Warm winter boosts demand for moss control claims supplier
The warm wet winter has produced ideal conditions for the build-up of moss on lawns, says David Jenkins, MD of DJ Turfcare. Jenkins reports record sales in February of MO Bacter by Viano, an organic fertiliser that feeds the lawn and destroys moss organically, without the need to rake out the dead material.
 He says demand is coming from customers and garden centres who have been stocking up ahead of the season. MO Bacter, which contains naturally occurring bacteria that eat the dead moss, can be applied at any time and will not scorch if the application is not followed by rain. The fertiliser is activated by moisture. David Jenkins says that, while it is difficult to advise consumers when they should first apply it, as a rough rule of thumb the correct soil temperature has been reached when the grass starts its first flush of growth. The product continues to feed the lawn for 100 days.