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HTA launches grower contribution scheme for plant protection product authorisations


The Horticultural Trades Association has opened a call to growers to add to its support for Horticultural Crop Protection Ltd (HCP Ltd). 


The HTA, along with the British Protected Ornamentals Association, has written to their grower members, setting out the opportunity for them to make voluntary contributions to support the HCP delivery of Extensions of Authorisations for Minor Uses (EAMUs) and emergency applications for plant protection products.


Fran Barnes, Chief Executive of the HTA, said: "The HTA supports the shared ambition of establishing a sustainable and robust mechanism for processing EAMUs and emergency applications. All stakeholders should recognise the significance of plant protection products for horticultural growers and their supply chains and how vital it is to ensure the continuity of ornamental expertise and resources at HCP. The HTA thanks those who have already committed funds, and we are encouraging all members who can and will benefit from HCP’s work to consider contributing."


The HTA has already committed to a separate substantial financial and in-kind contribution to HCP. Details of the voluntary contribution scheme and a mechanism to express support have been set up by the HTA, with proposed support bands ranging from £200-£4950.


Several HTA members have already confirmed support:


Charles Carr, Head of Hillier Wholesale Nurseries, commented: “I’m delighted to be appointed to the HCP board to represent the Ornamentals sector and the HTA. The organisation is already well underway, with an experienced team working on our behalf. The role provides a great opportunity to ensure that our industry gets the output we need. Hilliers supports and welcomes the HCP offering, which is a simple solution to enable a cross-sector, transparent and cost-effective approach to maintaining and developing our crop protection options with a focus on delivering the products we so badly need. The nursery stock industry lost its ability to apply for EAMUs when the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board closed. The ability to have EAMU applications enables the majority of the chemicals that we are still able to use on the nursery as our crops are classed as ‘minor use’. It is imperative that we retain a mechanism as an industry to keep these applications live and continuing.”


Marc Jones, Managing Director of Tristram Plants and Director of Farplants Group, acknowledged the critical importance of HCP's work in ensuring effective and sustainable crop protection measures for the future. He emphasised the commitment of his organisation by stating: “The Farplants Group recognises the vital importance of the work HCP will be doing in ensuring we maintain effective and sustainable crop protection measures in the years to come. We will be making a full voluntary contribution and trust that every nursery business committed to the long-term future of our industry will do likewise. We really appreciate the commitment of both the HTA and BPOA to make this work and thank Charles Carr for representing the Nursery Stock Sector on the HCP Board.”


Jonathan Whittemore, Commercial and Business Manager at Johnsons of Whixley Ltd, commented: "We welcome this initiative in seeking cross-industry support to provide a route for the critical delivery of EAMUs. It is vital that we sustain access to plant protection for horticultural growers of all types and sizes. We encourage all those who can to join businesses like ours in supporting this activity.”

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