Fleuroselect launches '2015 - the Year of the Sunflower'!

Fleuroselect, the international Organisation for the Ornamental Plants Industry, has launched its new '2015 Year of the Sunflower' marketing campaign.
This new campaign, initiated by Fleuroselect’s Home Garden Association, is designed to promote the use of Sunflowers to home gardeners with the objective of boosting volume sales of Sunflower seed and plant products for producers, suppliers and retailers. To support the campaign, there will be high profile consumer media activity in all major European countries during the main selling period, commencing early in 2015. A wide range of marketing materials is being produced to support the campaign. These materials are available free of charge to the campaign participants and include: - a specially designed ‘Year of the Sunflower’ logo, available in English, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish which can be used on seed packaging or plant labels, and any other marketing materials
- a library of stunning Sunflower images
- a specially commissioned instructional video showing consumers how to sow and use Sunflowers in their gardens, available in six languages
- website banners and also QR codes to link retail POS materials to the video
- template consumer press releases in six languages
- consumer advertising templates in six languages
- a range of high impact point of sale materials for effective displays in retail stores (available at additional cost from the campaign partner Floramedia BV)
Commenting on the pre-launch at the IPM in Essen, Germany, Sally van der Horst, the Fleuroselect Secretary General said: “The response we received to our new Year of the Sunflower campaign was extraordinary. Everyone we spoke to at the IPM, including breeders, seed and young plant producers, suppliers and retailers, said that they would certainly consider including the campaign as part of their own 2015 marketing activities. We now know that 2015 really will be - The Year of the Sunflower!” For more information, please visit the Fleuroselect Home Garden website www.homegardenassociation.com or contact Fleuroselect directly: info@fleuroselect.com