Town & Country reaches £1,500 for Greenfingers

We reported in last week’s GTNXtra that the number of pairs of Town & Country gardening gloves sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day had reached 3,400. The figure now stands at just over 6,000 pairs of gloves sold and, with 25 pence from each sale pledged to Greenfingers, that equates to a fabulous £1,500 raised for the charity so far. Comments Barry Page, chief executive: “Looking at the sales figures we have had so far, we are estimating that the total number of gloves sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day will be in the region of 10,000 pairs. "So for those garden centres who haven’t already done so, submit your Town & Country gloves sales for Friday 27th March to, and help boost the donation to the wonderful Greenfingers Charity.” Enquiries: Town & Country; 01530 830990;;