is due to take place at 11am on Garden Re-Leaf Day.
Comments Barry Page, chief executive: “We are delighted to continue our efforts to support the Greenfingers charity. The work which Greenfingers carries out for children’s hospices across the UK is inspirational and we are keen to ensure that they can continue their amazing work. We will be doing everything we can to promote Garden Re-Leaf Day and keep the momentum going on the fundraising front.”
Further details of Town & Country’s Greenfingers fund raising plans for 2015 will be announced.
Enquiries: Town & Country; 01530 830990; info@townandco.com; www.townandco.com

Town & Country got their #Glovies going at the recent Garden Press Event 10th Annivesary Dinner including a Glovie News International from the gardening editors of The Sun and The Sunday Times.
See the Garden Press Event Dinner #Glovies below.
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