Trans-Continental Group: the innovation continues

Trans-Continental Group is the leading garden and leisure products supplier in Britain. Established 23 years ago, the company offers a truly remarkable range of garden furniture, lighting, outdoor music and heating related products....
Trans-Continental Group is the leading garden and leisure products supplier in Britain. Established 23 years ago, the company offers a truly remarkable range of garden furniture, lighting, outdoor music and heating related products. Brands include, SunTime, Allibert, Cosi, Infiniti, Plantation Rattan, Fairy Dwellings and Optimum Sound & Light. All the brands are well known to garden retailers throughout the UK including John Lewis, Wyevale, Dobbies and most independent garden centres.
Product ranges encompass all price points and all markets, from small independent garden centres to the biggest names in British retailing. Materials range from beautifully hand-crafted teak to Textolene, cast aluminium, rattan and many more.
The latest innovation in outdoor living, branded ‘CoSi’, was introduced in 2016 and is exclusive to Trans-Continental. This stunning collection features a range of 100% waterproof outdoor sofa sets and is constructed using Nautolex, a waterproof material that has been used in super-yachts and luxury speed boats for over 50 years. Such has been the success of the range that the company has added two new factories in Europe to help cope with the extraordinary demand. CoSi offers a three year guarantee on all products.
The company introduced the Allibert range of injection moulded garden furniture to its portfolio five years ago and has seen sales quadruple in that time. Designed to look like hand-woven rattan the collection is machine made in Europe and offers astonishing value for money. Who would have thought five years ago that a sturdy and attractive sofa set comprising one sofa, two armchairs with cushions and a coffee table could retail for less than £300?
Optimum Sound & Light is a new range of outdoor, colour changing, futuristic lighting with a twist. Incorporated into the products is a state-of-the art Bluetooth speaker. Linked to an iPhone or similar it plays music with a richness and depth that rivals any CD system.
One of the great success stories of recent years has been the introduction of Fairy Dwellings, a collection of solar-powered garden ornaments. These charming ‘fairy houses’ light up at dusk giving the impression that fairies are living at the bottom of the garden.
Trans-Continental Group serves customers all over the world, including Australia, USA, Canada, Asia and Europe. With offices in Hong Kong, China and the USA the company’s reach is truly international. Deliveries can be by direct container or ex-warehouse.
Trans-Continental Group will launch its 2018 collection of inspiring outdoor leisure products at its showroom in Coventry, just 20 minutes from Birmingham NEC, with an open week on 10 July. Thereafter, the showroom will be available by appointment.
Contact head Office on 01253 207799, by email (click here) or contact your rep to make an appointment.
Click on the gallery below to see more exciting products from Trans-Continental Group.
See pictures and read a transcript of Nicholas Marshalls speech

Dobbies CEO, Nicolas Marshall (above) and Chairman Andrew Bracey hosted an evening in the Orangery at Kew Gardens last week for over 150 representatives from British plant growers.
After guided tours of the gardens, Nicholas Marshall addressed the invited guests and members of Dobbies staff ending with a toast: "Dobbies needs you, your country needs you. Ladies and Gentlemen here's to our great British Nurseries."
Earlier he had made reference to Dobbies tarnished image over the past few years and said the sky was the limit when it comes to opportunities from the Dobbies link up with Ocado.
"Our ambition is to make Dobbies the sector leader in everything we do and plants are centre stage to this renaissance. Now is the time for British nurseries to step up to the plate."
He offered to share information as to what the customer wants and then in return growers will be pushing at an open door.
Read the full transcript of the speech below:
Transcript of Nicholas Marshall speech at Kew Gardens, Wednesday 14th June 2017. We invite you here this evening to talk briefly about our plans for the future and to recognise and celebrate British Horticulture, which in recent years has suffered from intense competition from abroad. We are at Kew because it's the birthplace of horticulture and due to the hard work of generations of brilliant botanists is still today the worlds greatest botanical garden, however, it is important to remember that the funding for the development of Kew came from wealthy patrons who were interested in gardening and gardens.
There is another reason whey we are here this evening. This is due to an extraordinary co-incidence. 200 years ago two babies were born one in Scotland and one in England. One would found the oldest gardening business in Britain and the other would become a plant explorer and Director of Kew Gardens, after his father William.
James Dobbie at an early age was interested in growing plants and had some success at the Highland Show in 1840 when he was still in his early 20's. His day job was to become Chief Constable of Renfrewshire but his love of plants took over so in 1855 he started Dobbies and started first of all with seeds. After James death Dobbies moved south to Kent for a while and it wasn't until 1934 that it moved back to Scotland, to Edinburgh where it still is today.
Meanwhile the other baby born 200 years ago was Joseph Hooker. He was educated at Glasgow University where his father was Professor of Botany and I'd like to think he bumped into James Dobbie in Glasgow, possibly at one of those horticultural shows. After university Joseph became a plant hunter travelling the globe and getting into all sorts of scrapes in his quest to bring back new plant species to Kew. It was a sort of forerunner of the gap year. Based on his travels to the Himalayas he wrote a book called Himalayan Journals which he sent to his closest friend to ask his advice. His friend wrote back to him to say he thought the book was excellent and complimented Joseph on his ability as a great botanist, geographer, artist and writer. However, his friend continued with a word of warning: "Joseph, you may be all things I've mentioned above but your offer to dedicate the book to me shows your complete lack of commercialism. Joseph you must find someone very famous to dedicate your book to who will thus help to sell your excellent work." Signed your affectionate and admiring friend, Charles Darwin.
Dobbies has a long history and is a wonderful brand that attracts great loyalty from both customers all over the country and staff. An oasis in a world of cynical retailing. I've known and admired Dobbies all through my career because I am a friend of James Barnes, who as you all know was responsible for building Dobbies into a national brand. I often used to speak to James and compare notes as I ran first Country Gardens and then Wyevale. Dobbies spent the last few years owned by Tesco but last summer Midlothian Capital came along and fortunately bought it. I therefore jumped at the chance to come to Dobbies 14 weeks ago when the Chairman Andrew Bracey, an old friend, rang me. I couldn't wait to get going again.
I'm very fortunate to be joined at Dobbies by a host of old friends, most of them have worked with me for many, many years and now together with existing Dobbieites form a very experienced, cohesive, loyal and vibrant team. They are all here tonight and I hope you get a chance to meet them all. I can't possibly name everybody but the ring leaders are Laurie Robertson the COO, Graham Jenkins the CFO, Andrew West the Purchasing Director, Marcus Eyles Head of On-line and Costas Constantinou Restuarant Director. And the Regional Directors; Nick Anderson, Martin Andrews, Craig Turner, Mark Duffey and Dale Lewis.
Now we are completely aware of what we've got to do and we will work tirelessly to achieve it. We will cherish Dobbies and polish up the somewhat tarnished image of the last few years. Our ambition is to make Dobbies the sector leader in everything we do and plants are centre stage to this renaissance. Now is the time for British nurseries to step up to the plate. I realise we live in uncertain times. The spectacle of the Conservative party shooting itself in both feet at once is a spectacular example of not knowing your customer has left us all reeling. But its a real opportunity for the horticultural industry. We already know that our customers would prefer to buy locally grown British plants and the weakness of the pound against the Euro now gives British nurseries a great opportunity. British nurseries we want to do business with you but we want a fresh approach. Our customers will support you but in return they deserve to be offered the best quality, range and value for money. We will work with you to provide what the customer wants, you will then be pushing at an open door. We've recently announced that we've linked with Ocado, the best British on-line retailer with a database of more than 6 million customers. Currently over 40% of all UK retail sales are on-line and growing. Our gardening market is worth £4 billion and the amount of on-line sales in the gardening is frankly piffling. But the march of progress is inevitable. The sky is therefore the limit. Now is the time for all of us to step up to the plate, it's a great opportunity for all.
Now, I will end with a story about another Joseph Hooker, known as Joe, he was actually born a couple of years earlier than both James and Joseph. He was born in America and is a distant cousin of Josephs. His story was told to me by Katherine Hooker, the international renowned dress designer. Joe rose to become a general who fought in the American Civil War and he was promoted to command the army. His letter of promotion contained some exultations which I would like to borrow this evening to encourage you our British nurseries to achieve success. You may guess the author from the eloquence of the hand. "I wish to place you at the head of the army and yet I think it is best for you to know that there are some things in regard to which I am not quite satisfied. However, I do believe you have the skill, confidence and ambition. Beware of rashness but bring energy and sleepless vigilance. Go forward and gives us victories." Yours very truly Abraham Lincoln. I would therefore like to propose a toast to our nurserymen here tonight: Dobbies needs you, your country needs you. Ladies and Gentlemen to our great British Nurseries.
Thank you very much, enjoy the evening.

