More than 600 people filled St Mary’s Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, to overflowing yesterday for a thanksgiving service for Charles Notcutt, who died in July. The garden industry that Charles served so well was represented by dozens of its leaders and dignitaries at the hour-long service, led by the Revd. Canon Kevan McCormack, Rector of St Mary's and Chaplain to H.M. The Queen and the Rt. Revd. Jeremy Walsh, Assistant Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. There were contributions from Charles’s three children – a tribute from Andrew and readings from Caroline and William. The eulogy was given by John Gummer, the Rt. Hon. the Lord Deben, former Conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal and now a member of the House of Lords, who referred to Charles Notcutt’s boundless energy and enthusiasm and capacity for getting things done.
“We’re all personally committed” Jonathan Halford drives Gardman into a new dimension

Just before Glee, GTN Xtra met up with Jonathan Halford to find out more about the man who won “Private Business Turnaround of the Year” while he was at Forest and understand his vision for Gardman going forwards. Read how committed he and his senior management team are to the buyout; “we're all investing in this business, so we're all personally committed,” and his views on the question he often gets asked: “Why have you got Agents? Surely you’d rather have an employed sales force?” His answer; “It works, that’s the bottom line. They’ve done it for years and years and those relationships and experience are worth a huge amount...

A year ago we came together at Glee after one of the biggest years of change in the industry. A year later there’s been more change but also more consolidation and re-financing of businesses such as at Gardman where Rutland Investments completed a Management Buy Out with Jonathan Halford at the helm. Just before Glee, GTN Xtra met up with Jonathan to find out more about the man who won “Private Business Turnaround of the Year” while he was at Forest and understand his vision for Gardman going forwards. You’ll read how committed he and his senior management team are to the buyout; “we're all investing in this business, so we're all personally committed,” and his views on the question he often gets asked: “Why have you got Agents? Surely you’d rather have an employed sales force?” His answer; “It works, that’s the bottom line. They’ve done it for years and years and those relationships and experience are worth a huge amount.” GTN Xtra: So what made you get involved with Gardman? “Well the relevance was that Forest was a supplier to the UK garden market and had many of the same challenges that Gardman faced including new owners who had invested in the business to create value. They saw what I’d achieved at Forest and wanted me to go into Gardman to support the value creation by bringing some of that knowledge and experience with me.” GTN Xtra: Are you also involved with a company that does buyouts? “No, I will be asked to go into businesses and do what I've been asked to do at Gardman and what I’ve done at Forest. My job is to unlock the value that sits within the business irrespective of whether that results in a buyout or not. I’ve got a network of trusted people that I will bring into certain situations to support any business transformation projects.” GTN Xtra: Are you full time at Gardman now?
"Yes and no. Because I’ve stepped in as the Executive Chair, I’m looking after the day to day running of the group and that therefore requires me to physically be in and around the business every week but I have other commitments as well. Having said that, psychologically I’m in [Gardman] 24-7 and that might sound a bit of a cliché, but i don’t go into anything without 100% commitment to it and that is absolutely true for Gardman.
GTN Xtra: There was a surprise last week when another senior staff change was announced, how settled is the team going forwards? “It’s settled. It is important that we have a stable clear management team that will take us forward for the long term. We've all needed as part of the buyout to commit to that and we've all had to demonstrate we can add value. We're a collective, the senior management have all invested in the business - so we're all personally committed - when we look around we all have to make sure we’re as committed as each other. It’s unfortunate when senior people leave but you have to move on. I understand that Gardman, as market leader, inevitably attracts a lot of noise; people are interested in it, although I do think our Competitors should focus on their own businesses a bit more frankly. Every business has staff turnover - we're no different, we've come through a period of significant change, we are out the other side but there will be the occasional person that comes and goes - that’s the nature of it. GTN Xtra: Are you looking to appoint a CEO?
