Business as usual at the Old Railway Line Garden Centre after sickness outbreak on Mother's Day

It was business as usual this week at the award-winning Old Railway Line Garden Centre after a reported 40 people were struck down by sickness following a visit to the store on Mother's Day. Although investigations by Environmental Health officials are ongoing it's believed the affected customers had symptoms closely matching those of a norovirus outbreak currently widespread throughout South Wales.

It was business as usual this week at the award-winning Old Railway Line Garden Centre after a reported 40 people were struck down by sickness following a visit to the store on Mother's Day.
Although investigations by Environmental Health officials are ongoing it's believed the affected customers had symptoms closely matching those of a norovirus outbreak currently widespread throughout South Wales.
Katie Eckley, manager at the garden centre located in Three Cocks between Brecon and Hay-on-Wye, told GTN Xtra: "We're still waiting for the official report on the cause of the sickness but there is a belief that a person carrying the norovirus visited the store and then the virus spread. A number of staff have also suffered sickness.
"The Environmental Health officials were happy with our high standard of hygiene, and have allowed the garden centre, including the restaurant, to remain open."
To allay customers' fears, the garden centre posted a statement on its website, which is repeated here in full...
Owner, Mark Cleary said: “We would like to respond to the recent reports in local and national media regarding the recent sickness bug picked up by some customers last Sunday. Although investigations are ongoing and lab results are not yet confirmed we feel we should respond to put our customers' minds at rest.
“Customers we have been in contact with have symptoms closely matching those of the nasty norovirus which is currently widespread throughout South Wales. It is likely that one or two of the hundreds of visitors we welcomed that day has brought the virus or something similar with them and passed it on to others. It is also worth noting that some of the people with the illness did not visit or eat in our restaurant last Sunday.
“The local Environmental Health Officer visited a couple of days ago and has complimented us on our usual high standard of hygiene (confirming our 5* food hygiene rating) and thanked us for our co-operation whilst they investigate.
“We would like to wish all those affected a full and speedy recovery and we would also like to thank our customers for their understanding and on-going support. We will keep you updated and issue another release when lab results have been confirmed and more conclusive information is available.”

The future of a new £60 million outlet mall and garden centre at Ashchurch near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, is in doubt after planning officials recommended local councillors turn down the development.
Plans for the development, which could create 1,000 jobs, will be discussed at next week’s Tewkesbury Borough Council planning committee and councillors are being urged to reject the proposals on the grounds of protecting the town centre.
A report by planning officers stated: “The main issues in this case are the impact of the proposals on the vitality and viability of nearby centres, including Tewkesbury town centre.
The developer Robert Hitchins has sent a letter to borough councillors saying that argument is "flawed".
It said: "There is absolutely no doubt that a factory outlet, attracting thousands of visitors per year and providing a shuttle link to the town centre, would increase footfall in Tewkesbury town centre, not reduce it.”
Proposals for the development off the A46 near Junction 9 of the M5 were first put forward in 2013.
The application will be considered at the planning committee's meeting on Tuesday.
Toys to gardening: Wyevale's new CEO starts on Monday
 Wyevale Garden Centres says welcome on Monday (14 March) to a new CEO. Roger McLaughlan, 52, takes over from Kevin Bradshaw – and as his last job was MD of the UK arm of Toys’R’Us, now is the perfect time for Wyevale managers who fancy they’d like to see more cuddly toys in their stores to step forward…
Wyevale Garden Centres says welcome on Monday (14 March) to a new CEO. Roger McLaughlan, 52, takes over from Kevin Bradshaw – and as his last job was MD of the UK arm of Toys’R’Us, now is the perfect time for all those Wyevale managers who fancy they’d like to see a few more cuddly toys in their stores to step forward… Seriously, though, McLaughlan’s arrival could put paid to the speculation that equity group Terra Firma are about to part with their garden centre chain. On the other hand, perhaps they feel the new man’s experience in branding and merchandising over the past 25 years can quickly produce the stardust that will wow future suitors. While Kevin Bradshaw has achieved much during his three-year tenure, acquiring 30 stores, improving efficiency and profitability and upgrading catering, the group is still seen by many to lack the mass-market brand appeal that would deliver a reputation as a well-loved household name.
McLaughlan knows retail backwards, through his experience at Asda (he ran the Living business and was responsible for re-juvenating the George fashion brand), M & S (where he was head of selling for womenswear) and of course at Toys ‘R’ Us, where he took the reins in 2012 at a challenging time and in a difficult consumer environment. People speak well of him. He is said to be a great motivator, an ideas man with a sense of humour and a passion for leadership. Perhaps he can bring a light touch and a sense of fun to the serious business of broadening the appeal of Wyevale Garden Centres to new consumers. He doesn’t sound like the kind of CEO who will throw his toys out of the pram at board meetings...
Mother’s Day provides a good boost to overall sales

Mother’s Day provided a good boost to overall sales this year with good sales of houseplants, planted arrangements, other gift items and of course catering sales. The GTN Bestsellers All Product Sales Index was up 21% on the same week last year...