Masterchef winner Jane Devonshire helped GTN MD Trevor Pfeiffer present GTN's Greatest CAtering Awards 2017 after dinner at the HTA Catering Conference last week.
After seven months of garden centre visits to meet the nominated teams, here are the full results. Watch out for more information about the winners in future editions of GTN Xtra and the July issue of GTN.

The Greatest Garden Centre Coffee Team
- Bronze Award – Baytree Coffee Lounge
- Silver Award – Squires Café Bar, Chertsey
- Gold Award – Poplars Little Beans

The Greatest Afternoon Tea Experience Team
- Bronze Award – Fron Goch
- Silver Award – Green Pastures
- Gold Award – Squires Badshot Lea

The Greatest Garden Centre Baking Team
- Bronze Award – Perrywood
- Silver Award – Fron Goch
- Gold Award – Glyndwr Plant Centre

The Greatest Front of House Team
- Bronze Award – Scotsdales Cambridge
- Silver Award – Hillview Studley Gardenstore
- Gold Award – Christies of Fochabers

The Greatest Pot Wash Team - Gold Award – Perrywood
- Gold Award – Fron Goch

The Greatest Chef Team - Bronze Award – Coolings
- Silver Award – Squires Badshot Lea
- Gold Award – Green Pastures
- Gold Award – Planters Tamworth

The Greatest Garden Centre Catering Team - Bronze Award – Green Pastures
- Silver Award – Strikes Garforth
- Gold Award – Fron Goch

All Finalists - Aylett Nurseries
- Baytree
- Christies Fochabers
- Coolings
- Fron Goch
- Glyndwr Plant Centre
- Green Pastures
- Hillview Studley
- Langlands Leeds
- Mains of Drum
- Millbrook Gravesend
- Perrywood
- Planters Tamworth
- Poplars
- Scotsdales Cambridge
- Squires Badshot Lea
- Squires Chertsey
- Stratford Garden Centre
- Strikes Garforth
- Webbs Wychbold

