
If you are one of the many garden centres who have been encouraging your customers to vote for you in GTN's The Greatest Christmas Awards please collect up all of you in store votes and send them to the office to be counted along with the thousands of on-line votes already received.
Send them straight after Christmas to:
The Greatest Awards The Garden Communication & Media Co Ltd The Old School 4 Crowland Road Eye Peterborough PE6 7TN
The on-line voting closes automatically at the end of today.
Final counting takes plave on Monday 4th January 2016 with the winners being announced at The Greatest Awards Christmas Party on Sunday Janaury 10th in the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate.
Happy Christmas to all our readers
The team at GTN and Garden Radio have been so busy during December we missed the last posting date for Christmas cards, so we send you our Christmas best wishes along with this issue of GTN Xtra...
The team at GTN and Garden Radio have been so busy during December we missed the last posting date for Christmas cards, so we send you our Christmas best wishes along with this issue of GTN Xtra.
We've had a great time meeting so many of you while visiting you in your centres, at trade shows, conferences and at The Greatest Awards. Thank you for your time, have a brilliant Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all again soon in 2016.
Happy Christmas!
Trevor, Mandy, Neil, Mike, Ben, Rebbecca, Dan, Harry and Karen. The team at GTN, Garden Radio and Pet Trade Xtra.

The owner of a garden centre, which was threatened with closure over unauthorised expansion, has submitted new plans for the site.
Rob Scott had claimed that Hare Hatch Sheeplands, near Wargrave, was in danger of shutting with the loss of more than 100 jobs after Wokingham Borough Council decided to start enforcement action following a long- running planning dispute.
Mr Scott was first served with an enforcement notice for unauthorised expansion in 2012 when the council said he was using green belt land to display and sell conservatories and greenhouses and had extended the café and children’s play area.
Now Mr Scott has submitted fresh plans to the council for both the play area and a pet food retail unit which was closed earlier this year.
The indoor play area and a petting farm on land next to it were in use before the council took action.
The play area has inflatable toys, slides and climbing frames. The farm has pens for animals and walkways between them for families to walk along. Under the new plans there would also be picnic areas.
Despite the enforcement action, Mr Scott and his agents Green Planning Studio claim the play area and new petting zoo would not contravene planning regulations on green belt land. In their planning statement, they say outdoor recreational use is permitted as long as it “preserves the openness of the green belt”.
The council is expected to make a decision next month – eight months after it refused Mr Scott’s last appeal against enforcement action.
The garden centre’s monthly craft market, which had been running for nine years, was forced to close in May. The children’s play area and farm were then closed.
Mr Scott started a campaign to keep the business open and customer Heather Mailley ran an online petition calling on the council to withdraw the enforcement notice.
The council said it wanted the business to stay open but in April planning officers said they were left with no choice but to refuse Mr Scott a certificate of lawful use for the extensions at the centre because he was unable to provide evidence that the developments were “established”, meaning they had been in use for 10 years or more.
Garden Trade News columnist and retail expert Alyson Haywood has been named as the Garden Centre Association’s new inspector.
Her most recent role was as Head of Horticultural Quality Control for Wyevale Garden Centres. Prior to that she was Managing Director of Moreton Park Garden Centre in Shropshire. Iain Wylie, GCA Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted Alyson has accepted the appointment and that she’ll be working with the GCA again. She has spent all of her working life in the industry and a significant number of those years working at senior level in garden centres. “She has a very impressive CV and is an experienced and passionate horticulturalist with a breadth of experience in retail, marketing, business development and turnaround, and is now a Business Improvement and Development Consultant and horticultural specialist. “Alyson started her garden centre career at the Grosvenor Garden Centre in 1987, and shortly afterwards moved to the newly opened Notcutts Garden Centre in Solihull in 1988 as Horticultural Advisor/Garden Designer. “After this Alyson went to Wyevale Garden Centres as Horticultural Manager at Northampton Wyevale Garden Centre. “While on maternity leave, she gained a post graduate teaching certificate that then led to five years as a part-time Lecturer in Horticulture at Rodbaston College Staffordshire and Telford College of Arts.” But it was not long before she was back working in garden centres. Alyson explained: “I missed garden centres so much I went back to the newly opened Wyevale Garden Centre in Telford and went on to become a Regional Manager with Wyevale Garden Centres. “I was also a Training, Development and Recruitment Manager for Wyevale and was responsible for determining the training, development and recruitment strategies to ensure that the company met its demands. I implemented a training plan for 120 stores and also devised and implemented a competency-based recruitment and selection process for all levels of management, and personally delivered specialist training to other corporate employees.” Alyson was also a General Operations Manager at Wyevale Garden Centres and was responsible for six Regional Managers who jointly controlled a turnover of approximately £110 million. Her other roles have included: General Manager at Woodlands Nurseries, General Manager at Bridgemere Garden World and Head of Nurseries and Regional Manager with The Garden Centre Group. In her spare time Alyson enjoys walking and trekking in remote and challenging areas.