“I am, definitely, yes. Interestingly since I’ve taken on the executive chair role I’m loving it but equally because of what I do with all the other things its right that someone does come in and once I’ve got it moving in the right direction they will be able to take it on further. GTN Xtra: Will you be in a better position to recruit having done the exec chair role and the hands on stuff ? “Without question. I have learned a huge amount just by being in the business a lot more – it has been really invaluable for me. Being Non Exec Chair, whilst you understand the overall direction of the group inevitably you’re not dealing with all of the day to day nuances. GTN Xtra: What are your biggest learnings so far? “That you have to relentlessly manage the day to day detail. The Board can set a direction and be clear in what we want to do but we can’t for one second take your eye off the ball. I believe that to be true for all businesses but particularly Gardman where we have nearly 3,000 skus and operate across multi-channel with multi product categories. You simply have to be all over the detail every day. GTN Xtra: You’re only as good as your last delivery into a retailer? ”If we don’t supply a good quality product on time, we’re not even in the game. It starts and ends with those basics and given the massive change we’ve had in the last 18 months and the funding constraints under the previous ownership we’ve had our challenges but now we’ve been given the resource and the support to deliver on our promises. The “new” Gardman has no debt, it is an all equity business and it’s our equity alongside our investor’s equity. We’re in it, it’s personal and we’re going to deliver, and I don’t say that lightly. GTN Xtra: And that gives you a platform where you can go forward without the debt and with the confidence to deliver product and meet demand? “Yes. In one of the first conversations that I had with our new Investors they said to me: What do we need to do? Well, what we need to do is deliver a good quality product on time. That’s where we start from. Of course we’ve got lots of exciting things over and above that. I think what we will present at Glee will be fantastic - we’ve got some cracking stuff, but we deliver the basics first and foremost. And that’s what we are going to do. GTN Xtra: Gardman seemed to take good advantage of the sale of Solus and the ensuing situation. You were able to meet demand? “Yes and no. I think we were in the right position to take advantage of it because we offered the right range and were a well known brand and trusted in the market. But it presented some major challenges for us because we weren’t sure how much we would pick up and it did cause problems for this season in terms of servicing the market as well as we would have liked , so that is something we’re all over now in terms of forecasting next year because we’ve got the benefit of the season. The demise of Solus wasn’t the only variable to be managed in that we had the constraints I’ve already talked about, but it was another factor. GTN Xtra: At the time I remember GTN talking to you about whether Gardman were going to buy Solus – did you make the right decision? At the time it wasn’t as attractive to us as it was to others - we were going through such a significant period of transition it just felt as though it was one thing too many. Additionally we have some very talented people in Gardman who could develop the product ranges where we had gaps so we could take advantage. Tooling would be a prime example of this. Henry Corbett came from Solus [to Gardman] and he developed the tool range there, so he came here and we had that asset in the business. He has made a massive difference, so we have done it organically rather than inorganically which would have cost a lot more money. GTN Xtra: Agents. How do your investors look at the business when it is reliant on agents selling rather than its own in house sales force? “Naturally when investors were looking at Gardman that was one of the things they wanted to understand better. Their conclusion is entirely consistent with mine which is that our Agents are one of the biggest assets for Gardman. They have been with us for a very long time, they understand the market, they know the customers, they know the products and I am bringing them deeper into this organisation because they can influence things like new product development and service innovation. They are out in the field every day and so they know what we need to do. So we need to listen and work with them to take the business forward. GTN Xtra: I guess if someone is just looking at the numbers there is a sales cost that needn’t be as high as it is. “Yes, perhaps that’s what an accountant would say, and maybe I’ve learnt this along the way, I was an accountant 25 years ago but not now. They [our agents] are a significant but very important investment for this organisation. Of course they need to be effective and we need to work with them to make sure we get the best return but it’s the lifeblood of our independent garden centre business and we understand that. They’ve done it for years and years and those relationships are worth a huge amount; our Customers tell us all the time how much they value them. It’s often the first question we get asked – Why have you got agents? Surely you’d rather have an employed sales force? The answer is “ No. It works - that’s the bottom line”. Read the full interview including Jonathan’s views on future trends and brand development at Gardman in the October issue of GTN.
See pictures below of the Gardman stand at spoga+gafa last week.
Eight garden centres get Black Rock as new landlord in major freehold fund sale
LaSalle Investment Management’s Garden Centre Fund, which holds the freehold of eight garden centres including Cadbury, Endsleigh and Bicester Avenue Wyevales, has been acquired by Black Rock in what is believed to be one of the largest deals of its type in the UK...

Above: Cadbury was the HQ of the Garden & Leisure Group before Wyevale acquired it.
LaSalle Investment Management’s Garden Centre Fund, which holds the freehold of eight garden centres, has been acquired by Black Rock in what is believed to be one of the largest deals of its type in the UK. The tenants include Cadbury, Bicester Avenue and Endsleigh, all owned by Wyevale Garden Centres. LaSalle put the fund, set up in 2006, up for sale earlier this year, looking for bids in excess of £110m. The deal price is reported to be £112.5m, which represents a yield of more than 5.5%. The sale is understood to have crystallised a significant return for its investors. With the average unexpired length of the leases said to be around 29 years, the rental income gives Black Rock a yield of 5.25%.
The other five tenants are: Stanmore (Squires), Woodford (Notcutts), Cardiff, Stevenage and Wimborne (all Wyevales). The sale is reported to have attracted interest from a number of UK institutions – the latest sign of institutional appetite for alternative sectors that offer long income streams that can be matched to annuities, according to Estates Gazette. The portfolio is regarded as an unusual one and therefore difficult to price. However, Strutt & Parker’s head of out-of-town retail Andrew Hulme has been quoted as saying that investors were attracted by assets such as garden centres or service stations where the tenant on the headlease did not necessarily account for the majority of the income. Wyevale is among garden centre groups who have built concession income into their growth plans in recent years. Wyevale still owns around 70% of its 149-centre portfolio freehold. The keen interest attracted by the LaSalle sale has led Observers to speculate that Wyevale may consider further sale and leaseback deals. Estates Gazette says owner Terra Firma was reported to be considering a £700m sale or listing of the business last year. It bought the company in 2012 for £276m.
