Klondyke is not for sale, says chief executive Bob Hewitt
Following GTN Xtra's breaking news last week that Wyevale Garden Centres were talking to another group of over 30 centres about acquiring their business, Klondyke's Chief Executive Bob Hewitt has stated categorically that his stores are not for sale.
"We only have 23 stores and as previously stated Klondyke is not for sale and we are certainly not in talks with Wyevale or any other party for that matter," said Bob (pictured right). "We are continuing to redevelop our existing estate and at some point in the not too distant future we will be seeking to acquire more garden centres ourselves. To be blunt, such a rumour about Klondyke is a non starter! "It seems fairly logical to me for Wyevale to be talking with Dobbies as the acquisition would give Wyevale national coverage. In my mind Tesco has enough problems of its own without having to run a relatively insignificant business to them like Dobbies." It appears that Wyevale boss Kevin Bradshaw's revelations were aimed at Dobbies, who have 35 stores. There has been a lot of gossip recently about the future of Dobbies, particularly in light of the troubles facing its owner Tesco.