Smart Garden Products Ltd increased sales by 35% to £14.6m in 2014 (£10.8m in 2013) while a loss of £645k was made, compared with a profit of £244k the year before.
The directors say the loss is in line with the business plan adopted following the acquisition of a majority stake by Paris Natar in 2013.
“We are building a substantial business that necessitates a short term loss of profitability while we invest in the required team and infrastructure, including a new Head Office in Abingdon and Distribution Hub in Corby. This year (2015) will see another giant leap in sales coupled with further planned losses. We now have the required platform to deliver profitable sales growth in 2016 and beyond,” said MD Jonathan Stobart. Paris Natar added: “The past 2 ½ years have been exciting and rewarding in equal measure as we have transformed the business into a major garden industry supplier. Our team and our customers have all been amazing which has helped us to make the journey an incredibly smooth one. We are looking forward to 2016, full of optimism and determination to be the best at what we do.”
Roadshows aimed at maximising sales in garden centres
Former Garden Centre Association inspector Liz Hutson is running a series of 'The ‘Grow Your Own Profits’ roadshows over February and March next year, designed to help garden centres maximize sales of bulbs, seeds, plants, garden sundries, irrigation and bird care. This week Liz explains what you can expect at one of her innovative and informative events...
Former Garden Centre Association inspector Liz Hutson is running a series of 'The ‘Grow Your Own Profits’ roadshows over February and March next year, designed to help garden centres maximize sales of bulbs, seeds, plants, garden sundries, irrigation and bird care.
This week Liz explains what you can expect at one of her innovative and informative events...
If customers don’t know what, when or why they should buy something they have no reason to purchase. For some product lines it is either obvious or quick to convey. It is more complicated in many core gardening and environmentally linked areas, but essential to optimize sales. We assume customers know much more than they do; often a simple revelation can have a big impact on sales. Many areas of core gardening and bird care are not at all obvious to the average customer. Once they realize the benefits of doing or buying something they’ll do it or buy it. The trouble is, in many cases, they don’t. How many customers know even the ‘basic’ things like the benefits of products such as cloches, fleece, cold frames and grow houses? Would they know what vegetables are the easiest to grow, the most economical, how to extend the season and have a continual supply of home grown produce throughout the year? Would they know which fruit and vegetables they could grow in containers or what the most endangered species of birds and wildlife are, just how serious the problem is and how they can help? Explaining ‘what’ ‘when’ and ‘why’ is the first step and the more motivational it is the better. You can also initiate more general interest in activities like grow your own by communicating key messages that resonate with the modern consumer. There are increasing concerns about not only the heavy use of pesticides on commercially grown crops, but also the quality of the soil they are grown in. Due to intensive growing methods, this is significantly lower in quantity and range of minerals than it used to be. Not only does this affect flavour, it reduces the nutritional value of the crops which has a knock on effect on human health and nutritional status, eg: - To get the same amount of iron you got from one apple in 1950, by 1998 it was estimated that you’d have to eat 26 apples
- The recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A could be met by eating 2 peaches in 1950; by 2002 this had gone up to 53 peaches!
 Health benefits of home grown produce likely to attract younger consumers.
The desire to look and feel good is a powerful buying motivator and there is potential to attract more of the green smoothie brigade into growing their own. If their green smoothies were that much better for them and they realized it was possible to harvest the greens all year round from their own garden, that would certainly attract many more health conscious consumers. The old-fashioned image of allotment gardening is gradually shifting.
According to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners there is a 90,000 strong waiting list for allotments and a higher and growing proportion of younger allotment holders generally. Companies like Agralan and Maxicrop are also seeing a different, much younger breed of customer, indicating the growing interest in organic gardening amongst the young. Many potential motivators will be discussed on the Roadshow, as well as the best ways to educate both consumers and staff about plants, products and activities using materials provided in order to make the most of them. Education, communication, co-ordination Staff need to be knowledgeable to sell effectively and customers are put off trying new things if they lack skills and confidence. Making complicated things easier to grasp without losing important content takes thought and time. It also requires skill and planning to communicate strategically without having a sea of signage and leaflet dispensers. Co-ordination of activities is essential to multiply results and target as wide a range of consumers as possible. Delegates attending the Roadshow will benefit from the time and planning that has gone into the course and materials to help them fast track results back at their centres. Who should attend and why The roadshow will be beneficial for: - Shop floor staff as they will learn about activities, products and effective selling in addition to getting merchandising and display tips.
- Marketing staff will benefit through increased horticultural knowledge and ideas for how to use this and the materials supplied.
- Management staff will see the opportunities and rationale first hand and be in a better position to co-ordinate among departments.
The materials include full course notes, appendices for quick reference, dozens of monthly tips applicable to many areas of trading, numerous ideas and images for social media, factsheets that may be personalized, sample press releases and wall planners to help co-ordinate, one of which will be partly completed as guidance. Whilst there is supplier support the majority of the material is non brand specific. The main aim is to inject new life into core gardening and support the retail trade. Dates, venues and cost Prices start at £80 per person depending on numbers attending. This includes refreshments, lunch and all training materials. Dates and venues are as follows: - Maidstone – 16th February
- Guildford – 18th February
- Cambridge – 23rd February
- Birmingham – 25th February
- Chester – 29th February
- Perth – 2nd March
For further details and booking Contact Liz Hutson 01531 631592, liz.hutson@ledburybband.co.uk To book online visit www.bookwhen.com/growprofits
Briers share a little (g)love with Palmer Gardens

