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Promising year-end sales figures predicted by the GTN All Products Index
Ian Wylie steps into GCA top seat
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Autumn lawn care lights up the sales chart
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Mike Wyatt hands on the GTN baton
Multi-purpose equals multi-sales
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Watch out for battle with the Dragons this Sunday
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GTN Bestsellers Tip of the week: Make Rootgrow a bestseller
£2m garden centre plan will create 40 new jobs
Onion Sets Electric spark high sales
Landscaping firm hit by burglars four times in five nights
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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


Multi-purpose equals multi-sales
Growing Media

Multipurpose compost lines saw big sales increases last week as autumn planting continued at a good rate in advance of the wet spell we’ve just had.

Top 50 volume sales are 4% up on the same week last year and 25% up on the same week in 2010 so we can safely say that core planting activity hasn’t been deterred by the poor spring/summer.  Hooray for the autumn planting season!

Good performing products include: Arthur Bowers Multipurpose, 60 litres moves up 14 places this week; Shamrock Multipurpose 75 litres is the highest climber, up 20 places; and Westland Multipurpose 50 litres continues to lead the way.

Manure sales also increased last week with more veg plot preparation the order of the day. Scotts Levington Organic Choice Manure increased sales by 61% to move up 11 places while Arthur Bowers Farm manure held onto it’s top 3 position.

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