Greenfingers benefits from the sale of 3,400 Town & Country gloves...and there's still more to come!

3,400 and still counting...that’s the number of pairs of Town & Country gardening gloves sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day that have so far been calculated. With more than half of garden centres still to submit their sales figures, Town & Country is confident of at least doubling that figure. This all bodes well for beneficiaries Greenfingers. As part of its fundraising efforts for the charity, Town & Country pledged to donate 25p for every one of its gardening gloves sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day and encouraged all Garden Centres to sell as many gloves as possible to help generate much-needed funds to help the charity continue its valuable work. Comments Barry Page, chief executive: “We are delighted with the sales figures that have come in so far, which show that a whopping 3,400 pairs of Town & Country gloves were sold in the first three hours of Garden Re-Leaf Day. We look forward to confirming the finally tally once all the figures are in and we can calculate the final donation that we will be making to Greenfingers.” If you still need to submit your gloves sales for Friday, March 27, send details to Pictured: Glovies time! Town & Country Head Office on the stroke of 11am on Garden Re-Leaf Day, Friday, 27th March 2015.