Having learned about the recent theft and break-in at Palmer Gardens in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, managing director Jackie Eades knew the company had to help. Briers spoke with the garden centre team, who said they would benefit from money to go towards replacing the lights and Grotto presents...

Having learned about the recent theft and break-in at Palmer Gardens in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, managing director Jackie Eades knew the company had to help. Briers spoke with the garden centre team, who said they would benefit from money to go towards replacing the lights and Grotto presents.So Liam from Briers popped into Palmer Gardens on Thursday and donated a cheque for £200. Here is Liam with Palmer Gardens students Luke and Hayley presenting the cheque and enjoying a cheeky festive #gluvie at the same time. The team at Briers were heartened to bring a little festive (g)love and support to this fantastic charity enterprise.

The first judges' meeting for GTN’s The Greatest Christmas Awards took place at the HTA’s offices in Theale on Friday, when they got into the spirit of Christmas Jumper Day...

Over the coming weeks all of the pictures taken by the judges will be available in picture galleries sponsored by Kaemingk so make sure your Christmas team members have their own subscription to GTN Xtra - use this link - then they will be able to browse images of over 100 garden centre's during the Christmas season 2015 as part of their inspiration for 2016.
The results will be announced at The Greatest Awards Christmas Party evening on January 10 at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, during the Harrogate Christmas & Gift Fair. To book your ticket for what promises to be a fun-packed evening click here

