Renowned and much-loved actors Jim Carter and Imelda Staunton OBE hosted an exclusive fundraising pledge dinner for Greenfingers in the beautiful surroundings of Clifton Nurseries in London’s Little Venice.
Jim Carter is perhaps currently best known as Downton Abbey’s Mr Carson, a role for which he has received great acclaim. Imelda Staunton is one of the country’s best-loved actors, who has seen great success on stage and screen, she is multi-awarding winning and was Oscar nominated for her role in Vera Drake.
Both actors have been patrons of Greenfingers since early 2014 with their involvement in the charity bringing together their passion for gardening and their interest in the hospice movement.
The intimate evening, held in the luxurious palm house at Clifton Nurseries, saw a select group of diners join Jim and Imelda to raise pledges of support for the work Greenfingers do in supporting children and families in children’s hospices around the UK. It offered guests the unique chance to dine in the tranquil surroundings of London’s oldest garden centre, enjoy a five-course meal, hear anecdotes from Jim and Imelda’s glittering careers, whilst also finding out more about Greenfingers.
Jim and Imelda delighted guests by giving them a chance to ask them questions about their illustrious careers and Imelda even treated diners to a song, with a stunning rendition of 'Why walk when you can fly' by Mary Chapin Carpenter.
Jim Carter said of the dinner: “What a fantastic evening! It is wonderful to be here in such delightful surroundings, eating such delicious food, in wonderful company and bringing together people to hear about Greenfingers, a charity that means a lot to us, and the work they do for children who spend time in hospices around the country, offering them vibrant and exciting outdoor spaces for them to relax in and enjoy.”
Greenfingers is dedicated to supporting the children who spend time in hospices around the UK, along with their families, by creating inspiring gardens for them to relax in and enjoy.
To date Greenfingers has created 44 inspiring gardens in children’s hospices around the country, with their latest garden at Little Haven’s Hospice in Essex opening in autumn 2014.
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