Following the Ball Colegrave Summer Showcase of 2018 and the positive comments from the visiting multiple retail customers of Florna Plants, it was agreed to produce the concept as a summer collection of three distinct Colour Trends: Hit Refresh, Bridal Bouquet & Bollywood.
Following the success of a 100% sell out and even a customer ‘reserve list’, Florna again in conjunction with Ball Colegrave, has launched the Autumn ‘19 Colour Trends® collection.
Florna has followed closely the original recipes, kept true to the concepts and timings, backed up by great point of sale the first trend product has been eagerly received in many leading garden centres.
“In my experience Florna has produced a fantastic quality premium product that is by far the best colour themed concept on the market. We look forward to seeing the full range of themes rolled out at Klondyke garden centres throughout the year,” says Andy Smith, head of purchasing at Klondyke Strikes.
Working with partners Elburg Smit on key branding. Florna has gone as far as trade marking the concept to protect the purity of the line.
Garden centre sales manager, Gareth Powell, says: "Careful consideration to detail in the planning across Colour Trends has led to this success along with a skilful team at Florna all working to tight deadlines."