Mother’s Day provided a good boost to overall sales this year with good sales of houseplants, planted arrangements, other gift items and of course catering sales. The GTN Bestsellers All Product Sales Index was up 21% on the same week last year.
Some centres reported long queues for their restaurants on Mother’s Day.
“We were serving glasses of Prosecco to our customers while they were queueing,” Jon Kitchen from Beckworth Emporium told GTN this week.
“Even with that it was a record day for us, and we even had a better than usual Monday too with some of our customers spreading their Mother’s Day celebrations into this week.”
The inclement weather meant gardening sales are still to get growing, but with all this footfall so early in the year things bode well for the rest of the year.
Suppliers are certainly looking forward to a good one. A survey of members by GIMA revealed an expectation of 10% growth this year. They must know we are in for a year of great weather!
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products - down 4%
- Veg-2-Gro - down 6%
- Growing Media - up 22%
- All Items Index - up 21%
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Get involved with Garden Re-Leaf Day on Friday
If you’re looking for an easy way to get your customers involved in Garden Re-Leaf Day next Friday (18th March) how about asking your catering team to whisk up a special Garden Re-Leaf Day offer?
If you’re looking for an easy way to get your customers involved in Garden Re-Leaf Day next Friday (18th March) how about asking your catering team to whisk up a special Garden Re-Leaf Day offer?
Thetford Garden Centre are serving a special vegetable soup and donating £1.00 to Greenfingers for every one served along with several other fun fundraising events on the day.
If every garden centre joined in and raised £100 or more from simple ideas like these on Garden Re-Leaf Day then even more gardens at Children’s Hospices can be built in 2016.

Somerset folk are being encouraged to help raise money for the children’s charity Greenfingers by entering a Garden Re-Leaf Day raffle this month at Monkton Elm Garden & Pet Centre. Linda Petrons, Head of Fundraising at Greenfingers, said: “We are thrilled that the garden centre is supporting Garden Re-Leaf Day and hope that customers will flock to it to support their raffle. “The money raised really will make a huge difference and will help us continue creating magical and therapeutic gardens for children who spend time in hospices around the UK and their families.” Garden Re-Leaf Day takes place on Friday, March 18 but activities can take place throughout the week in aid of Greenfingers. Andrew Pitman, Store Manager at the award-winning, independent, family-run garden centre, said: “Garden Re-Leaf Day is a fantastic initiative to mark the start of the spring gardening season. As members of the Garden Centre Association (GCA) we are encouraged to get involved as one of the main aims of the day is to raise money for Greenfingers so we are thrilled to be the hosts of this raffle. “Raffle tickets, which cost £1, are available to purchase from us now and the winners will be drawn on Saturday, March 19. The winning tickets will be on display in-store and people who have entered will be encouraged to return to the store and see what they have won.” “There are £1,500 worth of prizes for the winners to choose from, including an Alexander Rose garden bench worth £175 and a nest of oak tables worth £245 as well as crates of seeds, gardening tools and Sunday lunch or afternoon tea in our restaurant.”
Pictured: Laura Holmes, Till Operator at Monkton Elm Garden & Pet Centre with some of the raffle prizes.

Squire’s Garden Centres are holding a 24-hour 'Plant-athon' on 17th & 18th March to raise money for Greenfingers.
The 24-hour Plant-athon will start on Thursday 17th March at 2pm at Squire’s in Badshot Lea (near Farnham), and will then move to Squire’s in Twickenham overnight, finishing on Friday 18th March at 2pm.
Customers can come along to watch the Plant-athon, get hints and tips, ask gardening questions, and even roll up their sleeves and get involved in the planting!
Specially planted up Spring pots from the Plant-athon will be sold, and 20% from each sale will be given to Greenfingers, to raise money for this fantastic charity.
Squire’s Managing Director Dennis Espley is leading the Plant-athon, and he will be planting day and night.
Some very special guests will be joining him at Squire’s in Twickenham on Friday 18th March including Andrew Gill (President of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture) and Andy McIndoe (one of the UK's leading horticulturists, with a record 25 Gold Medals at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show).
Thompson & Morgan pays record amount for single seed

Thompson & Morgan has paid a world record amount (£1,250) for single giant pumpkin seed and now the company is offering it to home gardeners for free. It's all part of an attempt to bring world record pumpkin weight to UK shores for the first time...

A bidding war at the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth World Conference has led to a record payout for a single pumpkin seed. British seed and young plant supplier Thompson & Morgan went head to head against the world’s pumpkin growing elite in a move to see the world record pumpkin weight brought to UK shores in 2016.A standard packet of every-day pumpkin seed retails for as little as 99p for 10 seeds, but the chance to own potentially world record-breaking seed doesn’t come along often and attracts worldwide attention. More than 80 delegates from 11 countries attended the three day event (26-28Feb) at Pinetops Nurseries, Lymington, Hampshire – the first time the event has been held in the UK. The attendance list read as a who’s-who of the pumpkin world and included the five best international pumpkin growers (all record breakers) alongside the UK’s very own specialists – Ian and Stuart Paton. The Hampshire twins have consistently upped the UK record weight in 40 years of growing, and even briefly held the European Record in 2014 until the world record was smashed in Switzerland. Thompson & Morgan has long been the sponsor for the official UK Giant Pumpkin weigh in, held each October at The Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Netley Park, Southampton. Over the years it has paid out thousands of pounds for UK and European record breakers, but has never had to hand out the top £10,000 prize for a world record breaker. 
The world’s most expensive pumpkin seed comes packed with inbuilt genetics from the current world record holder – a mammoth 2,323 lb (1054kg) specimen produced by Swiss grower Beni Meier in 2014. At its peak of growth the giant piled on a staggering 44lbs of weight per day – stand and look for long enough and you could see it swelling with your own eyes. To keep up with the growth rate, the plant needed 150 gallons of fertilised water every day – equivalent to filling five household baths!
Bidding for the giant seed remained frantic until the £700 mark, it then fell down to just two interested parties; Thompson & Morgan Horticultural Director Paul Hansord and Eddie Zaychkowski, a phone bidder calling in from Edmonton, Canada. The £1,250 selling price surpasses the previous £1,171 record price set in 2010. Paul Hansord said: “The UK is home to some of the most passionate and dedicated pumpkin growers. Sadly none have been lucky enough to break the world record. To do that you need to start out with the best quality seed. Our spend on the Swiss seed may seem a high price to pay, but it will boost the genetics of UK plants moving forward and give us the best chance of seeing the world title brought to the UK for the first time. This seed and its parent represents a new generation of pumpkin breeding. The thickness of the flesh is much denser than older varieties, bringing more opportunity for heavyweight giants to be produced. Getting hold of this seed is the equivalent of buying Red Rum for stud use!” You’d think that the seed specialist would want to keep a close eye on the growing of the pumpkin, but Mr Hansord is now seeking interest from UK veg growers willing to take on the seed and attempt to break the world record in their own gardens this summer. He said: “We’re looking for someone with the passion, dedication and time to produce a giant specimen. The main season of care falls when we are all hands on deck with our mail order plant despatches. While we don’t have the time to look after the plant ourselves, we have all the tips and specialist knowledge to pass on to the chosen grower to give them the best success with the seed”. To register your interest write to Paul, detailing where the plant will be grown and why you should be chosen to grow the seed. Don’t delay – the seed needs to be sown around 15th April for the best chance of success: Paul Hansord Giant Pumpkin Seed Thompson & Morgan Poplar Lane Ipswich Suffolk IP8 5EU Or email pressoffice@thompson-morgan.com The resulting pumpkin will need to be entered for the weigh-in at the Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Netley Park, Southampton, 8th October
Bord na Móna UK expands customer services
The continuing success of Bord na Móna Growise, the new single brand of peat to peat-free growing media and soil improvers, has now led to an expansion in the customer services department at BNM UK’s head office...