The Garden Industry Manufacturers’ Association has confirmed that its membership roster has recently expanded with the introduction of 15 new members.
Coming from varied sections of the garden retail market, the new members bring with them a wealth of experience and industry knowledge. From award-winning greenhouses, to pest control and horticultural experts, the latest GIMA members help to further diversify GIMA’s offering, reflecting the variation of products that help garden retailers to create such a unique shopping experience.
GIMA’s new members are:
- Ascalon ( – market-leading specialist trade supplier of wrought iron garden furniture and structures, combined with a substantial range of cast iron and garden orientated giftware.
- Eden Hall Greenhouses ( - the largest manufacturer of residential greenhouses in the world, supplying garden centres, DIY multiples, internet resellers and export distribution partners.
- Rentokil ( - Rentokil has been a household name since 1927 and is the number one pest control brand in the UK.
- Crown Pavilions ( - manufacturers of the finest garden rooms, pool houses, wooden gazebos and bespoke outbuildings in the UK.
- The Pot Company ( - The Pot Company has been sourcing garden planters from around the world for almost 30 years.
- Faulks & Cox Ltd ( - suppliers of high quality WM Faulks tools for professional tradesman, the company also manufacture and supplies the world’s most famous brands of tubs, including Tubtrugs®, Gorilla Tubs® and Tyre Rubber™.
- Glendale Garden & Leisure ( - with over 30 years of manufacturing experience Glendale's range of quality leisure products spans from a steel frame range of chairs & hammocks to permanent steel gazebos.
- Abacus Cards ( - Abacus publish a diverse and imaginative range of greetings cards, lovingly designed and created by its in-house design team.
- Papaya Trading ( – suppliers of high quality oak interior furniture.
- Batavia GmbH ( - Batavia is a young Dutch-based company operating throughout Europe with a strong offering focused on innovation and niche sectors with DIY, Home and Garden products.
- UK Garden Buildings ( - leading manufacturers and fitters of quality timber garden buildings including home offices, garden rooms, timber buildings, sheds and summerhouses.
- Norfolk Greenhouses ( - manufacturers of affordable, well built and safe greenhouses, buildings and canopies, plus gardening accessories for over 40 years.
- Buttacup ( – suppliers of the UK’s first range of self-watering curved planters, including the innovative Buttacup Flow, which is designed to attach directly onto a water butt.
- Nap Brands ( – is the single point sourcing solution for FMCG goods and Hardware in Europe, offering leading brands such as Black & Decker, Stanley and Impax.
- Green Digit ( - Green Digit is the brains behind SeedCell, a new concept in Grow-Your-Own. Put simply, it's packaging you plant! SeedCell offers a fun, clever, and waste free way to plant seeds, making them the perfect tool to get children interested in growing their own food.
Welcoming all new members, GIMA Director, Vicky Nuttall said: “I am pleased to report such a strong influx of new members. GIMA welcoming new members is great news for us all, especially the members themselves and the industry as a whole. As more companies are recognising the benefits of joining the association, our increased numbers mean we are able to continue to build even further on our range of services and strengthen our position as a leading voice in the UK gardening industry.”
After three months of refurbishment, Tong Garden Centre was officially reopened on Saturday as hundreds of well-wishers joined in the celebrations. Cheers went up as Welcome to Yorkshire’s chief executive Sir Gary Verity cut the ribbon to mark the relaunch. Sir Gary said: “I was delighted to meet the fantastic team of dedicated staff who are working tirelessly to turn it not only into a great place to shop and buy Yorkshire produce but also into a great tourist attraction for the region. Welcome to Yorkshire look forward to working with the team and seeing the centre go from strength to strength.”
Pictured: Sir Gary with Cath Westmoreland and Julie McAlister.
Since school friends Mark Farnsworth and Tom Megginson bought the ailing garden centre in May, they have invested in an extended plant area, children's adventure playground and a new coffee shop and have introduced concessions including Mountain Warehouse and Huddersfield-based Bon Marché. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding, customers from Pudsey who have been visiting Tong for many years, said they were delighted with the transformation: “Tong was looking tired before, but now there are new ideas and a new energy. It's an amazing change and just what it needed.” Owner Mark Farnsworth said: “Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate the relaunch with us. We were proud to hear Sir Gary congratulate the Team at Tong for the transformation and we’re looking forward to our bright future." Improvements will continue, with the relaunch of the refurbished Orchard Restaurant later this month. Plans for the New Tong's first Christmas will be announced shortly. The centre occupies a 17-acre site in Tong village. It is one of Yorkshire's biggest independent garden centres, with 110,000 square feet of retail space and parking for up to 1,000 cars.
Gardman’s hugely popular Blacksmith range branches out from hanging gardening into decorative plant supports for 2016. Inspired by the success of its hand-forged wrought-iron hanging baskets, troughs, planters and brackets, the Blacksmith range now includes two designs of plants support, a garden arch and two obelisks (pictured below), all made from the brand’s trademark heavy duty black powder-coated steel; which boasts a 5 year guarantee. • The Blacksmith Heart Plant Support, with its appealing heart-shaped head that will support up to two stems, and the Blacksmith Spiral Plant Support both come in 75cm (30in) and 100cm (40in) sizes. SRP £5.99 and £6.99 respectively.
