Improved displays feature in Mr Fothergill's 2017 retail range

Mr Fothergill's has launched its 2017 retail range with a new and striking presentation of seed aimed at helping stockists maximise their floor-space and improving both turnover and profit.
Investing in new ideas, larger seed collections have been given eye-catching new header and footer boards. These have been designed to sit alongside those of sister-brand Johnsons, but they retain a stand-alone look, if required.
An attractive, no-construction, wooden display unit is supplied free on loan to any customer ordering Garden Time products with a trade value of £349 (ex VAT) or more. The company's suggested collection is one outer each of the four Windowsill Kits, one of both Chilli Kits, one of Herb Grow Kits and Pesto Kits, and two outers of Munakuppis. The packaging has been designed to have great on-shelf impact.
The RSPB seed range which was launched in 2013 continues to prove the effectiveness of cause-related marketing, and the unit's header board for the new season informs gardeners that more than £25,000 has so far been raised for the wildlife charity.
Other successful lines on offer for 2017 include flower and vegetable GroMats, with an extra-keen retail price of £4.99, GroTrays for the windowsill and GroBoxes for planting straight into the garden. Mr Fothergill's also reports on the continued popularity of its attractively packaged flower Seed Shakers.
Among 13 new seed introductions are eight exclusive to the Suffolk seedsman, including the beautiful bicolor French marigold Crème Brûlée and extra long-podded runner bean Guinness Record. Other 'exclusives' include climbing bean Python and runner bean Snowdrift, an improvement on the popular Moonlight, reinforcing that 2017 has been declared 'Year of the Bean' by the European seed trade.
For more information on how Mr Fothergill's can boost stockists' profits, telephone 01638 554111, log on at or e-mail