General election week 2017 proved a week too early for garden centre sales, according to data supplied for GTN Bestsellers.
Total sales volumes fell off a cliff to decrease by nearly 40% on the previous week, prompting concerns that the drop off from the summer peak of sales has arrived one or two weeks earlier than usual.
Sales in the last two weeks of June will tell us whether the season has stopped prematurely or if the high winds and the election just caused a temporary blip to sales.
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products - down 43%
- Veg-2-Gro - down 43%
- Growing Media - down 37%
- All Plants Index - down 31%
- All Items Index - down 25%
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This dramatic image is of Smart Garden’s soon-to-be opened new logistics hub, aptly named ‘The Eureka Building’, just 1 minute off the A1 at Peterborough.
Paris Natar’s family property company, P.A. Properties Limited, has invested more than £18m in purchasing the land, plus the build. The project is being managed by Paris’s eldest daughter Sara, a qualified surveyor and commercial property investment specialist.
“Our current warehouse at Corby is very old and basic, with just 10,000 pallet spaces. It is also leased and we don’t like paying rent to third parties if we can avoid it. In making this investment, we have ensured our unit is bespoke for Smart’s current and future needs and that it gains at least ‘Very Good’ BREEAM environmental certification.” said Sara.
Paris added, ”Smart’s 50% growth in 2016 followed by 35% this year means that we have had to completely re-base our logistics strategy. Our new Eureka hub is 250,000 square feet, will be racked for 40,000 pallets and will also include showrooms for our Midlands, East Anglian and Northern customers. Southern and South-Western customers will continue to be served by our Abingdon showrooms. Best of all, while we will still need to recruit for many positions in the locale, the majority of our brilliant team at Corby have indicated they are looking forward to transferring across to Peterborough!”
The physical move from Corby will be completed by the end of October 2017, in ample time to receive Smart’s huge 2018 inventory pipeline, including over 350 new products being launched at GLEE. The new showrooms will be opened by the end of March 2018.
Paris closed by saying,“We have expanded from sales of £10m in 2013 to £40m in just 4 years. This fantastic new structure will facilitate over £100m in sales to our very many retail partners in the United Kingdom, France and throughout Europe…so watch this space!”
Retail Lab @ Glee is set to be the key focal point at show
 Created by a panel of industry experts to create something entirely fresh and new at Glee, the Retail Lab @ Glee is set to be the key focal point of the 2017 show, and will be the exhibition’s interactive hub full of inspiration and the latest trend information...
 Created by a panel of industry experts to create something entirely fresh and new at Glee, the Retail Lab @ Glee is set to be the key focal point of the 2017 show, and will be the exhibition’s interactive hub full of inspiration and the latest trend information.
Unlike any previous features at Glee, the Retail Lab will be future facing, providing visiting retailers with a long-term vision for their retail environments.
Focussing on consumer engagement, market insight and effective access to future facing trend information, the Retail Lab @ Glee will be located at the very heart of the show. Combining interactive content, guided tours, and self-learning material, visitors will be able to arm themselves with content that not just inspires but will also drive them to action new retailing ideas within their own stores.
The aim of all of this being to help retailers to grow both their offering and business, whilst also targeting new customers.
Split into four sections, the area will focus on four key consumer themes as identified by the Retail Lab’s Creative Director, Romeo Sommers, and world-leading trend experts, WGSN. These themes will be: Well-being, Family, Community, and ‘Re-wilding’.
Why has it been developed?
The Retail Lab @ Glee has been created to offer something that looks to the future of garden retailing, focussing on trends that are within touching distance; trends that will directly affect consumer spending habits in the near future.
As consumer spending habits continue to change, and become increasingly influenced by aspects such as environment, economics, and social consciousness, the role of garden retailers and the way they interact and appeal to their core markets is also changing. The Retail Lab @ Glee recognises that these changes are taking place, and is here to cut through the noise.
What will retailers and suppliers get out of visiting the Retail Lab?
The Retail Lab @ Glee will enable retailers to retail effectively, ensuring the longevity of their existing customer base, whilst also engaging with new consumers for a profitable future. From inspirational ideas regarding retail spaces, to new merchandising ideas, the Retail Lab @ Glee will be unlike anything ever before seen at the show.
What shape will it take?
Designed by Retail Lab’s Creative Director, Romeo Sommers, and made a reality by Robin of Moore Consulting, the Retail Lab will form a real hub area at Glee 2017.
The ‘Lab’ will be divided into four unique sections, that will work as stand-alone inspiration hubs, or together as a visual journey through the store of the future. Guided tours, info points, interactive content, and TV screens will also be supported by the onsite Retail Lab team who will walk retailers through the area, answering questions as they go.
The HTA, associate partners of the Retail Lab @ Glee, will also have its own inspirational dedicated area, providing a networking and educational hub at the show. Glee’s seminar theatre – in partnership with Inside Retail - will complete the offering, bringing a daily schedule of top industry speakers together to tackle those big issues affecting the garden retail industry today.
 The Retail Lab @ Glee branding – more than just a logo
Like all aspects of Glee 2017, the Retail Lab has been issued with its own branding identity. The icon itself takes inspiration from the Fibonacci Sequence. It represents the team of specialists working together to help you take advantage of new developments in garden centre retailing. specifically, the Golden Section which occurs throughout nature, and has a three-fold meaning:
- It represents growth, evolution, progression and trust.
- A scientific solution with organics origins.
- A natural mix of specific elements that create a perfect balance.
Don't miss the HTA National Plant Show
 The HTA National Plant Show isn’t just a chance to display the latest new plants that you have to offer, but also to show the weird and wonderful ways and ideas that you have to display them in the best possible ways. Not only can this help to highlight the beauty of the plants, but also lead to increased sales...

The HTA National Plant Show isn’t just a chance to display the latest new plants that you have to offer, but also to show the weird and wonderful ways and ideas that you have to display them in the best possible ways. Not only can this help to highlight the beauty of the plants, but also lead to increased sales.
This year we are launching new awards for the event highlighting the importance of retail concepts, and also embracing the introduction of the Nursery Supply Show.
These new awards include:
- Best Plant Concept for Retail
- Visitor Vote for Innovation
- Eco-Friendly Visitor Vote
- Best in Show Visitor Vote
These new awards mean that the new suppliers introduced to the show through the Nursery Supply Show will be able to enter awards with their new products, and also showcase these to visitors to the show.
Our dedicated Retail Concept Experience is sponsored by Elho this year, and will create a stimulating retail environment for visitors filled with inspiring retail ideas for visitors to take away. It will also feature an area curated by Elho showing its in-store installation concepts which help support increased plant sales.
Make sure you download the show app available for downloading from the app stores now (App Store for Apple devices and Google PlayStore for Android devices). Just search ‘HTA Plant Show’.
In the app you can see seminar listings which you can set reminders for so you don’t miss a session, a full exhibitor listing with contact details and links to website, with the ability to highlight any you have seen as a reminder for after the show, as well as speaker and sponsor profiles, notes capacity and much more.
Keep an eye out over the coming weeks when we will be featuring other events taking place at the show. Visitors can save time on arrival to the show by registering for a visitor badge in advance, allowing them to go straight into the show.
To book a stand or for joint visitor registration for these free to attend exhibitions visit
Elho sponsors new award at National Plant Show
Dutch company Elho is sponsoring a new Best Plant Concept for Retail award at the National Plant Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry on 21st June. The award will showcase creative packaging concepts that help retailers sell more plants....
Dutch company Elho is sponsoring a new Best Plant Concept for Retail award at the National Plant Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry on 21st June.
The award will showcase creative packaging concepts that help retailers sell more plants.
Elho is also curating an area in the Retail Concept Experience showing its successful in-store installation concepts. The area creates a stimulating retail environment for visitors, filled with inspiring ideas.
The show provides a perfect opportunity to show how Elho's displays bring lifestyle, colour and inspiration to the shop floor.
David Nicholson, Sales Manager for Elho UK and Ireland, says, "We're absolutely delighted to be involved with the National Plant Show and sponsoring the Best Plant Concept for Retail.
"We know that today Garden Centres need to apply the most sophisticated instore marketing techniques to inspire and motivate consumers as they browse the aisles.
"Elho works with garden centre retailers to deliver an inspirational instore environment with pots, containers and accessories that show off plants to their best advantage.
"We've seen a dramatic increase in sales when pots and plants are combined together, making it easy for consumers to bring the inspiration home, immediately."
Elho's range of synthetic pots, planters and associated products includes four key collections: outdoor containers; indoor pots; grow your own solutions; and the stunning Pure collection of premium containers.
More info:
You Tube:

Mike and Louise Burks, who founded The Gardens Group together in 1987, were presented with an Outstanding Contribution Award at the Western Gazette Business Awards, held at Westlands in Yeovil.
Recognised for their longstanding and considerable contribution to the Dorset and Somerset business community over the past 30 years, Mike and Louise were selected by the judges for their “willingness to give their time for the cause of their business and others in the community.”
Now employing over 100 staff across three multi award-winning garden centres in Sherborne, Yeovil and Poundbury, Mike and Louise were commended for their significant impact on the local economy over the years, as well as their commitment to the community, support for charities and not-for-profit organisations and educational initiatives with schools.
The Gardens Group’s multi award-winning and much anticipated Christmas displays were also given high praise by judges, who said, “at Christmas time, visitors are in for a special treat, with unrivalled festive displays that are free to all and amaze every year.”
Mike Burks, managing director of The Gardens Group, explains: “Receiving this award was a huge surprise for Louise and I, and we are truly honoured to receive it, especially in the year that Brimsmore Gardens celebrates its 25th anniversary and Castle Gardens celebrates its 30th.
"We believe that local businesses should all support each other to ensure that communities thrive and that working in partnership with all types of community groups helps to forge stronger, healthier ties for the benefit of everyone.”
Picture caption: (L-R) Clive Wakely from AJ Wakely and Sons Ltd, Louise Burks, director of The Gardens Group and Mike Burks, managing director of The Gardens Group.
 Smiemans Projects is involved in a major redevelopment project for an old port in Fleetwood. Wyre Dock Development Ltd is an investment company that has been asked by ABP, the owner of the port, to write a redevelopment plan. The goal is to transform this historic waterfront site still utilised by Fleetwood fish trading firms into a vibrant area where people can live, work, shop and recreate. This will benefit the town of Fleetwood. The plan includes four outstanding visitor attractions, hotel with themed restaurant and residential elements.
One of the visitor attractions is a major botanic year round attraction which highlights the diversity of flora in different regions of China. Smiemans Projecten has been approached for the design and construction of this botanical garden.
Best in Show award for Wyevale Garden Centres

Wyevale Garden Centres were awarded the prestigious ‘Gold’ as well as ‘Best in Show’ for their scented courtyard garden designed by award-winning Garden designer Claudia de Yong at this year’s Gardener’s Word Live....

Wyevale Garden Centres were awarded the prestigious ‘Gold’ as well as ‘Best in Show’ for their scented courtyard garden designed by award-winning Garden designer Claudia de Yong at this year’s Gardener’s Word Live.
The winning garden, entitled ‘Romance in the Ruins’, is a scented courtyard garden featuring two tumble-down turrets in the style of an old fairy tale castle as well as enchanting crumbling walls enclosed on two sides by hedging. Water cascades prettily into a small pond from the back turret and a rose covered pergola takes center stage as people are encouraged to wander through the garden or to sit quietly and enjoy the peaceful space on two wrought iron benches.
Mark Sage, Head of Horticulture at Wyevale Garden Centres, commented: “With Claudia we have managed to create something really magical this year for Gardener’s World Live. Her mix of more traditional flowers such as roses, nepta, salvia ‘love and wishes’ with wildflowers in the ‘ruins’ of an English castle is both visionary and highly skilled.
"This is a garden where you can lose yourself and the best thing is anyone can easily recreate the tranquil spirit in their own garden, large or small. We’re sure that by using our tips on what to plant, ‘Romance in the Ruins’ can inspire both experienced and aspiring gardener’s around the country to create something joyful in their own outdoor space, whatever the shape or size.” Claudia de Yong said: “I am thrilled with the result and that the judges were so blown away by our garden. A huge amount of hard work has gone into this garden over the last few weeks and months from its conception to realisation.
"My vision was to create a really poetic garden that transports visitors to another place, inspired by fairy tale castles as well as real English ruins. Using a mixture of wild flowers and traditional flowers together has helped to evoke the gentle romance of English ruins.
"I hope visitors to Gardener’s World Live enjoy seeing and smelling Romance in the Ruins as much as I enjoyed creating it with the Wyevale Garden Centres team.”
 Al Fresco Fortnight, the flagship event for the ‘Love Your Plot’ campaign, has announced a headline sponsor for 2017.
Kettler, renowned for its quality ranges of garden furniture and BBQs, is using the campaign to support its range of mesh furniture. Made using the finest materials, all items in the ranges can be mixed and matched to suit an individual’s requirements.
Kicking off on Father’s Day, Sunday 18th June, the event aims to get as many people as possible to eat and socialise outside at least once over the two-week period, weather permitting!
The horticulture and leisure and outdoor furniture industries are being asked to embrace this exciting event by promoting it in-store, online and through social media channels to maximise sales opportunities.
There will be a raft of content directly targeted at consumers which will be shared online and through media outlets with the aim of getting people outdoors to enjoy their outside spaces.
Keith Nicholson, Chair of the Gardening Industry Marketing Board and Marketing Director for Westland Horticulture, said: “The 2017 campaign is set to be bigger and better than last year and we are delighted that Kettler has come on board as the event sponsor.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for the whole of the industry to really push outdoor entertaining and living. From barbecue companies to outdoor furniture to plant growers, it really is relevant to everyone and is the highlight of the Love Your Plot campaign.”
Laura Ravenhill, Marketing Manager at Kettler, commented: “Al Fresco Fortnight is a fantastic opportunity for us to get more involved with the Love your Plot campaign and really focus in on our garden furniture.
"The event is all about socialising and entertaining outside so it made sense for us to sponsor this element of the campaign.”