The continuing success of Bord na Móna Growise, the new single brand of peat to peat-free growing media and soil improvers, has now led to an expansion in the customer services department at BNM UK’s head office.
After the successful launch at GLEE 2015, the company has recruited Mandy Smith and Justine Kemp as customer service advisers. They join the team at The Forge, Rooksbridge, Somerset, which Bord na Móna UK opened last year as its base for the UK sales, marketing and customer services, liaising with production and distribution facilities in both the UK mainland and Ireland.
Mandy worked previously for Cadbury Garden & Leisure, now part of Wyevale Garden Centres Group, while Justine worked at Urban Planters, the supplier of plant-related products to offices and homes.
Sales manager Jason Pike explained: “UK sales of Bord na Móna Growise continue to ramp year on year. We anticipated a great take up on the new range and we continue to build our UK stock holding accordingly. Now we are adding to our sales and customer services capacity to keep pace with our customers’ demands.”
The new Bord na Móna Growise range combines distinctive colour-coded packaging with new POS boards, new literature and a new website.
Jason continued: “The investment that has gone into the new brand is all about ensuring that the garden retail customer is well supported on and off line, in media and at point of sale.
"The overall message of our best in class peat to peat-free proposition backed by security of supply. Our mission is to ensure the consumer can buy the very best performing product whatever the task in hand.”
Bord na Móna UK trades peat–reduced and peat-free growing media and soil improvers through garden centres nationally and is the largest own brand supplier of compost and bark in the UK.
It is part of Bord na Móna plc, which specialises in eco-fuels, growing media, recycling, resource recovery and renewable energy.
The Home Garden Association – part of Fleuroselect – have named beans and zinnias as their Plants of the Year for retail promotion in 2017. In association with Floramedia, they are making a comprehensive range of images, online banners, ads, plant labels and POS material available to garden centres as downloads from their website.
The Plant of the Year promotion was launched in 2015, the ‘Year of the Sunflower’, to encourage take-up of winning varieties in Fleuroselect’s annual awards. For 2016, the themes are Tomato and Cosmos, materials for which can still be downloaded. Go to: homegardenassociation.com and click the appropriate links. 

