Greenfingers, the national charity dedicated to creating gardens and outdoor spaces for children in hospices around the country, had an extremely busy and productive time at Glee this week. Capitalising on having so many industry supporters under one roof it was an extremely fruitful few days for the Greenfingers team who were launching new initiatives, fundraising, meeting up with old contacts and making new ones.Glee was the perfect place to launch plans for the next Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day, which will take place on Friday 18th March 2016. Garden centres, suppliers, companies and individuals are all being urged to start planning activities now, with Greenfingers offering new fundraising ideas like the 24 hour Plant-athon and the Garden Re-Leaf Tool Exchange, alongside old favourites such as The Garden Re-Leaf Quiz. For further information please visit or email

The charity was delighted to announce a major new partnership with Squire’s Garden Centres who have made Greenfingers the beneficiary of its carrier bag tax, the government initiative that comes in to force on 5th October this year. Greenfingers Chairman John Ashley and Squire’s MD Dennis Espley shook hands on the new deal on Monday.
The regular Glee highlight– the Greenfingers Trolley of Booze – was back again , kindly donated by Woodlodge. Thanks to all those who bought tickets and of course congratulations to the two winners!
Greenfingers were overwhelmed with generous offers of gift in kind products and services which always prove invaluable to the work they do and contribute directly to ongoing garden builds. Special thanks to Westland Horticulture Ltd, Grange Fencing Ltd, Crown Pavilions, Norlog Garden Products, Kelkay, Wyeplants, Whartons Nurseries, LLC, Scheurich, Hamac, Yorkshire Flower Pots and Tildenett.
Thanks must also go to all the companies who kindly donated exhibited products at the end of the show – and many thanks to Hillview Garden Centre for the collection and transport of these items.
Greenfingers Chairman, John Ashley, spoke after the show, saying: “It really has been a fantastic few days at Glee for the Greenfingers team. It has been a wonderful opportunity to meet up with our generous supporters and the perfect place to launch Garden Re-Leaf Day for 2016. On behalf of everyone at Greenfingers we would like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who visited the stand and are set to help us build even more great gardens for children in hospices around the country over the next year.”
Greenfingers would also like to thank i2i for generously giving them the space at Glee.