We plan to put zip back into grow-your-own say Crest and Plantpak
A joint venture announced this week by Desch Plantpak and new suppliers Crest Garden is designed to re-kindle interest in the UK ‘grow your own’ retail propagation market... The products will be marketed exclusively under the ‘Plantpak by Crest’ brand name. The range will include traditional Plantpak favourite retail products such as seed and gravel trays, propagators and plant pots together with several new additions including heated propagators and plant raising kits. A number of other innovations for 2015 are to be announced shortly. Desch Plantpak MD Chris Clarke said the collaboration would combine a number of well known brands into an offering :”tailored to inspire gardeners”. Nick Davies, MD of Crest Garden (a venture backed by Westland), said the deal was strategically attractive for both parties. “Plantpak is a respected brand in the UK horticultural industry with a long tradition of manufacturing for the professional and amateur markets. Crest Garden has the resources and expertise to ensure that the products are available to an even larger number of retail garden outlets.” The new range will be launched on the Crest stand at Glee (Hall 19 Stand H23).