Jack Fillingham graduates from Sunshine training scheme to Rising Stars

Jack Fillingham, Leisure Duty Manager at Sunshine Garden Centre
Jack Fillingham has worked in every part of Sunshine Garden Centre after joining on their Graduate Training Scheme and after a year landed on the leisure department and a nomination for Rising Stars 2015. Jack applied for the Sunshine Graduate Scheme after studying Business Economics at the University of Leeds, “I was looking for a career in retail and found this opportunity on the milk round,” Jack explained. “Meeting other people in same situation as me, sharing experiences have been the high points of Rising Stars, As a group we have all helped each other. Colleagues have always wanted to know about Rising Stars, hoping they can get some new ideas too.” Patrick Loughrey, HR Manager at Sunshine told GTN Xtra: “Jack has come back from any Rising Star seminar much more confident and you can just tell through his body language he's really trying to initiate things in the business to improve things so it’s been a great success.”