Knowledge is power for Durston Garden Products
Knowledge, they say is power, and that’s something that the staff at Somerset based Durston Garden Products are keen to embrace as key members of staff attended a Soil Science Refresher Course in its lab earlier this week as part the company’s on-going training programme. “We may have been in business for 150 years," says Sales & Marketing Director Chris Durston, “but we never claim to know it all. Building on knowledge and attending refresher courses like the one held earlier this week is something that we not only encourage at Durstons, but insist our staff attend on a regular basis. "Dealing with products such as composts and growing media is a scientific process and unless our staff are well equipped with the science technology and knowledge involved in the processing and life-cycle of the product, then we wouldn’t be doing our job properly. It’s an absolute must that when dealing with an ever growing list of customers in the trade as ours, that our staff are well equipped and able to talk them through the product with total confidence.” Following another excellent season, Durston Garden Products will be returning to GLEE this September with its comprehensive range of compost and growing media and lookforward to welcoming old and new customers alike to its Stand K02, which is first on the left as you enter.