Close on the heels of the shock Brexit vote in the EU referendum came the equally unexpected exit of three quarters of the Garden Centre Association’s standards inspection team, announced on Friday.
Not one, not two but THREE of the GCA’s standards inspectors announced on the same day that they would be standing down after the 2016 round of inspections.
Alyson, Andy and Ian are standing down from their roles at the organisation this year (2016).
Inspectorexit 1: Alyson Haywood is taking on an operational post with Van Hage at Great Amwell
Inspectorexit 2:Andy Campbell, an inspector for 12 years, wants to spend less time away from home and more time with his family
Inspectorexit 3: Ian Boardman, the most senior member of the inspection team, is going forward to work on other projects.
GCA chief executive Iain Wylie said he was really sorry to see these three widely respected industry experts go. “I completely understand their individual decisions to step down at this stage and wish them all the very best with their new ventures.
“They have all been a pleasure to work with and an integral part of the organisation. They will be missed and I’d like to thank them for all their hard work and commitment.”
The fourth inspector – and now last man standing – industry stalwart Roger Crookes, will continue in his role, "I intend to continue serving GCA and it's members" he told GTN Xtra on Friday night.
The search for replacements has already started. “We’re very happy to speak to people interested in the posts from all areas of the industry,” Wylie said. “Anyone keen to find out more about the role should contact me via email or phone at the GCA before we start the recruitment process in earnest so we can ensure they get full details sent out to them.
“We view this very much as an opportunity to re-fresh our team of GCA inspectors and we’re seeing this as a positive situation moving forward, although of course we’re very sad to see Alyson, Andy and Ian go.”
Alyson Haywood is a former general operations manager at Wyevale Garden Centres and was responsible for six regional managers. Her other roles have included general manager roles at Woodlands Nurseries and Bridgemere Garden World and head of nurseries and regional manager with The Garden Centre Group.
Julian Winfield, chairman of the GCA said the contributions from the departing inspectors and the inspection process itself had undoubtedly improved members’ standards
Andy Campbell said: “I would like to think that I have served the GCA members well during this time, supporting the members in improving retail disciplines and customer service standards as they develop their businesses.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this role and learnt a lot at the same time. I would like to thank the GCA for enabling me to participate in what I believe is a very powerful business improvement tool and wish them well for the future.
“My reasons for leaving are entirely personal. With a young teenage family, I wish to spend more time at home during these important years, recognising that before I know it they will be making their own way in life. This is not retirement, simply a re-balancing of home and work life.” 
Ian Boardman has extensive horticultural and retail experience, having worked in the garden centre industry for the past 40 years. Prior to becoming one of the GCA’s inspectors 18 years ago, he was employed for three years as plant area manager and for 10 years as a general manager responsible for a team of more than 100. He has also worked in France for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Ian told GTN Xtra: “It was not an easy decision. I love GCA and all it stands for. But there are other things I want to do and being an Inspector means a very intense three month period each spring. It’s very satisfying to re-visit centres on a four year rota basis with the other Inspectors. You can see the changes and improvements they have made based on our feedback and hearing their successes is great. I like to think that I have helped drive the industry forwards and to develop the inspection process over the years. “
Ian explained that he will formally step down after the 2017 GCA Conference in St Andrews, Scotland in January 2017. In the meantime he will be continuing to facilitate the very successful Westland/GCA Rising stars programme, present the GCA South Thames Area Awards and also his annual roundup of best practice at the GCA Annual Conference.
“Huge thanks to all at GCA for all their help and support over the years and to my Inspections Team. I will still be around in the industry helping develop people and businesses, organising mystery shopping, facilitating management training, judging competitions and continuing with the Rising Stars programme. I might not wear my shoes out so quickly in future though – we walk miles each day during Inspections season!”