Gardeners still active but attention turns to indoors

Growing media sales volumes are still strong, according to GTN Bestsellers Epos data, as gardeners continue to enjoy the dry and warm conditions. Figures issued by the Met Office suggest we’ve just experienced the driest September on record.
It’s great to know that gardening activity is driving sales of compost but there are signs in this week’s Bestsellers charts that things are starting to move indoors. For instance, orchid growing is very much in the minds of garden centre customers with three of the biggest movers in the Garden Products chart being orchid-related products. The highest climber in the Growing Media Top 50 is also an orchid growing compost. Let’s hope that the good weather continues and gardeners stay active...indoors and out. GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year - Garden Products – down 27%
- Veg 2 Gro – down 36%
- Growing Media – up 23%
- All items index – down 12%
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