Directors and staff at Tong Garden Centre are celebrating after being announced as finalists in the seventh annual Bradford Means Business awards.
Tong Garden Centre has been shortlisted in the Job Creator category that rewards businesses that have played an outstanding role in boosting employment in the Bradford district through innovation, investment and risk-taking in the face of tough economic conditions.
Tong Garden Centre co-owner, Mark Farnsworth is delighted with the news: "We're very proud of the fact that we have created over 100 new jobs since we took over Tong two years ago and to have that achievement rewarded with the place in the final of the Job Creator category of the Bradford Means Business awards is great news.
"The Telegraph & Argus reports that local unemployment is down to just 2.4% and we'd like to think that we have played a part in growing the Bradford economy."
The awards are organised by Bradford Telegraph & Argus in partnership with Bradford Council and the Bradford Chamber and they have become the highlight of the business calendar in the district. The awards are a showcase for businesses large and small, entrepreneurs both new and established, in every sector.
The awards ceremony comprises a drinks reception and dinner and takes place at the Aagrah Midpoint Suite in Thornbury, on Thursday, July 6.
The Job Creator award is sponsored by Keelham Farm Shop.
Tong Garden Centre occupies a 14 acre site in Tong village. It is one of Yorkshire's biggest garden centres with 110,000 square feet of retail space and parking for up to 700 cars.

Horticultural Plant Buyer
£36,880 pa
Permanent f/t (37.5 hrs pw)
Ref: IRC53290
We have a rare and exciting opportunity to work as a Horticultural Plant Buyer within an ambitious and forward thinking charity. If you’re someone who has a true passion and drive for horticulture then this is the role for you.
You will be the creative force behind the sourcing and development of our plant offer ensuring our core values and customer needs are reflected in the range. We are looking for someone who fully understands and can manage the complexities of our peat-free offer and implement quality control throughout the supply chain.
It’s a truly exciting time here in Retail for the National Trust. We’re redefining how we do things and pushing the boundaries in our product ranges more than ever before.
Closing date: 2nd July 2017
For more information and to apply please visit:

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High winds and lack of footfall lead to a huge drop in garden product sales last week, down 43% on the same week last year.
The high winds did prompt big sales increases of plant support products, however, with eleven lines in the Top 50, the most we’ve ever seen in one week of a GTN Bestsellers Chart.
This week’s highlights were:
- Gardman Gard ‘n’ Hoop 30cm x 45cm, pack of 2 was the highest climber, jumping 30 places to No 9.
- Gardman Pressure Treated Softwood Round Tree Stake 1.5m x 35mm was the highest re-entry.
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Thirteen orchid specialists were feeling ‘more than satisfied’ after the first Orchid Inspiration Days event.
The special partnership, which has joined forces to inspire and inform clients and end clients about the company’s range of innovations, has borne fruit. Most notably, this commercial orchid event has also attracted international end customers. Many vendors and retailers from across Europe came to experience the world of orchids.
Valued visitors at orchid business event
The event has new name, a distinctive appearance, engaging communication and an individual and exciting programme. The participating nurseries were Aphrodite Orchidee, GreenBalanZ, Van der Hoorn Orchideeën, Orchids4all, Cympha Orchideeën, Pannekoek Orchideeën, Stolk Flora, De Vreede Holland, Levoplant, Lansbergen Orchideeën, OK Plant, Opti-flor and Piet Vijverberg. The success of the event can be seen in the positive visitors numbers. The Inspiration Days took place before and during the Flower Trails, to allow people to plan their visit to the Netherlands more easily.
Orchid inspiration continues online and in 2018
Customers and potential end customers, at home and abroad, could see that the participating nurseries had pulled out all the stops for this event, with each company showcasing their own exceptional business’, said one of the orchid growers. Photos from the event can be found on the website and on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. An after-movie is also available to watch. The organisers and participants of the Orchid Inspiration Days are grateful to all the visitors who attended this year and the interest they showed. To continue to provide the same inspiration next year, visitors are already invited to attend Orchid Inspiration Days 2018.
A short video clip of the event can be found on the Orchid Inspiration Days You Tube channel:
Cool cucumbers buck the sales drop
Cucumber plants were one of the few Veg-2-Gro plants that increased their sales week on week as the buying of plants to grow at home dropped by almost 50% last week...
Cucumber plants were one of the few Veg-2-Gro plants that increased their sales week on week as the buying of plants to grow at home dropped by almost 50% last week.
The 9cm potted cucumber plants from W D Smith grew sales by 140%. Tomatoes continued to be the most popular veg plants to grow with 15 lines in the Top 50.
The main highlights this week were:
- W D Smith Cucumber Pot 9cm was the highest climber, jumping 47 places to No 3.
- Quantil French Dwarf Bean Strips was the highest re-entry at No 23.
- Farplants Tomato Beefsteak Pomona F1 was the highest new entry at No 31.
- Quantil Runner Bean White Emergo Strips clung on to the top spot.
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History & Heraldry have won a place in The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 league.
One of only 10 companies in the South Yorkshire region to gain this prestigious award, History & Heraldry have in fact made the top 100, coming in at 97. History & Heraldry recently celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2016, showing the longevity of the company which has previously been in The Sunday Times Fast Track 100 fastest growing companies and Sunday Times Profit Track 100. The continued success of the company’s competitively priced gift ranges, as well as the popularity of the ever-growing Heart & Home soy-blend candle brand, which includes beautiful, regularly updated wax and accessory collections, have both contributed to its position in this much coveted league table.
Growing media sales plummet
After weeks of growing media sales being up year on year, last week they plummeted to normal July levels. However, Westland Landscape Bark performed well, being the highest re-entry at No 25.
After weeks of growing media sales being up year on year, last week they plummeted to normal July levels.
It could be that everyone has got their summer growing well under way and we now have to wait for autumn to get a further spike in sales.
Or will there be a bounce back next week now that the election and the high winds have passed on and warmer weather is forecast?
The highlights this week were:
- Westland Landscape Bark (100 litres) was the highest re-entry at No 25.
- Another returning product was Westland Plant Protection Bark (90 litres).
- Growth Technology Orchid Focus Medium Compost (3 litres) was the highest climber, moving up 19 places to No 29.
- Scotts Levington Multipurpose + John Innes (56 litres) stayed on top of the chart.
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DJ Turfcare – one of the UK’s most formidable suppliers of lawn care products – is excited to announce that at Glee 2017 (11th – 13th September, NEC Bimingham) the company will be officially launching its RHS endorsed range of chemical-free lawn fertiliser products.
Made up of MO Bacter, Bio-Lime and Recovery, the range – created by Belgian lawn care experts, Viano, and distributed by DJ Turfcare in the UK – marks the first lawn care range of this type to receive endorsement from the Royal Horticulture Society.
At Glee, retailers visiting the DJ Turfcare stand will be able to find out more about the products on offer. Glee will also mark the first time that retailers will see the newly designed packaging that will support this new RHS endorsed range. Featuring a prominent RHS logo, the packaging has been designed to entice consumers at the point of purchase.
David Jenkins, Managing Director at DJ Turfcare, said: “We are incredibly excited to be launching this RHS endorsed range to the market, and feel that Glee is the perfect place to showcase it fully. We have worked hard with our partners, Viano, to create products that deliver time and time again, and to receive recognition from the RHS has made the hard work even more worthwhile. But more importantly, we believe that receiving the RHS endorsement will also be of significant benefit to retailers. The RHS is a highly regarded and recognisable body, and will offer consumers peace of mind and confidence when buying products that are endorsed by them, ultimately boosting sales.”
About the range
DJ Turfcare’s new RHS endorsed range will include three chemical-free lawn fertiliser products - MO Bacter, Bio-Lime and Recovery. Here we find out a little more about the products themselves.
MO Bacter is an organic-based, slow release fertiliser for lawns, which destroys moss as secondary action. It is easily spread, contains no chemicals, is also pet and child-friendly, and is designed to not harm plants and shrubs.
The second product in the range is Bio-Lime, which combats the acidic and sour conditions that can be an ideal environment for moss to thrive, by ‘sweetening’ the soil to raise its pH. Bio-Lime also contains magnesium, which helps the lawn to maintain its colour throughout the cold winter months, making it the ideal year-round lawn treatment.
The final product on offer is Recovery. Recovery has been created for those moments when lawns needs sprucing up. An organic fertiliser, containing a number of effective ingredients – including Humifirst, a unique ingredient that creates biological activity and acts as a plant growth stimulant – Recovery is perfect for use before laying turf, seeding or as an autumn lawn feed. The lawn develops hardwearing characteristics after application, making Recovery the top choice for use after drought, areas of high footfall and after the scarification process. Like the other products in the range, Recovery is also pet and child-friendly.
Find out more
To find out more about DJ Turfcare’s RHS endorsed range be sure to visit the team at Glee 2017 – Hall 19, stand A03. Further details about the company’s full offering can be found by visiting or by calling 01483 200976.
The end of Summer for plant sales?
Only three plant groupings increased their sales week on week as overall plant sales dropped dramatically one week earlier than last year...
Only three plant groupings increased their sales week on week as overall plant sales dropped dramatically one week earlier than last year.
If that is the end of the summer peak sales there will be a lot of plant offers in the next few weeks to clear stocks.
- Erysimums had the highest increase week on week, 36% to move up to No 22.
- Ericaceae were up by 16% to come back into the chart at No 43.
- Streptocarpus houseplant sales jumped by 14% to re-enter at No 48.
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Matt Jackson has joined Mr Fothergill’s as Business Development Manager.
This is a new role and Matt will work with the key garden centre groups and collaborate closely with the field sales teams. He comes to the Suffolk seedsman after 12 years in the garden centre supply trade and brings great experience to the position.
Matt said: “I am delighted to be joining Mr Fothergill’s to team up with their accomplished sales force. There are exciting plans for the future and I hope to contribute my part to the full!”
In his personal life, Matt enjoys travelling and sport. He has run over 100 road races in the past including two trips around the London Marathon course. He is now concentrating more on road cycling and has ambition to complete the severely testing, mountainous, Etape du Tour race in France. He is also a Manchester United season ticket holder but the company hasn’t held that against him!
Gardeners looking to enhance their lawns to deliver a pitch perfect grassed area need look no further than Vitax’s Green Up Enhance range.
Consisting of three products, it contains two granular feeds and one liquid feed all of which have been developed to the highest standard to deliver a professional looking lawn.
Green Up Enhance Lawn Feed is the most advance lawn feed available. Containing a unique organic nutrient delivery system (ONDS), it ensures nutrients target the roots for strong growth.
Used in the professional turf industry, it combines amino and humic acids as well as a thatch buster to tackle dry spots.
Green Up Enhance Lawn Feed is also available in a liquid feed which is used by professional greenkeepers. Green Up Enhance Liquid Lawn Feed can be used on freshly germinated lawns and newly established lawns.
Completing the Enhance range is Green Up Enhance Autumn Feed. A granular feed it contains the same ONDS as Green Up Enhance Lawn Feed, but has been specifically formulated to meet the needs of grass areas during the autumn and winter months.
To support the Enhance range, Vitax has developed Green Up Feed, Weed and Mosskiller and Green Up Feed and Weed. Green Up Feed, Weed and Mosskiller keeps lawns in tip-top condition. Its slow release feed formula helps produce a greener lawn whilst controlling moss and weeds.
Popular with gardeners who prefer liquid fertilisers, Green Up Feed and Weed not only provides essential nutrients for healthy growth, but kills common lawn weeds to encourage grass re-growth.
For more information about Vitax’s complete Green Up range, please visit:
APL Avenue impresses the judges!
The five gardens built on APL Avenue at BBC Gardeners’ World Live have once again impressed our judges, with this year’s results improving on last year...
The five gardens built on APL Avenue at BBC Gardeners’ World Live have once again impressed our judges, with this year’s results improving on last year.
Lanwarne Landscapes have taken home the Best Construction award as well as a Silver-Merit, and two of our gardens, Living Gardens and Big Fish Landscapes, taking home a Gold.
With all of our gardens taking home at least a Silver-Merit, it once again shows proof of the high quality that APL Accreditation offers.
The five gardens at the competition received:
GOLD - Living Gardens, Lancashire. Designed by: Peter Cowell & Monty Richardson, Living Gardens
GOLD - Big Fish Landscapes, Herefordshire. Designed by: Cherry Carmen, Cherry Carmen Garden Design
Best Construction Award and SILVER-MERIT - Lanwarne Landscapes. Designed by: Martin Lines, Lanwarne Landscapes
SILVER-MERIT - Pro-Gardens Ltd, Oxfordshire. Designed by: Jamie Langlands, Pro-Gardens Ltd
SILVER-MERIT - Artemis Landscapes, Kent. Designed by: Viv Seccombe, Outside
The Wyevale Garden Centres ‘Romance in the Ruins’ Garden designed by Claudia de Yong Designs and built by Twigs Landscapes Design and Big Fish Landscapes received Gold and also the Best Show Garden.
The Tesco ‘Every Little Helps’ Garden designed by Owen Morgan, Mosaic Landscape Design and built by Big Fish Landscapes took Silver.
The five front or back gardens that feature on the APL Avenue, give the public the opportunity to witness first-hand what can be achieved in a small space. Landscapers are asked to produce a breakdown of costings to share with the public to give a greater understanding of the costs of a garden build.
Visitors to the BBC Gardeners’ World Live at NEC Birmingham, 15-18 June, are also being asked to vote for their favourite garden on the APL Avenue. The Peoples’ Choice voting will take place during the show days with the award being presented towards closure of the show on Sunday afternoon.
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
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Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Garden Plants Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Veg-2-Gro Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here
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All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering

This year’s HTA Catering Conference, sponsored by Compass Group UK & Ireland, was once again a great success, with lots of positive feedback delegates taking away some valuable insights from our fantastic speakers.
Keynote Speaker for day one was Peter Avis, UK Restaurant Manager of the Year. He shared his inspirational story of how he went from a dishwasher to Restaurant Manager at the prestigious Babylon Rooftop Gardens.
Through being encouraged by his managers at the beginning of his career, he was able to see how that company culture helps to empower staff and make them feel like they can achieve, and this is something that he has ensured he has continued with his staff today.
The evening played host to our annual HTA Catering Conference dinner where we were graced with the presence of 2016 MasterChef Winner, Jane Devonshire. Jane shared with us her down to earth and inspirational story of how her son convinced her to apply for MasterChef, and how no matter what the competition threw at her, she enjoyed every minute.
By cooking dishes from her childhood and family favourites throughout the show, it echoed the sentiment highlighted by many speakers at the conference, that the atmosphere and feelings that you are able to create in your cafes and restaurants and the food you serve are just as important as the food itself.
The dinner was followed by the Greatest Catering Awards, presented by Trevor Pfeiffer from Garden Trade News.
Over the past few years the National Trust has rejuvenated their cafes and restaurants, and Matt Drew, Head of Food and Beverage, talked us through the strategies that they used.
When they first started to look at the redevelopment plans, the first point of call was the menu. They discovered there were 40,000 recipes in use throughout the business, so they narrowed this down to a range of central recipes that individual outlets can choose from to suit their customers.
The ingredients that each outlet choose to use for these recipes though is not prescriptive as they are encouraged to use local produce where possible.
The full HTA Catering Conference report, including details of all the speakers workshops can be viewed at
Dobbies win at Sammies 2017

Dobbies Restaurant Director Costas Constantinou, proudly presents the Sammie for Chain Sandwich Retailer Award Winner - Café In-store Category...