There has been a lot of talk in the industry recently about the need to encourage a younger audience into gardening, as an increasingly urban and ageing population continues to pose a significant threat to its future. Town & Country is wholeheartedly behind the drive to engage a new generation as demonstrated by its latest initiative - the ‘Design a Gardening Glove Schools Challenge.’ The competition has been launched as a pilot scheme across the company’s local area of Leicestershire and is open to all those schools in the region that take part in gardening activities. There has already been a tremendous response, with dozens of school applying to enter and numerous imaginative designs being sent into the marketing ream at Town & Country’s Bardon head office. The overall winning design will be turned into a brand new glove, with a pair sent to the pupil responsible, as well as the class teacher, with a view to the gloves being considered for Town & Country’s new product range that will be going into garden centres from September 2016. Andrea Litchfield, Town & Country marketing executive comments: “We have been overwhelmed by the response to this schools initiative and it shows that there is a real interest among these youngsters who are already involved in gardening projects through the work that goes on at their schools. We are looking forward to the judging process and selecting an overall winning design.” Judging will be taking place in March with the panel including representatives from Town & Country as well as from Leicester City Council’s Environmental Education department. The overall winner will be announced in due course.
Pictured: Marketing Executive, Andrea Litchfield, with some of the many entries to the Design a Gardening Glove Challenge.
The EU has postponed its decision to renew the licence for glyphosate, the active ingredient in many garden weedkillers, after opposition from France, Holland, Italy and Sweden. The licence, which expires at the end of June, was expected to be extended this week for another 15 years, even though the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) had raised doubts by classifying glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. The European Chemicals Agency’s investigation into the wider human health effects of glyphosate will not be completed until later next year. A spokesman for Monsanto, the manufacturers of glyphosate, said it was not unusual for a decision to be postponed when doubts were raised. Approval could still be given within weeks. Even if approval is given, pressure from consumer groups is still likely. In France, garden chemicals must be sold from locked cabinets from 2017 and will be banned from sale from 2019.
GTN's Trevor Pfeiffer needs to have a week of heavy excercise and fasting to meet his weight loss target by Garden Re-Leaf Day on March 18th and raise money for Greenfingers...
"Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day takes place on Friday 18th March 2016 - and I set myself a target to loose 1 stone between the GCA Conference and Garden Re-Leaf Day and raise money for Greenfingers by making it a sponosred slim.
"Last week I managed 3 fasting days on my 5:2 fast plan but as of yesterday I hadn't lost any extra weight! Arrggghhhh! I'm now away from home on business until Wednesday evening so the next few days will be very difficult to manage proper fasting days. I will have to resort to getting as much exercise as possible and hope that does the trick to shed those extra 5 pounds by Friday.
"Immediately after conference I went down with a bout of man flu, so I was only able to get the diet up and running on Wednesday 3rd February. My start weight was registered as 15 stone 4 pounds.
"On that plan I can eat normally on non-fast days but only a maximum of 600 calories on fast days, but I now think the "normal"days will need to be closer to fasting too!
After a week of three fasting days and no weight loss I definately need some extra incentives to loose the next 5 pounds in only 6 days.
"Your donation to Greenfingers via https://www.justgiving.com/Trevor-Pfeiffer will give me all the extra motivation I need to make sure I get there.
"I'll keep you all updated with my progress in GTN Xtra. Thank you to all the people who have already sponsored me. I'm looking forward to raising more money for Greenfingers when I reach the target from all the kind people who've also said they would support me." Next year I wonder how many pounds of lost weight can the UK gardening industry convert into £'s cash for Greenfingers by Garden Re-Leaf Day?
Garden Re-Leaf 2016 has already attracted eight top industry figures who will be staging 24 hour Plant-athons in garden centres beginning their Plant-athons on Thursday 17th and finishing on Friday the 18th. Poplars, Adrian Hall and Sunshine Garden Centres have all recently confirmed they will put on Garden Re-Leaf events in store.

With a hall sparkling with chandeliers and brimming with quality plants, the Klondyke Group's annual Plant Show took place at the magnificent Gisborough Hall in Teeside.
Over 20 suppliers exhibited at the show, including Wyevale Nurseries and New Leaf Plants, who were appearing for the first time.The show, which was attended by the Group’s 22 Plant Managers and Horticultural Buying Team, gave the perfect opportunity to plan and select stock for the 2016 season by bringing them together with many of the best from the UK plant supply chain. David Arnold, Independent Consultant to the Garden Industry, was also in attendance and led a workshop session on new trends in plant areas and shared findings of recent research into what people are looking for from their gardens. Klondyke’s Senior Horticultural Buyer Andy Smith organised the show and commented: “Our 2016 event has showcased our ranges to our Plant Managers and set the scene for the season. I would like to thank all of our suppliers who attended and wish them all a great 2016 season." During the show, The Bransford Webb Plant Company were presented with the Klondyke Group’s award for Supplier of the Year 2015. David Chilvers, Account Manager commented: “To win the Klondyke Plant Supplier of the Year award really means a lot to us all at Bransford Webbs, as it is one of the few awards that is voted for by the customers. We have been working with Klondyke for many years now and it is great to supply a forward looking company that really has horticulture and plants at the core of its business." Gisborough Hall is located near to the group’s Stokesley Garden Centre which has recently undergone a large refurbishment project, with new plant area and restaurant. The Stokesley centre is the first of many plant areas to be upgraded, this upgrade is based around themes and making the offer more customer friendly.

Due to the strong growth in Glee, an opportunity has arisen for an exceptional New Business Manager to win completely new business on the UK’s leading garden retail event.
The role focus is on achieving new business growth for Glee, across a range of categories, as well as commercial objectives agreed with the Event Director. These include:- Hitting and exceeding the new business revenue target
- Delivering new revenue streams
- Increasing average order value and customer growth year on year
- Delivering on set KPIs and agreed measurable targets
- Increasing conversion rate customer retention and activity to deliver expected new business revenue
Rigorous sales planning ability and exceptional customer skills are vital alongside ‘hunter’ mentality to win the sale and a dogged determination to unearth new business opportunities. Experience required: - 2-3 years sales experience, preferably in an exhibition sales role
- Effective sales planning skills
- Proven new business hunter skills and target-driven approach
- Evident of developing impressive new business from scratch
- Strong understanding of effective pipeline management
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Customer focus
- Current clean driving license
Email your CV to: jobs@i2ieventsgroup.com (Reference No. i2i – 220)

Junior Buyer: Garden Care We have an exciting opportunity to join the Notcutts team as a Junior Buyer for the Gardening category covering all things gardening except Plants at our offices in Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Notcutts has a rich history in horticulture with 18 Notcutts Garden Centres across the UK has its own character and we are currently investing heavily in developing our sites further. The Junior Buyer will take responsibility for selecting and developing the Gardening ranges for our business.
- The ideal candidate will understand both the category and customers, possess strong communication and negotiation skills and have a passion and enthusiasm for customers and products.
- They should an excellent team player focused on driving sales and profitability.
You can expect a competitive salary plus benefits including pension contributions and a generous company discount. If you are interested in applying for this role, please forward an up to date CV and covering letter to: recruitment@notcutts.co.uk.
An exciting opportunity exists for an enthusiastic team player to join Bristol’s Largest Independent Garden Centre as our Shop Assistant Manager.
The Ideal Candidate will possess excellent people management skills, Great Communication Skills and be able to lead and organise your team whilst maintaining excellent customer service sales and service.
The role requires an outstanding merchandiser standards and have a proven track record in motivating teams to exceptional achievements.
In return, we provide a competitive salary, a friendly working environment, staff discount scheme, subsidised social events and a benefits package commensurate with a progressive company.
To apply, please download the application form by clicking here and submit the completed form to info@almondsbury.co.uk.
Please include your current CV and a covering letter explaining why you would be an excellent recruit for this role, including examples of how you could be an asset to our business.
For more information, please email info@almondsbury.co.uk