 • The Blacksmith Arch is an exclusive design that incorporates decorative iron rose stud detailing. The arch measures 245cm high x 130cm wide x 44cm deep. SRP £199.99 • The Blacksmith Obelisk (SRP £149.99) and Blacksmith Feeding Station Obelisk (SRP £99.99), which holds up to four bird feeders, are both 190cm high and also feature the same iron rose detailing as the Blacksmith Arch. Like all Blacksmith products, the new lines are hand crafted in the UK.
Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’, entered by Wyevale Nurseries, won the Best Plant Introduction (Nursery Stock) Award at the Four Oaks Trade Show this week. The variety has deep purple flowers with deep burgundy calyces, dark green foliage and dark stems. It has a very long flowering time – June through to November – and makes an impressive potted specimen. The awards were judged by Garden Centre Association chief executive Iain Wylie and trade journalists Sally Drury and Kate Lowe. The award was presented to Wyevale Nurseries at a reception attended by more than 200 exhibitors. 

Thousands of retailers and buyers are expected to attend Glee 2015 at the NEC, which starts on Monday and continues over three action-packed days.
Garden retailers, landscapers and builders merchants looking to build their business will be flocking to i2i Events’ UK-leading garden retail event, where the latest innovations from hundreds of garden industry suppliers will be on show in one convenient location.
Seeing the latest product launches under one roof is one of the major attractions to Glee visitors, and this September’s show is set to unveil a record number of new items.
An impressive line-up of entries to the popular New Products Showcase is a positive sign that Glee exhibitors are excited about their latest products and can’t wait to show them to visiting retailers and buyers.
Speaking to visitors, we know that a lot of them head to the Showcase first. They can view all the latest items in one place, and once they’ve seen what they like, they then head off to the stand of the manufacturer or supplier of that product to discuss it in more detail.
Winning an New Product Award at Glee can be the launchpad to huge sales. That’s according to companies whose new launches have been recognised at previous exhibitions.
Manufacturers can be confident that successful products have a great chance of becoming bestsellers. And past winners admit that winning an award can certainly increase the profile of the items to the trade. So make sure you visit Glee next week because it’s certainly the place to find the bestsellers of tomorrow.
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products - up 2%
- Veg-2-Gro Products - up 38%
- Growing Media - down 10%
- All Items Index - up 7 %
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email
Delegates from the International Garden Centre Association visited DLF Trifolium’s state-of-the-art packing facility in Hojme, Denmark. The one-off event, the day was designed to showcase DLF Trifolium’s market-leading consumer brands, which include Johnsons Lawn Seed, as well as its dedication to delivering the highest quality processes and products to the international garden retail market. Located on the island of Odense in Eastern Denmark, the facility offers the latest technology in fully-automated packing systems, which automatically produces tens of millions of units of lawn seed every year for delivery across Europe and Russia. It was the ideal platform to showcase the behind-the-scene technology and science that underpins DLF’s work.
Delegates from 21 countries - including the UK, America, New Zealand, France, Japan and the Netherlands were taken on guided tours through every step of the pack and despatch process. Johnsons Lawn Seed’s consumer manager Guy Jenkins, who led the UK contingent through the day, said: “DLF Trifolium is a global leader in lawn seed development, but very few people really understand what goes on at the production level. Our Odense facility is the perfect showcase for the advanced technology and ongoing R&D that takes place for all DLF’s lawn seed products, including consumer brands such as Johnsons Lawn Seed. “Lawn seed may be a very tiny product in regards to its physical size, but our commitment to delivering the highest quality is almost immeasurable. Helping our retail customer understand this through events such as this one is invaluable, as in turn it helps to arm them with the knowledge and passion that we possess; something that will pay dividends back in the retail environment.” Carol Paris, chief executive of the HTA, who attended the event, said: “It was a fascinating visit. The degree of automation in the facility was incredible and I was astonished to learn that DLF have 25% of the worldwide market in seed and 50% of the European market. Events such as this are important because they help us to gain an understanding of other businesses and how they operate, as well as focusing on essential future development.”
Assistant show plant manager for Hortus Loci and YoungHort associate director Jamie Butterworth, celebrated his 21st birthday in unusual style last week-end by leading a team of ‘Grubby Gardeners’ in a 7-seater sponsored cycle ride from London to Brighton for the Perennial charity. The team cycled the 54 miles on a Platipus-sponsored bicycle travelling at an average speed of just over 5mph. So far the team has raised more than £1,300 for Perennial’s Go Green for HortAid 2015 campaign – the total for which stands at almost £5,000 half way through the fortnight.
