How to build a successful brand without a big marketing budget

Mark Palmer has led the marketing for two award winning clearly differentiated brands - Green & Black's organic chocolate and Pret a Manger. Mark will discuss how with a clear targeting and positioning, these brands invested in customer experience ahead of advertising to develop customer trust and fast growing sales...
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The Art of Story Telling

Storytelling is our oldest form of communication and the visual merchandiser must play on the senses to add value to products and brands...
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Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mindset

Nigel Temple, marketing consultant, trainer and author and Founder of The Marketing Compass, will provide an overview of current marketing thinking and how to embrace the Marketing Mindset...
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Using content solutions to increase brand awareness
If you think about the constant flood of advertisements and marketing jargon a consumer is exposed to on a daily basis, you would think it's almost impossible, as a marketer, to stand out amongst the noise. Haymarket Media Group's Tim Lomas and Antje Derks will reveal ways to make your mark...
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Top tips to improve customer engagement on Social Media

Pete Doyle, Founder and CEO of SocialRetail Group, has been in retail for 30 years and is an experienced Twitter specialist. He will impart his top 5 tips to help you get closer to your customers...
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Hitting above your weight in the PR field

Alan Down, Partner, Cleeve Nursery will illustrate how Cleeve Nursery has hit above its weight in the PR field...
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Planning events to drive sales
Sally Cornelissen, Director of Burleydam Garden Centre, will talk about how to choose events that please your current customers and how to plan events that can drive new customers to your business...
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Garden Relief Day 2017...the No 1 marketing and PR opportunity for the start of the gardening year

Trevor Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Garden Trade News, will explain that taking part in Garden Re-Leaf Day can help your business as well as raising funds for Greenfingers Charity...
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Who will be the winners of GTN's first Greatest Marketing Team Awards?

As part of GTN's Greatest Awards 2016, Garden Trade News will celebrate excellence in garden centre marketing by hosting and presenting fhe first ever Greatest Marketing Team Awards at the conference...
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Online vs offline retail in garden centres

Romeo Sommers, Founder and Chief Executive, byRomeo and Green Your Day, will explain why he thinks garden centre retailers should be open for change and how to develop new business models, in particular how to combine offline and online...
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How to supercharge your sales with Facebook Advertising
Mark Mars, Managing Director, Perceptive Flow, will give an overview on how to set up effective, targeted Facebook advertising to extend reach, raise brand awareness and ultimately increase sales and website click-throughs...
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QVC provides opportunities for the gardening industry

Richard Jackson is the Gardening Presenter on QVC UK. He discusses the background to this shopping phenomenon and the opportunities for the gardening industry...
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Gardening on television – the present and future

Matt Young, Executive Producer at Spun Gold TV, and Katie Rushworth, gardener and garden designer at The Queen of Spades and presenter on ITV’s Love Your Garden, will discuss ways in which programme makers and the commercial sector can work together to entice the next generation of garden owners to watch gardening on TV and spend money on their gardens...
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Marketing Forum at Whittlebury Hall next door to Silverstone

The venue for next week's HTA Marketing Forum is Whittlebury Hall, just next door to Silverstone...
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