National Sales Manager Amenity and Landscaping Sector (ref:DS8170)
Location: South West England Salary: Excellent Date: 04 Mar Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is the world's leading biochar company, promoting the responsible production and use of biochar products. Biochar is a form of charcoal used for horticulture. Biochar improves the physical and biological dynamics of the soil and is proven to deliver increased productivity, health and vigour in plants, trees and shrubs. Our client produces a range of branded biochar-based blends for commercial horticulture, tree care specialists and hobby gardeners. They are currently seeing a dynamic individual to cover national sales of their products through to the Landscape, Amenity and Tree Care Sector.
The Role
The company has established a solid customer base in its core markets and is now looking for an individual who can support and grow the sales effort, increasing company turnover and profit margin. The role is accountable to the CEO and Commercial Development Manager who will support, guide and work alongside to advise and meet the company's objectives and strategic priorities. The role will involve the following:
- Relationship building with sales prospects and influencers in target markets.
- Increase sales to existing customer base.
- Identify and secure new customers in the target market.
- Set up and manage network of distributors in target markets.
- Research and identify new sales and market opportunities.
- Present the company and its products face-to-face at trade shows and sales presentations.
- Negotiating terms of agreement and closing sales.
- Active participation in the development of company sales strategy.
The Candidate
- The candidate will have a positive 'can do' attitude.
- An inquisitiveness to learn and be challenged.
- A warm personality and sense of humour.
- Willingness to work hard and beyond the remit when necessary.
- A grasp of 'green' principles and understanding of the importance of sustainability.
- A proven track record in taking new products to market.
The successful candidate will have autonomy to ensure the sales objectives are met, so will need to be a self-starter, driven to build customer acquisition. They will also contribute to the creation of annual strategic sales plans and supply regular detailed feedback and analysis to inform future planning direction. A proven track record that demonstrates understanding of the sales process from prospect identification to close of sale.
This role demands an ability to think strategically, combined with the ability to multi task. A thoroughly organised individual who can tactically deliver and implement is essential. Having a sound grasp of what makes this company 'special' and believing in the principles of organic production are essential.
Location: Based in central Bristol (BS1) but required to travel across the UK and Europe for meetings.
Salary and terms: £tbc + commission or performance-based bonus. 25 days holiday + Bank Holidays. Company mobile phone and laptop provided.
To apply for this role click here
Plant Area Manager (Full time, including alternate weekends) West Horsley KT24 6AR Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centre’s based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in horticultural retailing. We want our staff to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic customer focused environment. West Horsley, a traditional GCA garden centre and nursery with a strong horticultural background set deep in the beautiful Surrey countryside between Guildford and Leatherhead. An enthusiastic team who know their customers as well as their subject and who strive to make the centre a hub of the local community. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our garden centre at West Horsley.
- You will be responsible for managing the outdoor plant department which has an extensive and well stocked plant area.
- You must have experience and/or horticultural qualifications and garden centre retail experience.
- You will be able to manage your department to achieve sales and profit targets whilst motivating your team to maximise all sales opportunities and inspiring them to offer the highest standards of customer service.
- You must have the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment, have a passion for plants, be highly motivated, commercially aware and able to create dynamic, inspirational displays.
Free parking on site.
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

Garden Centre Assistant Manager (ref:DS8156)
Location: East Sussex Salary: £18,000 - £21,000 Date: 02 Mar Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is a lovely family run plant and garden centre with great café and farm shop who are based near Brighton. They are currently looking for an Assistant Manager.
The Role
As Assistant Manager you will be responsible for the centre in the absence of the Manager and Owners. This is a hands on role within a close team and offers great potential for someone who is driven and keen to develop their retail career.
The Candidate
The candidate will have great retail background who ideally has an interest or some horticultural experience. The role would suit someone from a garden centre, DIY or supermarket background who is looking to further their career and take a step towards Garden Centre Management in the future.
To apply for this role click here
Bedding Department Head (Full time, including alternate weekends) West Horsley KT24 6AR Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centre’s based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in horticultural retailing. We want our staff to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic customer focused environment. West Horsley, a traditional GCA garden centre and nursery with a strong horticultural background set deep in the beautiful Surrey countryside between Guildford and Leatherhead. An enthusiastic team who know their customers as well as their subject and who strive to make the centre a hub of the local community. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our forward-thinking family-owned company, which is committed to our staff, growing our business and setting high standards.
- You will be responsible for the bedding plant department at our West Horsley Garden Centre which has an extensive and well stocked plant area.
- You will have extensive knowledge and experience of working in a retail bedding department and/or a horticultural qualification.
- A passion for customer service and the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment are essential.
- You will be flexible, enthusiastic and highly motivated, commercially aware and have the ability to create dynamic displays.
Free parking on site.
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