Two nurseries in Hereford have announced that they will be hosting a joint Open Day in March aimed at the retail industry. Wyevale Nurseries and Allensmore Nurseries will hold the Herefordshire Nurseries Customer Open Day on March 9 and 10. Adam Dunnett, Sales and Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries, said: “This is the first time there has ever been a joint open day between us and Allensmore. We already work with Allensmore on joint transport, avoiding unnecessary lorry miles, and were keen to work even closer with the company. “Between us we cover a great selection of the plant ranges a retailer may want – shrubs, herbaceous, trees, bedding, added value, Italian specimens, Italian herbs and hedging.” The day is aimed at any plant retailer, both existing customers and those who may not have been supplied by either nursery. The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) will be offering workshops on profitable plant retailing, which will be held on both days. These seminars are being designed to present new ideas for maximising sales and profits in an ever-increasingly competitive retail market place. Both sites will be open from 9am until 5pm each day and nursery tours will also be available. The New Plants & Trials areas at the nurseries will be open so people will be able to view the next generation of retail plant promotions. Adam continued: “Coffee and lunch will be provided on both days promoting local Herefordshire fayre. There will also be some competitions with great prizes during the event. As well as all this there will be discounts on orders placed during the two days at each nursery.” Meeting rooms will be available if any business wishes to hold a company meeting for their staff during the open days. Reduced room rates have also been negotiated with hotels in the area for those who wish to make it into a two day visit. Mark Taylor, Managing Director at Allensmore Nurseries, said: “We have some very exciting new product developments for 2016 here at Allensmore and we want to show them to as many of our customers as possible. “We are aware that time is precious to our customers and so we hope that by combining our open days with those of our near neighbours, Wyevale Nurseries, it will allow as many owners and Planteria Managers and staff as possible to visit both sites efficiently and cost-effectively.” Individual invitations with full details of the Allensmore & Wyevale Nurseries’ Open Days will be sent to their customers in early January. For more information, please contact the nurseries direct or visit their websites www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk or www.allensmore.co.uk.
Pictured, from left to right: Mark Taylor, Managing Director at Allensmore Nurseries and Adam Dunnett, Sales and Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries.

Tickets are now on sale for GTN’s The Greatest Christmas Awards Party, sponsored by Premier Decorations.
Come and join us for the party of the year in Harrogate on Sunday 10th January 2016. A three course meal with reception drinks and wine is followed by the awards presentations and dancing to a live band. Early Bird ticket prices have been held at last year’s levels: £80 plus VAT per person with discounts for bookings of 3 or more tickets.
It’s the ideal opportunity to combine a buying trip to the Harrogate Christmas & Gift show with a great night out in the company of industry friends and Greatest Award winners.
Call The Greatest Awards team on 01733 775700 or e-mail harry.sinclair@tgcmc.co.uk for Early Bird booking today.
Meadow View Stone are looking to appoint a Sales Agent who is highly experienced and motivated with excellent connections and sales experience within the Garden Centre sector. We are suppliers of decorative aggregates, paving and compost, though specific product experience is not required. Job Description Reporting to the Sales Director you will be responsible for securing new accounts and maintaining and managing existing stockists to ensure the continued growth of the business. The ideal candidate will be:- - A highly organised and motivated individual, living preferably in the above region.
- An experienced agent with proven experience of selling into the Garden Centre Sector
- Skilled in a customer-facing, new business generating role, with a proven track record
- Acquainted with connections and contacts within the Garden Centre sector
- A proficient driver with a clean driving licence.
This position provides an excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic individual to join a progressive, forward thinking company in a front line position with potential to develop a strong sales area. Applicants should apply in writing with CV to:- Sarah Hill- Marketing Director, c/o Long Rake Spar Co Limited, Youlgrave, Nr Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE 45 1LW or by email to Sarah@meadowviewstone.co.uk Meadow view Stone is a division of Long Rake Spar Co Limited.
Do you have good horticultural skills, and understanding of conservation and some teaching/training experience? Would you like to be part of an organisation that counts on the professionalism, insight, expertise and passion of its staff to inspire individual recovery for the people they work with? Then join us as a Horticultural Trainer. Recovery Focus are expert partners with the shared aim to inspire individual recovery nationwide. Between us we have a track record of more than 200 years of developing and running personalised services that work with people with mental health, substance misuse and other complex needs to achieve their ambitions. Each partner organisation has its own rich history of success, but together we believe we can lead the way in evidence-based recovery pathways that we can tailor to meet local and individual needs. Right now, one of our partners, Richmond Fellowship, is looking for a Horticultural Trainer to join the team at The Old Moat Garden Centre in Epsom. An integral part of the local community, we provide retail and horticultural services to the public and training and work-based opportunities to adults with mental health problems. But, it’s only possible with the help of people like you. Day-to-day, you’ll assist with the supervision and training of clients, both on and off site, and contribute to the development of the service. We’ll also rely on you to open the garden centre and serve customers to enable the sale of plants and associated products during the week and weekends as well as selected bank holidays and weekends. Providing horticultural advice and maintaining all plant stock in good condition will be important too, as will helping to assess risk and getting involved in team evaluations and reviews. And, when it comes to promoting an environment of service user involvement and recovery, again, you’ll be there, ready and willing to play your part. As well as a proven ability to motivate and train others, including running group activities, you’ll need good time management skills and a creative yet practical approach to problem solving. We’ll also be looking for lots of initiative and an enthusiastic, flexible and innovative approach to work. A commitment to working with people with mental health problems is, of course, a given, while a flair for maintaining appropriate records and implementing new procedures is also essential. In return, you can expect some great benefits, including 25 days' annual leave plus 8 public holidays, contributory pension scheme and life assurance cover. So, get inspired today. Visit our website and take the first steps towards a more fulfilling future. Please quoteref: 15/316 when applying. Closing Date: 31 December 2015
Bedding Department Head - (full time, including alternate weekends) West Horsley KT24 6AR Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centres based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire, with GCA award winning plant areas. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in plant and horticultural retailing. We want our employees to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic, customer focused environment. West Horsley, a traditional GCA garden centre and nursery with a strong horticultural background set deep in the beautiful Surrey countryside between Guildford and Leatherhead. An enthusiastic team who know their customers as well as their subject and who strive to make the centre a hub of the local community. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our forward-thinking family-owned company, which is committed to our staff, growing our business and setting high standards. You will be responsible for the bedding plant department at our West Horsley Garden Centre which has an extensive and well stocked plant area. You will have extensive knowledge and experience of working in a retail bedding department and/or a horticultural qualification. A passion for customer service and the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment are essential. You will be flexible, enthusiastic and highly motivated, commercially aware and have the ability to create dynamic displays. Free parking on site. To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk


Plant Area Manager (Full time, including alternate weekends)
West Horsley KT24 6AR Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centres based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire, with GCA award winning plant areas. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in plant and horticultural retailing. We want our employees to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic, customer focused environment. West Horsley, a traditional GCA garden centre and nursery with a strong horticultural background set deep in the beautiful Surrey countryside between Guildford and Leatherhead. An enthusiastic team who know their customers as well as their subject and who strive to make the centre a hub of the local community. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our garden centre at West Horsley. You will be responsible for managing the outdoor plant department which has an extensive and well stocked plant area. You must have experience and/or horticultural qualifications and garden centre retail experience. You will be able to manage your department to achieve sales and profit targets whilst motivating your team to maximise all sales opportunities and inspiring them to offer the highest standards of customer service. You must have the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment, have a passion for plants, be highly motivated, commercially aware and able to create dynamic, inspirational display Free parking on site
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk
We are a major importer / distributor of outdoor leisure furniture based in Oldbury, West Midlands. Our customers include large department store groups, garden centre groups and national food retailers.We have an immediate vacancy for an experienced Key Account Professional to manage a portfolio of 8 – 10 national accounts. The job will involve some overseas travel, mainly to S. E. Asia and attendance at our Oldbury head office for 2 – 3 days each week. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of managing and developing business with major retail accounts, preferably with Outdoor Living / Gardening products. Consideration will also be given to anybody currently working in a field sales position selling Outdoor / Conservatory furniture. The successful candidate can expect a substantial basic salary, bonus scheme and fully maintained company car. Initially, please email your cv, in complete confidence, to john.chester@a-mir.co.uk
Bedding Department Head - Full Time including alternate weekends Twickenham TW2 5PA Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centres based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire, with GCA award winning plant areas. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in plant and horticultural retailing. We want our employees to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic, customer focused environment. Squire’s oldest site with a new centre built in 1993, and is about to undergo a significant facelift. A garden centre that takes a very high turnover for its size, with a strong horticultural focus in plants and sundries, often winning GCA category awards, with the recent addition of new Pets & Aquatics and Craft areas. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our forward-thinking family-owned company, which is committed to our staff, growing our business and setting high standards. You will be responsible for the bedding plant department at our Twickenham Garden Centre which has an extensive and well stocked plant area. You will have extensive knowledge and experience of working in a retail bedding department and/or a horticultural qualification. A passion for customer service and the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment are essential. You will be flexible, enthusiastic and highly motivated, commercially aware and have the ability to create dynamic displays. Free parking on site.
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

Garden Centre Sundries Team Leader (ref:DS7796)
Location: Cumbria Salary: To attract the best Date: 19 Nov Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

