Flexible hotspot solutions for retailing plants in colour
Flexible hotspot solutions for retailing plants in colour come from Colour Your Season. Behind the printed boards are three stacked pallets topped with a plastic tray to hold flowering plants and provide a useful reservoir. They are easy to make and dismantle in a short space of time.
DecoWraps is offering a range of pot covers to instantly turn a pot plant into a gift. In a range of sizes, the retail prices start at 50cents for tiny tots up to 2.20 euro. Currently this line is not available in the UK.
A real showstopper, Poinsettia Fantasy Star Orange has been introduced by SelectaOne for Christmas 2025 sales. Fantasy Star Red is also available and in the pipeline for 2026 is Fantasy Star Pink.
Lewisia 'Sunset Glow' was entered into the show's new plant competition and also found on the Kientzler GmbH & Co stand which included many other new introductions under the Proven Winners brand. It's being grown in the UK by Kernock Park Plants.