 After the event, which he completed the day after taking part in the Nuts Challenge mud run for Perennial, Jamie Butterworth said: “This weekend has been one of the most physically gruelling of my life – but also one of the most fun and memorable. The Nuts Challenge really tested my stamina and endurance and it was great to be doing it alongside team-mate Claire Vokins. The seven-seater cycle ride was another matter altogether though – ‘uncomfortable’ doesn’t even come close! But what a bunch of friends and colleagues to be riding with – we’re all so proud to have achieved a first for Perennial and are determined that our fundraising for Perennial will do the physical effort justice.” Joining Jamie were: Claire Vokins (trainee garden designer who also completed the Nuts Challenge on Saturday 5 September), Andrew Wain (head gardener and seasoned ‘Grubby Gardener’), Darren Cavedaschi (MD of bike sponsors Platipus tree anchoring systems, who travelled back from Poland in order to take part), David Lewis (head gardener, garden designer and seasoned ‘Grubby Gardener’), Alec Jones (Landscape Management student at Sheffield University), and Rachel Havers (patisserie chef, food blogger and amateur gardener). Also cycling the iconic London to Brighton route were some of the Three Peaks Extreme (3PE) team who first raised money for Perennial in 2013 when they climbed the UK’s three highest peaks and cycled between them. They raised over £26,000 for that first challenge and have set themselves a target of £2,000 this year with plans afoot for another challenge event in 2016. Anita Bates, Director of Marketing and Development at Perennial, said; “We are in awe of the lengths our supporters go to in order to raise money and awareness of our trade charity. Without their dedication and determination to continue challenging themselves and others, we would not be able to offer the unrivalled range of services we provide to horticulturists across the UK struggling with life’s many challenges. Our 2015 Go Green campaign was given a huge boost this weekend and we thank everyone who took part!” Still to come during Go Green 2015: Buckland Nurseries in Dorking, Surrey and Ansell Garden Centre in West Drayton, Middlesex, are selling Perennial wristbands during the fortnight. Coolings Nursery in Kent will host ‘An Audience with Alan Titchmarsh’ ( with ticket sales and raffle benefitting Perennial. The Hever Castle gardening team will be donning their gnome outfits again this year to raise money for Go Green Perennial (formerly known as The Gardeners’ Royal Benevolent Fund) olffers wide-ranging benevolent services regularly described by clients as a ‘lifeline’ – over 85% of clients say that Perennial’s help had a ‘huge’ or ‘quite big’ effect on their lives – but without the financial support of the UK horticulture industry, their long-term continuation is threatened.
Poplars, Groves and Barton Grange have all won Gold in The Greatest Awards. Which garden centres will be leaving the HTA Futures Conference with Gold this year?
The Greatest Garden Centre Team Awards Categories - The Greatest Garden Care Retail Team of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre Customer Service Team of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre Training Team or Initiative of the Year, sponsored by MorePeople
- The Greatest Garden Centre Merchandising Team of the Year
- The Greatest Gardening Supplier of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre of the Year (Public Vote), sponsored by National Garden Gift Vouchers
Once we've received your nomination we will contact you to arrange a visit from one of our Greatest Awards experts and collect more information.
The Greatest Garden Centre Team Awards will be presented on the evening of Wednesday September 30th at The HTA Futures Conference Dinner.
For details of attending HTA Futures visit: or email: usual The Greatest Awards team of experts will be out and about meeting nominated teams, gathering information and taking photos of their work so that the Gold, Silver and Bronze Greatest Awards winners can be chosen. Plus your team have the chance to become The Greatest Garden Centre Team of 2015 by involving your customers in the public voting later this summer. The Greatest Garden Centre Teams, small, medium and large will be the teams that have the best relationships with their customers and generate the most votes (taking size of centre into account) and in the event of a tie, the centre with the most complimentary comments form their customers. To take part in the public vote please e-mail or call The Greatest Awards on 01733 775700 to request an in store voting pack. As this issue of GTN Xtra goes to press the expert judges are meeting to decide the winners of The Greatest Outdoor Living Retail Team Awards in advance of The National Plant Show. Make sure your Garden Care and Garden Centre teams are nominated for visits later in August and September. The Greatest Awards would like to thank sponsors, Elho, National Garden Gift Vouchers, MorePeople and The HTA plus the event organisers at The HTA Catering Conference, National Plant Show, GIMA Awards spoga+gafa and HTA Futures for agreeing to be presentation venues for The Greatest Awards ON TOUR 2015.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for product and service suppliers seeking to gain the highest possible exposure between now and November this year. Please contact for details.

Click here to read Issue 1 of the Glee Daily News 2015:
Click here to read Issue 2 of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 3 of the Glee Daily News 2015
There will be more preview issues of The Glee Daily News this year, plus three "Live" from the show issues, and an Omnibus issue after Glee.
