Mr Fothergill's world-first gives seed packets a new look
Suffolk seedsman Mr Fothergill's believes it is the only company in the world capable of filling two different types of seeds into a perforated twin pack of two discrete chambers - and it is putting its technology to good use for the 2014/15 season with the introduction of its Planting Companions range.
The company's production director Jeremy Sharp says: "The technical developments and investment made in the machine seed filling process now means Mr Fothergill’s can combine 80 per cent of its seed varieties in any twin combination.
"We have been working towards this goal of giving customers one package of Planting Companions varieties, thereby adding value to the traditional seed packet, since we acquired the packing lines in 2012." The launch is based on the success of its Value Twin Packs for the 2013-14 season. Planting Companions Twin Packs is a mini-range which pairs eight species known to work naturally together to reduce pests when growing close to each other. With a distinctive logo and highlighted on-stand with new point-of-sale material, Mr Fothergill's believes Planting Companions will prove popular with those gardeners who prefer to combat pests by natural means. The pairings are: - Carrot and Spring Onion to deter aphids, carrot fly and onion fly.
- Lettuce and Chervil to protect from aphids and slugs.
- Cabbage and Thyme to repel cabbage white butterflies.
- Tomato and Marigold to combat whitefly and aphids.
For more information on how Mr Fothergill's range of innovative seed products, telephone 01638 554111, log on at or e-mail

Twin seed packing filling machine.