Our Client is a family run business established for over 200 years. They occupy a picturesque site in the Lake District, with stunning views over the fells from their Terrace Café.
They pride themselves on their commitment to high standards of customer service and the breadth and quality of their merchandise, which includes: outdoor plants, house plants, garden sundries, gifts, furniture, barbecues, clothes, kitchenware, pet's sundries and tropical and marine fish. Currently they are seeking:
The role
As a Garden Sundries Team Leader... An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Team Leader within their innovative Garden Sundries Department. The ideal candidate will have a background in garden centre retail with excellent garden sundries product knowledge. They will manage seasonal changes, sourcing new and exciting products and have the ability to present and merchandise their department to a high standard.
The candidate
Team leadership skills are essential as is the ability to communicate well with customers delivering excellent standards of customer care. Working in a busy retail team environment means you will have to have a hands on approach to all duties within this department.
If you are passionate about Garden Sundries and would enjoy sharing this enthusiasm with our clients customers, we would love to hear from you.
Apply here
Nursery Production/Growing/Technical Manager (ref:DS7658)
Location: West Sussex Salary: £25,000 - £32,000 Date: 16 Nov Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 Our client is a leading grower of garden plants including herbs and ornamentals, marketing through a well known Group supplying independent garden centres, chains and multiples throughout the UK.
The role
They are currently looking to recruit a Production and Technical Manager to take responsibility for many aspects of crop production and propagation. The successful candidate will be responsible for:
Day to day management of growing of all crops including environmental control and watering systems
Management of propagation operations.
Crop protection management
Crop planning, batch scheduling and monitoring using relevant software
Liaison with other managers to achieve the business goals
The candidate
Good understanding of horticultural growing principles and ability to apply them to different crops.
Strong leadership skills with the ability to motivate others to effectively achieve goals
Good organisational skills and the ability to manage a number of tasks at once
Ability to train and develop staff
Formal qualification in Horticulture or relevant experience
Other qualifications : BASIS, FACTS, First Aid, PA1&6 and computer literacy in Excel and Word (desirable or willing to achieve)
£25 000+ subject to experience and potential
Relocation costs
Private health Insurance
Group life insurance
Company smart phone
Apply here
Bedding Department Head - (full time, including alternate weekends) Stanmore HA7 3JF Squire’s is a family owned group of 15 garden centres based in Surrey, Sussex, Middlesex and Berkshire, with GCA award winning plant areas. We are committed to growing our business and to promoting the highest standards in plant and horticultural retailing. We want our employees to enjoy working with us in a friendly, energetic, customer focused environment. Stanmore is a thriving site in a busy suburb of North London, winner of GCA category awards, also featuring a large Pets & Aquatics department and cafe. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our forward-thinking family-owned company, which is committed to our staff, growing our business and setting high standards. You will be responsible for the bedding plant department at our Stanmore Garden Centre which has an extensive and well stocked plant area. You will have extensive knowledge and experience of working in a retail bedding department and/or a horticultural qualification. A passion for customer service and the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment are essential. You will be flexible, enthusiastic and highly motivated, commercially aware and have the ability to create dynamic displays. Free parking on site.
To apply, please visit our website www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

Your opportunity to join a forward thinking, fast growing business. This is a key “front-line” position, directly connecting and working with the Vivid Arts customer base (and sales-force) to ensure individual customer display and turnover goals are achieved. You will be required to merchandise product and assist in creating customer displays to best display practice guidelines. A creative approach and the ability to “communicate, transfer and implement” successful merchandising initiatives are vital to the role. The ideal candidate will be :- - a highly organised, physically fit individual.
- preferably living on the East / South side of Manchester, ideally within 5 miles of the M60
- conscientious with the natural drive to maintain high standards in their daily work.
- computer literate
- willing and able to occasionally work away from home involving overnight stays
- proficient driver with a clean driving licence
Closing date for applications is Sunday 29th November. Interviews will take place locally in December. Initially, please submit a covering email and your CV to Paul McGuire : paul.mcguire@vividarts.co.uk
Garden Centre/Horticultural Manager/Plantarea Manager (ref:HQ00007819)
Location: Folkestone Salary: £18,000 - £24,000 Date: 16 Nov Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