Grounds Maintenance Team Leader / Supervisor (ref:DS7832)
Location: Cheshire Salary: £16,000 - £18,000 - dependent on experience Date: 11 Mar Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is a leading Grounds Maintenance Company based in East Anglia who carry out a wide range of commercial contracts throughout the UK. They are currently seeking to recruit a Grounds Maintenance Team Leader / Supervisor for their Cheshire Contract.
The Role
Reporting to the Contracts Manager, the ideal candidate will currently be employed in a similar role in the grounds maintenance sector and have great team and supervisory management experience.
- Be able to deliver the level of grounds care demanded by the client within the strict deadlines and budgets of the contract.
- Liaise with clients when needed.
- Be aware of health & safety and quality procedures on site.
- Supervision of Teams
The Candidate
The successful candidate should hold a relevant horticultural or landscape qualification. A full driving license is essential.They should also have good grounds maintenance or landscaping skills and be able to give superb customer service to clients.
Ideal candidate should be based in the Nantwich Area.
Salary range: £16,000 -£18,000 - dependent on experience
To apply for this role click here
Plant Area Sales Assistant (Full time, including alternate weekends) Twickenham TW2 5PA Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centre’s based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in horticultural retailing. We want our staff to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic customer focused environment. Squire’s oldest site with a new centre built in 1993, and is about to undergo a significant facelift. A garden centre that takes a very high turnover for its size, with a strong horticultural focus in plants and sundries, often winning GCA category awards, with the recent addition of new Pets & Aquatics and Craft areas. We are looking for an enthusiastic, motivated individual who is quick and willing to learn and who sees customer service as their main priority. - The ideal candidate will be self-motivated and energetic, have a passion for plants and an eye for creating exciting detailed displays.
- Horticultural experience or equivalent qualifications desirable.
- The role will involve bending and lifting some heavy items therefore applicants must be physically fit.
Free parking on site.
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

Area Sales Manager / Garden Centre & DIY (ref:DS8169)
Location: Yorkshire and the Humber Salary: Attractive Date: 11 Mar Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is a small but growing provider of wild bird care products supplying the retail, pet and garden centre sectors in the UK Market. Working with recognised high street names and offering a nationally respected and recognised brand name.
The Role
The role will be split between managing existing national retail customers and working with the existing management team to identify and secure new business in line with business strategy. The role is home-based but will involve national travel for several days each month. The position will be offered with an attractive salary, pension, car allowance, laptop, mobile phone and profit share scheme. This role provides an exceptional opportunity to the right individual to help shape a growing company and benefit from that growth through career progression.
The Candidate
The successful candidate will be a self-motivated Account Manager with a proven track record in B2B sales or account management with national retail accounts and will work to grow sales by winning new business and developing strong relationships with new and existing retail customers. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential as is the ability to work unsupervised. A self-starter with the passion to persuade retail buyers with a compelling offer and balance sales growth with customer retention.
To apply for this role click here

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Lighting shines brightly for garden product sales
Volumes for the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart are down on the previous week and they are also lagging behind the same period for the past two years (-4.1% in 2015 and -27.4% in 2014). The bright spot is garden lighting with several products making their mark...
Volumes for the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart are down on the previous week and they are also lagging behind the same period for the past two years (-4.1% in 2015 and -27.4% in 2014). The bright spot is garden lighting with several products making their mark.
Here are the highlights of this week’s Garden Products chart:
- The highest climber is Smart Solar Orbis Light, jumping 35 places to No 6.
- Smart Solar Eureka! Lightbulb Lantern (pictured) is the highest new entry at No 25. The company’s Snowdrop Flower Light is another newcomer to the chart.
- The highest re-entry is Scheurich Solid Ivory Pot, 14cm, at No 8.
- Fito Drip Feeder for Orchids retains the top spot.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Veg-2-Gro sales are down on the same week of the previous two years (-6.3% 2015 and -27.4% 2014) but there is a glimmer of hope with volumes being nearly 6% higher than the previous week.
This week’s Veg-2-Gro star performers are:
- 4Scotts Miracle-Gro Growables Cherry Tomato Seed Pot is the highest new entry at No 15 after catching the eye at Glee last September.
- Other new entries are Mr Fothergills Pea Ambassador and Thompson & Morgan Dwarf Bean Opera.
- Taylors onion sets dominate the top five places, and they also take the highest re-entry prize with the Karmen variety.
- The highest climber goes to Taylors Shallots Yellow Moon, climbing 33 places to No 12.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Growing media sales witness a slow down
The fortunes of growing media sales saw a change on the previous week, being down by nearly 29%. But they were still ahead of the same week in the past two years, and organic products had a particularly good sales week...
The fortunes of growing media sales saw a change on the previous week, being down by nearly 29%. But they were still ahead of the same week in the past two years, and organic products had a particularly good sales week.
This week’s star performers include:
- GroWise Organic Garden Compost (50 litres) was the highest new entry at No 14.
- A place higher was the highest climber, Scotts Levington Organic Gro-bag, moving up 18 places to No 13.
- The highest re-entry was Westland John Innes Seed (30 litres) at No 24.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Linked sales from Kent & Stowe to increase consumer spend
The marketing team at Kent & Stowe, who are well known for their innovative approach to creating new retail sales opportunities, have developed a programme to help garden centres increase consumer spend on Lawncare through linked promotions and displays...
The marketing team at Kent & Stowe, who are well known for their innovative approach to creating new retail sales opportunities, have developed a programme to help garden centres increase consumer spend on Lawncare through linked promotions and displays.
Their hard hitting in-store product placement campaign to site essential lawn equipment alongside lawn seed, lawn food, moss killer etc will build consumer spend and enable gardeners to get their lawns into peak condition for the summer months ahead.
Kent & Stowe value-added lawn promotions also add impetus to the campaign which covers grass and border shears, swivel shears, lawn rakes and the brand new exclusive K&S lawn edge trimmer.
This new lawn edger has a high quality stainless steel blade which gives a clean and precise cut, trimming quickly and effortlessly.
The lightweight tool has an easy to use ‘Walk and Cut’ rocking technique which is ideal for edging lawns around patios, driveways, flower beds and borders.
These are not just run of the mill promotions but real and valuable linked sales backed by impactful POS and purpose designed display bins.
Full details are available from your Crest Garden sales contact. Visit www.crest-garden.com
Fallen Fruits set to open Van Hage giftware display
Garden giftware company Fallen Fruits, whose themed, designer collections are inspired by nature, is set to open one of its largest ‘shop within a shop’ display areas at leading garden centre, Van Hage’s flagship store in Hertfordshire.

