HortTech Award

Hort Tech Award – up to £5,000

Technology is becoming increasingly important in horticulture. A number of colleges and universities have specialist technical schools, working on projects as well as educating students, whether this is looking to reduce human labour inputs or improve growing conditions and product ‘shelf-life’ post harvest.

We are very grateful to The Worshipful Company of Gardeners for their support of this award. Speaking on behalf of the Guild, John Gilberts, Master of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, said

The Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London Charity Trustees are delighted to support this award and to be working with the Colegrave Seabrook Foundation to further the use of technology within the horticultural industry.”

The Worshipful Company of Gardeners, first mentioned in City Corporation records in 1345, is a survivor from the medieval craft guilds which exercised control over the practice of their particular crafts and ensured a proper training through the system of apprenticeship. In 1605, after existing for centuries as a mystery or fellowship, the Guild was incorporated by Royal Charter. The Charter sets out the operations controlled by the Company: “The trade, crafte or misterie of gardening, planting, grafting, setting, sowing, cutting, arboring, rocking, mounting, covering, fencing and removing of plants, herbes, seedes, fruites, trees, stocks, setts, and of contryving the conveyances to the same belonging…”  Today, the Company ranks number 66 in the order of precedence of Livery Companies in the City of London.


Up to £5,000 to support the development of cutting-edge technologies in ornamental horticulture.

  • Students who can show a keen interest in HortTech. This interest is likely to be demonstrated through specific practical work in this area.
  • Academics who are actively engaged in the teaching and/or development of horticultural technologies.
  • Individuals working in this field who are looking for funding to start to develop, or further their existing work on, a bright idea.

Colegrave Seabrook Foundation.

Please read all the notes on this award and the application form before applying. A sound business plan is a key element of this application which clearly identifies the problem you are seeking to solve and the commercial future should your solution prove practical. Support for colleagues and tutors, suppliers and potential customers can all form an important part of this application. Some detail of costings and how any money awarded in support will form an important part of your application.

From September of current year to 31st January of following year.

31st January.

Scholarship season opens in September, so check back then to apply online.