Our client is a Nationwide group that are continually growing and developing their leading garden centres across England and Wales. They are proud of their heritage in the gardening industry and each and every one of their garden centres has its own identity and for this reason each of the garden centres is separately branded and the staff and customers are loyal to their centre. They currently employ more than 5,000 people and some of their longest serving employees have been with the Group for more than 40 years. They offer their employees great opportunities to progress and are keen to meet great retailers and plants people who are looking for the next step in their career.
Customer service is of prime importance to everyone who works for them and they believe that better customer service is achieved by education. They have one of the best staff training scheme in the industry. It is based on practical training with experienced staff together with their own in-house E-Learning system which covers every part of the business. Currently they are seeking an outstanding plants person / horticultural manager to manage their Plantarea
The role
As Horticultural / Plantarea Manager based in Kent the role will be to take responsibility for one of the largest departments within the centre. As Horticulture / Plantarea Manager you will look after the day to day merchandising and maintenance of the plant stock as well as motivating the team to provide the highest standard of customer service. The role will also have duty management responsibility across the entire centre.
The candidate
For this role we are seeking a leader with superb retail experience to head this busy department. The plantarea is the focus point of any garden centre and your standards for customer service, merchandising and the little details that make a department special will make you stand out. Plant knowledge is essential but we are open minded about the level of academic qualification. Experience within a garden centre is desirable as is supervisory skills.
Apply here
Contracts Manager Leeds Area (ref:DS7802)
Location: West Yorkshire Salary: £28,000 - £35,000 Date: 10 Nov Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

Our client is a leading Grounds Maintenance Company based in East Anglia who carry out a wide range of commercial contracts throughout the UK. They are currently seeking to recruit a Grounds Maintenance Contracts Manager for the North to oversee commercial contracts throughout this Region.
The role
- Responsibilities will include
- Overseeing the implementation of contracts to strict deadlines and budgets
- Assisting in development and bidding for new works
- Liaison with clients
- Implementation and management of health & safety and quality procedures
- Supervision of Teams
- Maintaining contract files
- Reporting to the Regional Manager and Operations Director
The candidate
The ideal candidate will currently be employed in a similar role or be seeking to take their next step into a more senior management role.
The successful candidate should hold a relevant horticultural or landscape qualification A full driving license is essential.
They should also have significant experience in managing commercial contacts and be able to give superb customer service to clients.
Ideal candidate should be based in the Leeds, Bradford or Manchester Area.
Salary range: £28-32,000 - dependent on experience
Apply here
Decorating the house with plants and candles are the main drivers behind the GTN Garden Products chart movers and shakers this week.
Poinsettia and orchid cover pots and feeders are riding high as houseplant sales peak.
Oasis products are also selling well as customers make their own festive table decorations.
Are you all set with your Early Bird promotions for Janaury and February? The mild weather forecast could get us off to a flying start for 2016.
The star items in the Garden Products chart this week were:
- Scheurich Pot Cover, 7cm, is the highest re-entry at No 13.
- Stewart Clear Drip Saucer 25.5cm is the highest new entry at No 40.
- Scheurich Cover Pot Dark Red 15cm takes over at the top.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Lights and tinsel are the big movers in the final run up to Christmas Day.
With most centres reporting record sales of both artificial and fresh trees it’s no surprise to see a record number of Christmas lighting lines in the Top 50. Just how many sets of lights can we sell?
Tinsel is also a big mover but a notable absence from the chart this year are Santa Hats. Have they gone out of fashion, or is it just too warm to wear one?
Some of the star performers this week include:
- Premier LED Battery Operated Lights Multi Action 20 Warm White are the highest re-entry at No 6.
- Premier Battery Operated Warm White 35 LED Lights are the highest new entry at No 11.
- Playwrite Magic Snow Tube (pictured) is also a new entry at No 12.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
A great year for growing plants draws to a close with growing media sales volumes up 6% on 2014 and 10% up on 2015.
With continued mild weather forecast we can expect higher than normal activity rates over the Christmas period and into the New Year. Are you set up and ready with your Early Bird offers?
Star performers this week include:
- Scotts Levington John Innes No 2 (25 litres) is the highest climber, jumping 25 places to No 15.
- Westland Plant Protection Bark (90 litres) is the highest re-entry at No 21.
- Westland Horticultural Sand 20kg is the highest new entry at No 40.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk

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Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2013 as well as 2014 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or buy on-line using this link.

Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here

Highlights of the GTN Christmas Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here

Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.
Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.