Glee Daily News 2015 - Issue dates | | | | Glee Daily News - Show Preview | 9 September 2015 | Glee Daily News - Build Up Live Preview | 13 September 2015 | Glee Daily News - Monday Live | 14 September 2015 | Glee Daily News - Tuesday Live | 15 September 2015 | Glee Daily News - Wednesday Live | 16 September 2015 | Glee Daily News - Omnibus Edition | 23 September 2014 |
The Glee Daily News is sent by free to all visitors of Glee. Advertising and promotion opportunities are available. To book your activity into The Glee Daily News, please call Mandy Atkin or Ben Greenwood today on 01733 775700 or by e-mail: REMEMBER TO COLLECT YOUR FREE GLEE SHOW CATALOGUE AT THE ENTRANCES WHEN YOU VISIT GLEE

Polhill Garden Centre Gifts and Homeware Team Leader London Road, Badgers Mount, Sevenoaks, Kent,TN14 7BD An excellent opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic and self motivated, hands-on Team Leader to take on the responsibility of the daily management of the Gift and Homeware Department. The products include gift items, cookware, home interiors and furniture, children’s toys, cards and books. The successful candidate will possess outstanding retail knowledge in a similar environment, display attention to detail and flair for display and possess a real passion for providing outstanding customer service. The main duties include: - Assisting customers
- Ddaily ordering
- Merchandising
- Ddisplays
- Maintaining high levels of shop floor and customer service standards
- Managing a small friendly team
- Some heavy lifting involved
Hours: 4 weekdays and alternate weekends
Assistant Manager, Studley Garden Centre This is a great time to join Studley Garden Centre, part of the Hillview Garden Centres group, as we're about to embark on an investment programme that is aimed to double the store's turnover. We're looking for a strong individual, ideally with a garden centre background. You'll be shop floor based but required to assist with some of the site administration, budgets etc so need to be computer literate. Most importantly you'll be a great retailer and team leader. Send CV and covering letter to Paul Williams, GC Manager Studley Garden Centre,
Commercial Sales Estimator (ref:DS7574) Location: Lincolnshire Salary: Competitive Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 Due to continued growth this family run wholesale nursery business is looking to recruit an experienced Full-time Sales Estimator to join their small, yet busy commercial team. This important role needs the estimator to focus on customer service and work closely with Landscapers, Amenity Contractors and designers. The Sales Estimator will be responsible for generating accurate estimations quotations / tenders, following up tender documents and closely liaising with the client base.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Analyse tender documentation and prepare costs for the client
- Adhering to tight deadlines
- Understand client requirements and discuss cost estimates with the ability to offer alternatives for the benefit of both client and employer
- Assisting the Commercial Sales Manager with duties
- Identifying and introducing potential new clients
- Assist the Sales Team with Technical Enquiries.
Qualifications: Good all-round knowledge of Microsoft packages is essential. Time management, task prioritisation and organisational skills are required as well as being able to work under pressure and on your own. Knowledge of Horticulture is essential, and being able to understand drawings and Specifications would be beneficial. Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Dianne Saunders at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Contracts Manager (ref:DS7458) Location: Surrey ideally but commutable to M25 essential. Salary: £30,000 dependent on experience Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 Our client is a leading Grounds Maintenance Company based in East Anglia who carry out a wide range of commercial contracts throughout the UK. They are currently seeking to recruit a Grounds Maintenance Contracts Manager for the South to oversee commercial contracts throughout this Region. Reporting to the Regional Manager and Operations Director The ideal candidate will currently be employed in a similar role or be seeking to take their next step into a more senior management role. Responsibilities will include:
- Overseeing the implementation of contracts to strict deadlines and budgets
- Assisting in development and bidding for new works
- Liaison with clients
- Implementation and management of health & safety and quality procedures
- Supervision of Teams
- Maintaining contract files
The successful candidate should hold a relevant horticultural or landscape qualification A full driving license is essential. They should also have significant experience in managing commercial contacts and be able to give superb customer service to clients. Ideal candidate should be based in the Surrey or M25 environs. . Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Dianne Saunders at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Home and Leisure Manager (ref:BP7076) Location: Leicestershire Salary: 23 to 26K per annum Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 I am currently seeking a home & leisure manager to join the team of a large independent garden centre. Retail management experience is a must for this role as you will be leading a large team in a busy shop floor environment. Experience at supervisory level may be adequate but will be evaluated on a application by application basis. I am looking for someone who is a driven retailer. The goal of this store is to be the best and their managers need to lead from the front. Experience from a similar quality focussed environment would be preferred Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Brad Peck at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Plant Area Manager (ref:BP7586) Location: North Norfolk Salary: £23,000 Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

The Company My client is a large garden centre group with stores based throughout the United Kingdom. The business has a reputation for quality and destination garden centres. This is a business which invests in its people and provides the opportunity to further a career in garden retail. The Role The role is part of the centres senior leadership team alongside the restaurant manager and deputy manager. It could suit a candidate who is currently a manager at a small centre and looking to step up or a candidate in a larger centre looking to join a group for progression. Day to day the role will involve the leadership and motivation of your team to provide the highest standard of customer service, plant care and merchandising. This centre has a unique customer base because of location adjoining a large supermarket. This provides for a new challenge for candidates coming from a more traditional plantarea environment. The Person I am looking for a superb planteria specialist with a real knack for retail.