Garden giftware company Fallen Fruits, whose themed, designer collections are inspired by nature, is set to open one of its largest ‘shop within a shop’ display areas at leading garden centre, Van Hage’s flagship store in Hertfordshire.The installation is set to be introduced to Van Hage’s Great Amwell store on March 18th and will cover a huge 42m².
The new display area will showcase one of the most comprehensive selections of Fallen Fruits garden giftware items in the country and product ranges will be categorised accordingly to subtle themes. This dedicated space has been designed to make the consumer feel at home, while providing the retailer with a well-managed and profitable concept. Some of the company’s most popular product ranges will be featured, including the new Farmer’s Pride collection of Grow Your Own accessories and the striking Tractor Table and matching Tractor Seats, along with a host of stylish gifts for the home and garden. Fallen Fruits Managing director, Michael Hall commented, “We are delighted to be invited into Van Hage’s flagship garden centre and are confident that our creatively merchandised display will result in an increase in customer interest, customer interaction and consequently sales.” For more information, contact Fallen Fruits on 01584 873377 or by emailing sales@fallenfruits.co.uk.
The funeral service of Phil Kimberley will take place at Redditch Crematorium at 11 am on March 17. Phill sadly died on March 1.
One of the characters of our industry, Phil had worked for Erin and ICI Garden Products, before joining Solus Garden & Leisure where he built strong and lasting relationships with many accounts over the years.
Covering the Midlands, Wales and the West Country, he was totally committed to the companies he worked for, yet equally committed to helping his customers build their businesses too.
Knowing his products inside out and understanding the garden trade, Phil was renowned for building sales for his retail customers through promotions and deals that capitalised on potential business when trade was right.
Also a committed family man, Phil leaves wife Diana, daughter Sharlene and son Craig along with four grandchildren. Many of Phils' customers knew of his enjoyment of food, especially cake, and at weekends he could often be found supporting his favourite football team Birmingham City. Phil and his wife had recently discovered the joys of cruises following his retirement after a short spell working for Stax Birmingham, helping build their garden products wholesale operation.
Redditch Crematorium is on Bordesley Lane, Redditch, B97 6RR.
 Kelkay has launched new pumps and lights to further enhance the company’s best selling water feature brands easyfountain and Henri.
Four new pumps, with capabilities of 450, 750, 1100 and 1500 litres per hour, are now available to power small and large water features. They’re easy to install, have an adjustable flow rate and an anti-clog foam free inlet. A 10-metre cable makes them highly versatile and will give consumers complete confidence and peace of mind.
Kelkay’s new range of water feature lights includes three kits all low voltage, easy to install with 20,000 hours usage. Each kit includes either 2, 3 or 4 led light strings each with a 4 led ring per string. Also included in the kit is a weather proof transformer and 10mt cable.
The pump and light ranges are available to retailers on a stand deal including PoS.
Antony Harker, managing director of Kelkay, said: “Kelkay premium water features are highly regarded by retailers so we’re expanding the ranges with more essential accessories. The new lights will make any water feature the focal point of its surroundings, while the pumps will keep water clean and maintain its natural glisten.”
Kelkay ensures industry leading stock availability and delivery lead times, especially at peak periods. It offers a £500 carriage paid order service across the UK through its transport logistics department. This ensures customers receive their orders within three days - and in many instances, two.
Kelkay’s brand portfolio includes Borderstone®, Build Mate, easyfountain® and Henri®, providing retailers with a single source of supply for a wide range of garden products. These include aggregates, stone, water and garden features, paving, edging and walling, building materials, horticulture, growing media and winter garden products.
By promoting aggregates, paving and fountains with eye-catching point of sale, merchandising units and display stands, garden retailers have seen sales grow in these categories.
For more information visit www.kelkay.co.uk


