Small animals including reptiles and amphibians, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, gerbils and insects and spiders, are reported to have died in a fire that destroyed the Pet Safari pet shop at Stephen H Smith's garden centre in Pool Road, Otley.

The blaze broke out late on Tuesday night, 18th July 2017 and led to fire crews from six stations, being sent to the scene.
Richard Coggill, general manager of Stephen H Smith's told the Bradford Telegraph and Argus: "The pet department, unfortunately, suffered very severe damage.
"This has been a tragic occurrence and catastrophic for the owners, they are devastated."
On facebook a Pet Safari staff member wrote: "We managed to save a few animals but many were lost."
The garden centre re-opened on Thursday, but not Pet Safari.
Read the full story at: http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15419723.Fifty_firefighters_tackle_garden_centre_blaze/#