Horticulture experience could be gained from practical experience or from an academic qualification but candidates will be expected to lead a horticulture focussed team with good knowledge. Retail experience must be good and you must have demonstrable management ability in a retail environment. This could have been developed in a role outside of horticulture but must be recent. Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Brad Peck at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
As the nights draw in sales of garden lighting and Autumn linked products continue to outperform all other garden product lines.
Star performers this week include:
- Gardman Solar Mini Ice Orb moves to the top spot.
- The highest climber is Woodlodge Spang Pot (3-inch) version), which jumps 35 places to No 9. The Woodlodge Small Pot Feet has also moved into the Top 10 selling items.
- Bayer Path Weedkiller Ready to Use (1-litre) is the highest re-entry at No 17.
- And Bayer also claim the highest new entry accolade with their Ground Clear Long Lasting Strong Weedkiller (6 pack) at No 37.
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Taking place at Chesford Grange, Warwickshire on Tuesday 10 November, the HTA is excited to announce its first HTA Marketing Forum. The marketing forum is for all those involved in marketing and public relations in the garden industry, keynote speakers will include Tim Mason, renowned for launching Tesco’s Clubcard scheme, Tesco Express, and Tesco Personal Finance, and Gerald Ratner, former CEO of Ratners Group (now the Signet Group). With competing interests on consumer time and cash at an all-time high, it is ever more important to ensure your business is promoting itself to its full potential. However, few businesses across the garden sector have huge marketing budgets allowing them to run extensive promotional campaigns. In this one-day event, we take inspiration from inside and outside the industry to provide examples and case studies on getting the most out of your marketing budget. The programme includes keynote presentations, bite sized sessions on topics including loyalty schemes, TV commercials and in-store videos and using consumer segmentation and examples from the industry of innovative ways of attracting new customers on a year round basis. Aimed at garden industry professionals, both experienced and new to marketing and promotions, the programme is designed to ensure that attendees leave with top tips and examples of the best use of new and trusted marketing methods that will bring in new customers and retain existing ones. There will be the opportunity for networking throughout the day with delegates, speakers and exhibition partners. To register your interest, email and more information about the programme and booking will be sent to you as it is announced.
Rosemary plants are definitely the star performers in this week’s Veg-2-Gro chart with two lines showing up strongly in the Bestsellers chart.
Star performers this week include:
- Darby Nurseries Rosemary Miss Jessop’s is the highest climber in the chart, jumping 15 places to No 5.
- The highest new entry is Quantil Rosemary Common (8.5cm), which enters the chart at No 10.
- Farplants Strawberry Cambridge Favourite takes the highest re-entry accolade, claiming No 6 spot.
- Quantil Purple Sprouting Broccoli takes top spot, moving up six places.
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Jekka's new herb range sells in rapidly to trade
Johnsons Seeds reports its newly introduced range Jekka's Herbs is rapidly selling in to the garden trade, having achieved 90 per cent of its target in terms of number of collections by the end of August 2015, just a few weeks after its launch...
Johnsons Seeds reports its newly introduced range Jekka's Herbs is rapidly selling in to the garden trade, having achieved 90 per cent of its target in terms of number of collections by the end of August 2015, just a few weeks after its launch.
Jekka McVicar is the UK's leading expert on herbs, and has a high and trusted profile both with the trade and their customers. She has chosen a range of 47 species and varieties of herbs, including both well known 'classics' and some more unusual names which are stimulating interest in keen kitchen gardeners and adventurous cooks. Jekka commented: "I am very pleased to be working in partnership with Johnsons. It is great to have a really good range of culinary herb seeds available, which will inspire people to grow them in their gardens or containers and then use them in the kitchen to transform a simple meal into a feast. I'm also delighted with the response from the public to this new collection; they love the photographs , which are tempting them to buy more than they planned." Presented in large-format packets, featuring Jekka's own varietal photography on the front and her personal sowing, growing and usage advice on the reverse, the collection is displayed on a bespoke, stand-alone unit, featuring eye-catching point-of-sale material to encourage both knowledgeable gardeners and impulse purchasers. To find out more about Johnsons and Jekka's Herbs, log on at or telephone 01638 554111.
Westland Bulb Planting Compost is one of the star performers in the GTN Bestsellers Growing Media chart. It is the highest re-entry, returning to the Top 50 at No 17.
Other star performers this week include:
- Vital Earth Bulb Compost is the only new entry to the chart at No 50.
- Westland Gro-Sure All Purpose Compost is the highest climber, jumping 22 places to No 23.
- Scotts Levington Multipurpose + John Innes retains the top spot.
