The full results North Thames at Perrywood, on Monday (in the order they were announced)
Best Customer Service
3: Perrywood
2: Poplars
1: Burston
Best Garden Products Retailer - Garden Centre
3: Squires Windsor
2: Thetford
1: Squires shepperton
Garden Products Retailer – Destination Centre
3: Burston
2: Aylett Nurseries
1: Poplars
Creativity and Innovation award
3: Burston
2: Perrywood
1: Squires Twickenham (below)

Most improved centres
3: Van Hage Chenies
2: Notcutts Oxford
1: Hilltop
Environment and Community Award
3: Squires Twickenham
2: Poplars
1: Burston
Best Plant Area - Garden Centre
3: Meadowcroft
2: Squire Stanmore
1: Sunshine
Best Plant Area - Destination Centre
3: Perrywood
2: Burston
1: Squires Twickenham
Outdoor Leisure - Garden Centres
2= Squires Shepperton
2= Squires Stanmore
1: Sunshine
Outdoor Leisure - Destination Centres
2= Poplars
2= Perrywood
1: Van Hage Great Amwell
Best Restaurant - Garden Centre
3: Hilltop
2: Squires Shepperton
1: Thurrock
Best Restaurant – Destination Centre
3: Burston
2: Perrywood
1: Frosts Woburn Sands
Indoor Lifestyle Retailer - Garden Centre
3: Squires Windsor
2: Thetford
1: Squires Shepperton
Indoor Lifestyle Retailer - Destination Centre
3: Poplars
2: Perrywood
1: Burford
North Thames Highly commended centres: (over 75%)
- Ayletts
- Burston
- Frosts at Woburn Sands
- Perrywood
- Poplars
- Scotsdales
- Squires Windsor
- Squires Shepperton
- Squires Twickenham
Outstanding Acheivement Award (Inspectors Choice) - Altons BBQ area
North Thames Region Best Garden Centre
3: Squires Windsor
2: Squires Shepperton
1: Sunshine
North Thames Region Best Destination Centre
3: Poplars
2: Perrywood
1: Burston
Special Awards - the Lizzies

Outstanding till area - Thetford (above)
Outstanding houseplant area – Frosts Millets Farm
Outstanding Farm Shop - Frosts Woburn Sands

Outstanding bedding area - Meadowcroft (above)
Consistent commitment to wildlife - Squires garden centres
Customer focussed signage - Aylett Nurseries
Best cups of coffee - 3 winners - Frosts Brampton - Squires Windsor - RHS Hyde Hall
Best cup of herbal tea, ever – Thurrock
Best home made cake - Frosts Willlington
Above and beyond the call of duty award - Darran Major at Burston