Crowders Garden Centre to get name change…could it be Wolds View, Banovallum or Horncastle?

Following last month’s acquisition of Crowders, Wyevale Garden Centres has decided the centre will undergo a name change, set to be unveiled on March 16. Members of the local community are being invited to help choose the new name by casting their vote.Visitors will have the opportunity to select from three names put forward by colleagues at the centre: - Wolds View – Trevor Blake and Simon Nagle favourite scenic view of the Wolds from the plant area
- Banovallum – historic Roman name for Horncastle as suggested by Richard Howitt
- Horncastle – Because we are proud to be joining the Horncastle community
Wyevale Garden Centres will be donating £500 to local voluntary emergency services charity Lives in recognition of the community’s support for the initiative.
Crowders Garden Centre has for many years supported Lives, and Wyevale Garden Centres is delighted to continue to support this fantastic local initiative. Specially designed voting boxes will be located in the centre from 8th February 2016, and visitors are invited to place a bulb in the voting box representing their name of choice. Voting will run through to 28th February inclusive.
Ken Dawson, Garden Centre Manager, Crowders Garden Centre, said: “We are thrilled to invite visitors at Crowders to play an important role in shaping the future name of the centre to ensure the new name is in keeping with its rich history and heritage, and chimes with local community values.”
Trevor Blake, a long serving member of staff at Crowders Garden Centre, said: “Crowders has so much heritage and we are delighted to be part of the renaming process. I have been a colleague at the centre for 15 years and it is thrilling have an input in this significant change for the centre.”