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Using new website technology, the organisers of Glee, which opens at the NEC on Monday, have published their garden trend predictions for 2016. Covering ten different aspects of gardening interests – from garden design, landscaping and planting to outdoor living, eating and garden gadgets – the forecasts tap into the views of the thousands of retail experts using Glee’s site. These are just two sets of their predictions: Top Five Garden Care Products 1 Burgon & Ball - Poc-kit - keep all your valuables and essentials to hand and safe, while you garden in comfort. 2. Darlac - Telescopic Fruit Picker – never over-reach again with this sturdy and extendable picker. 3. Fiskars - PowerGear™ Lopper – part of the PowerGear™ range of cutting products, these loppers afford three times more cutting power thanks to the patented gear mechanism. 4. Baksaver Barrow - these high quality, durable wheelbarrows can be used with very little effort, where you don't need to lift to push or to tip. 5. Rellma Industry Co. - 14-1/3' Grass Shears – the two blades are individually developed to provide the best possible cut. The ergonomic handle allows for 360° degree cutting. Top Five Garden Design Trends
1. Vertical Planting - Watex International Co. - Expandable Green Wall – the epitome of Chinese design, it has a built-in Irrigation system and can transform any vertical space into an eye-catching green wall. 2. Upcycled Ornamentation - Think Outside - EE-I-EE-I-O Planters – bringing its unique style of design all the way from Australia, the EE-I-EE-I-O planter range uses only re- and up-cycled materials to create its Clarence the Cow, Bruce the Bull, Billy the Goat and the Hound Dog planters. 3. Dutch Design Brings Clean Lines - IQbana – Vasaluce – made from Expanded PolyPropylene (EPP), the Vasaluce planter offers sleek lines and contemporary design alongside wider benefits – they’re extremely strong, shockproof, frost resistant and super-light. 4. Functional Garden Retreats - Zest 4 Leisure - Dorset Arbour – already an award-winning product, the Dorset Arbour takes garden retreats to the next level with handy in-built storage. 5 Colour Through Natural Stone - Deco-Pak – Decorative Aggregates – from paths to decorative pot topping, decorative aggregates can take any garden from drab to fab!
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2013 as well as 2014 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail or buy on-line using this link.
Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Veg-2-Gro Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.
Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact or call 01733 775700.
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All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering
Monkton Elm supports British Food Fortnight
Foodies from Somerset are this month being invited to a garden centre in the county to help support British Food Fortnight. Monkton Elm Garden & Pet Centre is celebrating British Food Fortnight from September 19 until October 4 with free tastings from its suppliers...

Foodies from Somerset are this month being invited to a garden centre in the county to help support British Food Fortnight.
Monkton Elm Garden & Pet Centre is celebrating British Food Fortnight from September 19 until October 4 with free tastings from its suppliers. Denis Guillemin, Restaurant Operations Manager in the garden centre’s new restaurant at the award-winning, independent, family-run garden centre at Monkton Heathfield near Taunton, said: “It is incredibly important to support food and drinks suppliers in Britain and we are always championing our suppliers from the local area. “As part of the celebrations we will have lots of our suppliers visiting us to offer free samples to our customers.” The suppliers and tasting sessions include: · Saturday, September 19 – British pies prepared in the Elm Tree Restaurant and Taunton-based Sheppy’s Cider tastings · Sunday, September 20 – British cakes and desserts hand made by the Elm Tree Restaurant · Monday, September 21 – Pyne’s of Somerset barbecue · Tuesday, September 22 – Fruit juices from Lovely Drinks · Wednesday, September 23 – Bread and pastries from Ready Bready Dough · Thursday, September 24 – Guess the fruit and vegetable quiz with unusual fruit and vegetables supplied by Clarke’s fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Taunton. · Friday, September 25 – Sheppy’s Cider tastings · Sunday, September 27 – British pies, cakes and desserts made by the Elm Tree Restaurant · Monday, September 28 – Guess the fruit and vegetable quiz with produce supplied by A David produce in Bristol · Tuesday, September 29 – Pyne’s of Somerset barbecue · Wednesday, September 30 – Hawkridge cheese tastings · Thursday, October 1 – Orchard Pig Cider tastings · Friday, October 2 – Cheddar Gorge Co will have samples of its cheese to try · Saturday, October 3 – The Elm Tree Restaurant British pies, cakes and desserts and Sheppy’s Cider tastings. As well as offering free tastings, the restaurant will also be displaying flags on its British made products and dishes. British Food Fortnight takes place from September 19 until October 4. It is the biggest annual, national celebration of British food and drink. It was established in the wake of the Foot and Mouth crisis, in response to the fact that, though there are numerous food initiatives, projects and events taking place across Britain, there was no overall flagship event to bring them to the public’s attention. All supplier tastings will take place in the Elm Tree Restaurant during normal garden centre opening hours.
Are you celebrating National Cupcake Week?
Catering tip of the week by Doug Stewart
Keeping a menu fresh and vibrant is not an easy task. However national marketing weeks, such as National Cupcake Week is an ideal opportunities to do just that says Doug Stewart, Garden Centre and Catering Consultant...
Catering tip of the week by Doug Stewart, Garden Centre and Catering Consultant
Keeping a menu fresh and vibrant is not an easy task. However national marketing weeks, such as National Cupcake Week (14th – 20th September), or the forthcoming Craft Bakers Week (28th September – 3rd October) are ideal opportunities to do just that. Cupcakes are that rare thing of they are very popular, whilst also being very visual – could you ask for more from an add-on sale in the afternoon. However if cupcakes are not your thing, don’t forget British Roast Dinner Week (28th September – 4th October)
Doug can be contacted through his website,