5th Fiskars Spring campaign launched this bank holiday

With Easter starting early this year, Fiskars released its 5th multi-media Spring campaign on the 24th March 2016. Appearing around popular TV programmes and across core channels, the Fiskars TV advert hit our screens over the long Easter weekend and again on the weekends of the May bank holidays.
This year, Fiskars has developed a new advert (https://youtu.be/XE5yDFtCNiM). It features the new Xact™ Weedpuller this time in a family setting with a man and his daughter undertaking the daunting task of weeding the lawn by hand. That's until the mother arrives wielding her Fiskars Weedpuller. Place, push and eject and the weed is pulled out by the roots. The campaign highlights the functionality of the product as well the satisfaction from achieving a perfectly weeded lawn while having fun. It's all part of Fiskars' aim to make gardening easy and enjoyable for all.
The TV campaign ends with promotion of Fiskars hero products - the new Xact™ and Fiskars Light Weedpullers as well as its PowerGear™ loppers and pruners with their 3 x cutting power. Also featured is the innovative Tree Pruner. With its 6 metres reach, the Tree Pruner can tackle the tallest of gardening tasks, while keeping feet firmly planted on the ground.
As well as TV, keep tuned to Classic FM to hear Fiskars radio campaign, open up copies of BBC Gardeners' World, The Telegraph and Observer gardening sections and keep your eyes peeled across digital channels for a truly integrated advertising campaign designed to target passionate and progressive gardeners and new tool choosers.
Kerry Murfin, Trade Marketing Director of Fiskars, says, "The early Easter weekend this year extends the Spring gardening season. We know the power of TV advertising, supported by an integrated campaign, to drive consumers towards our products instore. As always, we've been working closely with our retail partners to maximise the consumer experience, so they can easily find and purchase Fiskars products when they walk into our garden centres and DIY outlets."