Mike Burks, managing director of The Gardens Group, planted a tree in Woodlands Crescent as a gift to local residents during Poundbury Gardens’ 10-year anniversary celebrations.
The Alnus incana Aurea, which is more commonly known as a Golden Alder, was a particular favourite of Mike’s father, David Burks, who was a regular visitor to both the garden centre and the neighbouring park during its early years.
Professor David Leaper, chairman of the Poundbury Residents Association, explains: “The Golden Alder has always meant something special to me, so I am very thankful to Mike and Lucy for planting one in this communal space for everyone who lives in or visits Poundbury to enjoy.” Lucy Simpson, manager of Poundbury Gardens, adds: “We couldn’t have reached this great milestone without the support of the Poundbury Residents Association or the local community, so we wanted to say a huge thank you and plant this commemorative tree as a token of our appreciation. We look forward to watching the tree grow, as the community of Poundbury continues to flourish.” Pictured (from left to right): Kelvin Henwood, Gold Club member, Professor David Leaper, chairman of the Poundbury Residents Association, Lucy Simpson, manager of Poundbury Gardens, and Mike Burks, managing director of The Gardens Group.
Following the success of last year’s competition, ‘Pimp Up Your Roundup’ is back for the third year running.
Roundup is challenging independent retailers to get their creative juices flowing when it comes to their displays this season.
The 2016 promotion, will see the UK’s number one weedkiller brand give away over £6000* worth of stock to independent retailers. In addition Roundup is also giving away £200 worth of high street vouchers for each winning retailer team that go the extra mile to create the most inventive and eye-catching Roundup displays.
The promotion is running from the beginning of March until the end of May. To enter retailers simply need to take a photo of their pimped-up Roundup display and email the photo to pimpuproundup@roundup-garden.com. At the end of each month two independent retailers will be chosen based on their display photo, giving six winners in total.
The prizes will vary by month but will include two Roundup Gel 150ml x 140 units, two Roundup Pump N Go Mini 2.5L x 64 units and two Roundup Ready to use 1L x 116 units, as well as £200 worth of high street vouchers for each winning retailer team.
Gary Philpotts, Roundup Lawn and Garden UK business director comments, “Retailers have embraced the ‘Pimp Up Your Roundup’ promotion over the past two years and we have been really impressed by the standard of entries, which is one of the reasons why we’ve decided to bring it back for the third year in a row.
“This year we’re also giving the retail staff the chance to win £200 worth of high street vouchers for their creative efforts. The promotion will overlap with Roundup’s consumer marketing activity, which includes an impressive TV advertising campaign, print, PR and social media campaigns, all designed to help drive customers in store. There has never been a better time to create an eye catching Roundup display!”
To find out more about the ‘Pimp Up Your Roundup’ promotion and to read the terms and conditions, visit www.roundup-garden.com/pimpup or call 01483 410334.
*at suggested retail value
Pictures from The Greatest Christmas Gold-winning Teams
Garden centre teams excelled with their Christmas displays in 2015. Click on any of the gold-winning teams (below) to see a gallery of pictures from each centre. The galleries are sponsored by Kaemingk...
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2014 as well as 2015 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or buy on-line using this link.
Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Veg-2-Gro Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.
Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.
All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering
KitchenPod helps Frosts to improve café performance

PKL, a leading supplier of catering infrastructure solutions, has produced a KitchenPod for Frosts Garden Centre at Millets Farm. The quick and cost-effective solution has enabled the garden centre to improve the performance of their on-site café and offer a wider range of food...

PKL, a world leading supplier of catering infrastructure solutions, has produced a KitchenPod for Frosts Garden Centre at Millets Farm. The quick and cost-effective solution has enabled the garden centre to improve the performance of their on-site café and offer a wider range of food.
Frosts Garden Centre at Millets Farm required a quick and cost-effective solution to enable them to take the operation of their on-site café operation in house, and offer a wider range of food. As a family-oriented site, Frosts recognised that improving their café facilities would help attract customers and provide a valuable extra revenue stream.
The previous catering contractor prepared and pre-cooked meals off-site, and then reheated them one at a time in the café, limiting its capabilities.
Frosts decided that the best option would be to convert their existing food regeneration space into a dishwash area and additional servery space, and install a KitchenPod linked to the building. They also created additional seating areas to increase the café’s capacity.
The KitchenPod will enable the garden centre’s café to produce hot food on site and greatly expand their menu.
Simon O’Shea, the garden centre’s Catering Operations Manager, said: “We bought the KitchenPod because of the convenience of getting everything we need in one managed package. It suited our needs down to the ground.
"This was much better than building a new kitchen from scratch and was much more convenient. We’ve budgeted to double the sales of the cafe based on the fact that we can produce the food straight away, right on the doorstep.
"It’s enabling us to improve our menu so we can increase the spend per head as well. It should pay for itself in no time.”

Tea and coffee equipment and product supplier Café Works is offering garden centres without cafés the chance to be involved in the charity Greenfingers’ Garden Re-leaf Day. The Shropshire-based provider of single serve coffee options, tea and coffee equipment and vending solutions is able to loan equipment for fundraising pop-up events taking place on March 18. Café Works’ boss, Jacques Farmer, explained: “We’re keen to support Greenfingers and Garden Re-leaf Day and one way we can do this is to offer garden centres without cafés the chance to have some of our equipment on a first come, first served basis to host a coffee morning or a tea party in aid of the charity. “We’re happy for garden centres to have one of our fully automatic Bean to Cup machines and to sell the coffee to raise funds for Greenfingers. The sooner interested parties get in touch the better as of course the loan is subject to equipment and staff availability and we expect this will be a popular idea as it is such a wonderful cause.” Greenfingers is a national charity dedicated to supporting the children and their families who use hospices around the UK by creating inspiring gardens for them to relax in and enjoy. Jacques, who is licensed to work in tea and coffee services by the Academy of Food and Wine Service, added: “It’s a tremendous charity that creates magical spaces for children to enjoy with their families and friends. They are spaces for fun and play as well as for therapeutic rest and relaxation.” Anyone interested in Café Works’ pop-up coffee morning or tea party offer in aid of Greenfingers on Garden Re-leaf Day, should contact the company soon on 01952 291026. Jacques concluded: “Café Works is ‘more than just tea and coffee’. We do everything from offering sound advice to selling great equipment and products, and have innovative ideas to help our clients solve the various problems they might have, along with providing other bits and pieces for home, restaurants and coffee shops. “We are also working with an established designer to tailor our equipment and products to suit, for example, farm shops needing coffee to go and restaurants needing something more sophisticated. We also help small businesses needing equipment to help save staff time in-house when making that all important, inspirational and thirst-quenching cuppa for the team!” For further details, please call Café Works, which is based in Priorslee, Telford, on 01952 291026 or visit www.cafe-works.co.uk.