Squire's run 'Decorate A Christmas Tree' school contest

Primary school children from Green Oak, Moss Lane and St. Hilary’s schools in Godalming are taking part in Squire’s Garden Centres' “Decorate A Christmas Tree” competition.The children had to design their own “Toy Workshop” themed tree decoration - so think toy soldiers, presents, teddy bears, elves…or even Minions or Lego, anything goes! They then visited Squire’s in Milford this week to hang their decorations on a special tree for their school, which is on display in the garden centre. Come along to Squire’s from now until Friday 27th November and vote for the tree that you think is best decorated. Santa will announce the winning school when he arrives at Squire’s in Milford on a fire engine at 10am on Saturday 28th November! The winning school children will all receive a special goody bag. Santa will also be bringing some of his real reindeer with him, so come along to Squire’s to see Santa’s grand arrival and meet his reindeer. This is a FREE event, no ticket required.
Pictured: Tamsin (Deputy Head Girl) and Evie (Head Girl) from St. Hilary’s School in Godalming decorating their tree at Squire’s.