Dobbies and Tesco have announced plans for a new co-joined development at Redwood Drive, East Kilbride. This will be their first joint new build store in Scotland where customers will be able to access both businesses through a single entrance.
The site already has planning permission for a stand-alone supermarket and a Dobbies Garden Centre. However, Tesco and Dobbies will be hosting a public consultation exhibition on its new plans in early December. This community consultation event will form part of a new detailed planning application, which will allow the company to deliver this exciting new development.
Adam Williams, Tesco Corporate Affairs Manager, commented: “We are excited to be sharing these new plans with the local community. This new format will be the first of its kind in Scotland and we look forward to getting feedback on our plans.
"Customers will be able to access both the Tesco store and Dobbies through a single entrance, joined by the popular Dobbies restaurant at the front of the store. The store will provide a fantastic shopping experience and bring more choice and value for money to shoppers in East Kilbride.”
The new development will bring over 400 jobs to East Kilbride, and Tesco and Dobbies will work with partners to recruit locally. The garden centre will offer more than 10,000 plants, shrubs and trees and include extensive outdoor areas and a specialist aquatics department within an attractive landscaped environment.
It will also house a Food Market offering locally-grown produce from Lanarkshire as well as a top-quality restaurant, serving freshly-prepared meals and home baking.
Stuart Wright, director of property at Dobbies, said: “Our plans for East Kilbride brings a new-generation retail and garden centre to the area which will not only offer quality, range and value to customers who love their home and garden; but also a unique day-out destination for all the family to enjoy.”
Dobbies also prides itself on developing links with local communities – and works with local residents, schools and businesses to provide gardening demonstrations, ‘grow your own’ sessions, horticultural and landscaping initiatives and the Dobbies Little Seedlings Club which encourages children to take an interest in gardening.
A public exhibition of the proposals will be held from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 5th December and from 12 noon until 6pm on Friday 6th December. The exhibition will be in The Garden Room which is part of The Byre, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, G75 8RH. This exhibition is open to all members of the community and the Tesco and Dobbies project team will be on hand to answer any queries.