Dobbies won the Sammie for The Chain Sandwich Retailer Award Café In-store Category earlier this year and Restuarant Director Costas Constantinou collected the award last week after speaking at the HTA Catering Conference and proudly displayed it at the evening with Dobbies in Kew Gardens.
The award which champions those in the chain sector (10 or more outlets) whose core business is the sale of sandwiches whether made to order; pre-packed on site; bought in pre-packed from a central commissary or where sandwiches are sold alongside coffee and bakery products and who are driving the business forward and achieving the most impressive development in the qualifying period.
In the In-store sector, Dobbies scored more highly than any other operator with respect to consumer recommendation, despite having the highest average spend level.
Big buyers out in force at Commercial Kitchen 2017
Commercial Kitchen, the multi-award nominated trade show for the UK’s catering equipment industry, enjoyed a very successful second edition at the NEC Birmingham last week – welcoming 1,775 attendees over 6-7 June...
Commercial Kitchen, the multi-award nominated trade show for the UK’s catering equipment industry, enjoyed a very successful second edition at the NEC Birmingham last week – welcoming 1,775 attendees over 6-7 June.
The positive increase in attendance for 2017 included an 18% rise in the number of big spenders at the show (buyers with over £5million of purchasing power). The number of visitors who influence and/or authorise purchases was also up 8%; while nearly one in four visitors said they are responsible for an annual corporate spend of over £1million.
Other headline figures include a record onsite rebook, which saw over 65% of exhibitors confirm their participation at the next edition before doors had even closed. Many have hailed Commercial Kitchen 2017 as a significant and overwhelming success – praising the quality of the ‘highly specialised’ buyers they did business with over the two days.
Summing up their exhibiting experience, Patrick Bray, MD of Regale Microwave Ovens, says: “We achieved the best results of any trade show that we have ever attended and look forward to exhibiting in 2018.”
“It’s been a great show, very worthwhile. The footfall has been fantastic for us – with lots of good leads to follow up. We definitely have to be here again next year,” agrees Peter Nimmo, regional sales director at Meiko UK.
“Commercial Kitchen show is really important to us, we wouldn’t want to miss it. It targets exactly the right specifiers, buyers and foodservice operators that we want to reach. We’re very happy to support our industry show as it continues to grow,” says Scott Duncan, sales director at Carpigiani UK.
“It’s the quality of the people that have come to our stand that’s most important,” says Anthony Prestage, director of Catering Equipment. “The visitors here are decision makers – CEOs, buyers and senior managers – exactly who we want to meet. It’s the best professional kitchen show in the UK today.”
Those decision makers included top equipment buyers from Costa Coffee, FCB Artisan Espresso Bars, Five Guys, Gala Leisure, GBK, Greene King, Hilton, ISS, Kew Green Hotels, Marston’s, Mitchells & Butlers, Nando's, Patisserie Valerie, Pret A Manger, Prezzo, Pub People Company, Punch Taverns, Rick Stein Group, Sainsbury's, Sodexo, Subway, TGI Friday’s, Tortilla, Whitbread, Apetito, Brakes, Center Parcs, and Tesco. Plus, a significant number of buyers from independent restaurants and pubs, hotels, contract caterers, attractions, hospitals, care homes, the prison service, universities, and schools from across the UK.
The show attracted an equally impressive turnout of all the key distributors and installers, such as Airedale Group, Alliance, Arolite, Bidvest Hospitality Design, Brakes Catering Equipment, C&C Catering Equipment, Caterware, Certa Catering Equipment Supply, Court Catering Equipment, Direct Kitchen Equipment, Gratte Brothers Catering Equipment, H G Stephensons, KCM Catering Equipment, Lockhart Catering Equipment, Nisbets, ScoMac Catering Equipment, and Vision Commercial Kitchens.
An ‘unmissable’ show
“It’s great to have a show dedicated for the commercial kitchen, it’s the most relevant UK show in my calendar,” says Adele Hing, kitchen & equipment development manager – food operations at Nando’s.
“Commercial kitchens are a minefield at the best of times, so it’s great to be able to get in front of those in the know, all in one place at the same time. It’s a great event that we wouldn't consider missing!” says James Douglas, co-founder and director of Red’s True Barbecue.
“This is the first year I have attended Commercial Kitchen and it was a great opportunity to catch up with our current suppliers, meet new suppliers and see the latest innovative products being developed,” says Angela Course, category manager (catering & food) at ESPO.
"Commercial Kitchen is the ideal place to source the most up-to date kitchen equipment on the market today,” says Claire Clark MBE MGOB, owner/director of Pretty Sweet and The Claire Clark Academy for Patisserie Excellence.
Expert Keynote line-up
Opening day highlights included exclusive ‘in conversation’ sessions with Vivek Singh, executive chef and founder of The Cinnamon Collection; and Claire Clark MBE. Plus panel-led discussions on sustainability, pub kitchens, kitchen design, and the important role of equipment distributors (featuring five of CEDA’s former chairs). The show’s second day saw panels dedicated to multi-site restaurant innovation (featuring Nando’s and Red’s True Barbecue), foodservice consultants, hospital kitchens, and prison kitchens; plus the announcement of this year’s Innovation Challenge Awards winners.
Innovation Challenge Awards 2017
Designed to promote and celebrate new ideas in the market place, the prestigious Innovation Challenge Awards, attracted over 22 entries this year. Ten finalists (chosen by popular visitor vote on opening day) took turns to impress the judges in the live pitching session on 7 June.
The judges included James Douglas, co-founder of Red’s True Barbecue; Julian Edwards, chairman of the FCSI UK&I and owner of GY5; Andy Jones, MD of AJAssociates; Andrew Seymour, editorial director of Foodservice Equipment Journal; and Jack Sharkey MSc, MD of Vision Commercial Kitchens.
The results saw four companies receive gold awards, four awarded silver and two taking home the bronze.
- The ‘Ready’: Carpigiani UK
- MCS FlashGRILL: MCS Technical Products
- UPster rack transport dishwashers: Meiko UK
- RATIONAL SelfCookingCenter XS: Rational UK
- Let’s Cook Cloud Solution: Middleby UK
- Garbage Guzzler: PKL Group (UK)
- Reco-Air: Reco-Air
- Retigo Vision: Retigo
- True’s New Refrigerated Prep Table: True Refrigeration
Uniting the industry
“We’re absolutely delighted. The impact that Commercial Kitchen has made within the industry – and the wide support it’s received since its launch last year – is just incredible,” says group event director Chris Brazier.
“The show has fast established itself as the two days a year where the industry meets, launches innovations and does business. It's all about quality. And the quality of buyer, whether end user, project house, distributor, or consultant, was exceptional. No wonder so many of our exhibitors have already signed up for Commercial Kitchen 2018!
“A huge thanks to all our amazing exhibitors, visitors, media supporters and association partners. We’re already planning how to make your industry event even bigger and better. We look forward to seeing everyone there next year,” he says.
“It’s all at the Commercial Kitchen show. All the equipment you will ever need to equip your new Commercial Kitchen or re-fit your existing one. Under one roof, enough suppliers to compare the ranges and prices, and find a firm that suits your needs. It’s the show not to miss!” says restaurant consultant Frank Boltman.
Commercial Kitchen returns to the NEC Birmingham on 5-6 June 2018.