Remain 57% - Leave 43%
GTN Xtra readers EU referendum Survey results

A survey of GTN Xtra readers has resulted in a clear majority stating they will be voting for the UK to remain in the EU in the Referendum on June 23rd...

A survey of GTN Xtra readers has resulted in a clear majority stating they will be voting for the UK to remain in the EU in the Referendum on June 23rd.
Over 200 readers took part in the survey from all parts of the UK and covering suppliers, retailers and other members of the UK garden retailing community.

Regionally, all parts of the UK saw a majority for remaining in the EU. However there were larger majorities to stay in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland than in England.

You can read a full analysis together with comments given by respondents in the June issue of Garden Trade News.
Whilst the initial survey closed on May 20th, we have now re-opened the survey and will keep it open until the actual Referendum so that we can monitior and report on any changes in the way our readers are planning to vote. Here is a link to the survey click here
Please note our survey system only accepts one response per subscribers e-mail address.

Will the media hype around the RHS Chelsea Flower Show next week along with the hint of some warmer weather be the impetus we need for a record breaking Whit Bank Holiday weekend?
After a week when the temperatures dropped and April showers returned garden centre sales, especially plants and gardening products fared well again. Not quite hitting the record heights of the previous week but overall up by 7% on the same week last year, according to the GTN Bestsellers All Barcode Products Index. The met office forecast for the Whit Bank Holiday weekend says as GTN Bestsellers goes to press: “The bank holiday weekend will most likely see a continuation of unsettled conditions, but there is a chance that much warmer weather may spread northwards across the UK.” With that in mind, footfall should spike again so will you be ready with plenty of Chelsea related promotions and ideas to make the most of the high media profile for gardens and plants next week? The Sun Flower Square, the industry exhibit at Chelsea, championed by Peter Seabrook and co-ordinated by the HTA, features four model garden displays, each 4m x 4m square, the same size as the average front garden in Britain and based on the successful campaign ‘Love The Plot You’ve Got’. The gardens are ‘Room Outside’, designed by Lovania and made up of HTA members, the GCA Jubilee Hanging Basket Garden, The Seed Garden and the Rising Stars Garden, kindly supported by Westland Horticulture. GTN Xtra will bring you pictures of these gardens on Tuesday morning after Press Day so you’ll be able to have a go at re-creating them in your centres to maximise on sales opportunities. GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products – up 12%
- Veg 2 Gro – down 21%
- Growing Media – up 5%
- All items index – up 7%
The UK Garden Centre Bestsellers Garden Plants Chart | | | | | Week Ending Sunday 8th May 2016 | | | | | This Week | Last week | Plant genus | Volume Sales Change | 1 | 1 | Pelargonium | +100% Increase | 2 | 3 | Petunia | +100% Increase | 3 | 7 | Osteospermum | +100% Increase | 4 | 2 | Fuchsia | +100% Increase | 5 | 6 | Begonia | +100% Increase | 6 | 9 | Verbena | +100% Increase | 7 | 10 | Nemesia | +100% Increase | 8 | 5 | Lavandula | +50% Increase | 9 | 4 | Dianthus | Increase | 10 | 12 | Bacopa | +100% Increase | 11 | 13 | Lobelia | +100% Increase | 12 | New | Alyssum | +100% Increase | 13 | New | Impatiens | +100% Increase | 14 | 11 | Lathyrus | +50% Increase | 15 | New | Antirrhinum | +100% Increase | 16 | 20 | Calibrachoa | +100% Increase | 17 | New | Cosmos | +100% Increase | 18 | 19 | Argyranthemum | +50% Increase | 19 | 17 | Viola | +50% Increase | 20 | 15 | Hebe | Increase | To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Roseanna Cunningham (Cabinet Secretary for the Environment) will be the Keynote Speaker at the HTA Horticulture for the Future Event in the Temperate Palm House of the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh on Wednesday 25th May. HTA Council Representative Simon Fraser of Ben Reid Nursery & Garden Centre, Aberdeen told GTN Xtra: “Were delighted and honoured that the Minister will be joining us at The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh on Wednesday. There could not be a better setting to celebrate how Horticulture directly impacts on the everyday life of Scots through education, health and wellbeing and how it enhances our communities.” This is an opportunity for the Horticulture industry to raise awareness of the importance of Horticulture in Health/ Well- Being , Communities , Education , Environment and society as a whole . To raise awareness the HTA will be asking everyone to tweet #ScottishHorticulture at 7pm on the 25th. The Horticultural Trades Association and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh will be celebrating the contributions horticulture makes to education, health and communities in Scotland.
With the coming of Spring, the reception will feature key industry speakers and tours of the beautiful Botanic Gardens, with leading horticulturists.

Barnardo's Ambassador Rosamund Pike, with two four year olds Isla and Milo, will be promoting the charity’s 150th anniversary ‘Sweet Syrie’ rose at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
‘Sweet Syrie’ was created by specialist rose grower Harkness to raise vital funds for the charity, and honour the work of the founder of Barnardo’s wife, Syrie Barnardo. Syrie worked alongside Thomas Barnardo, helping London’s destitute children, and continued to support the charity after her husband died. She played a crucial role making sure the charity cared for girls as well as boys. With Syrie’s help, Thomas Barnardo was able to open the first home for girls. Calling the rose ‘Sweet Syrie’ is meaningful, as Syrie means to “bring love and a new start in life” and its long-lasting flowers have a gorgeous perfume. Barnardo’s Ambassador, Rosamund Pike, says: “A new rose - fragile, hopeful and looking for an enduring place in the world, much like many of the children Barndardo's helps. Milo and Isla are here with me today to wish The Harkness Sweet Syrie the best possible start in life. For 150 years, Barnardo's has been there to support the UK's most vulnerable children and help them thrive. Sara "Syrie" Barnardo played a vital role in making sure its work reached girls as well as boys." Barnardo’s chief executive Javed Khan says: “We are delighted Rosamund will be paying tribute to Syrie Barnardo’s philanthropic work. Syrie and Thomas sowed seeds that grew into the charity Barnardo’s is today. This beautiful, strong rose is a fitting tribute to her tireless work, helping children off the streets of London to a sweeter future. Every ‘Sweet Syrie’ bought will us raise money so we will always be there for the UK’s most vulnerable children – then, now and always.” Harkness Roses Managing Director, Phil Harkness says: “I believe Barnardo’s is an outstanding charity that has proved itself to generations of children. It is a great privilege for us to be associated with Barnardo’s as a part of its 150th anniversary. I hope Sweet Syrie will provide pleasure in many gardens, act as an aide-memoire to gardeners across the country and help keep a living awareness of Barnardo’s for years to come.” The rose’s beautiful, large blooms change colour with a blend of pink and apricot from summer to autumn -- reflecting the changes Barnardo’s see in the lives of children helped by the charity. Each of the stunning flowers has up to 25 petals, which in full bloom are 12cm (5 inches) diameter. The plant’s strong stem makes it easy to grow and train, with an average height of 2.5m (8 ft) tall x 2.0m (6 ft) wide. Sweet Syrie climbing rose combines a long flowering period, sweet perfume and delightful large flowers. The rose is available to buy for £14.99 for delivery after 23 May 2016. A percentage from the sale of each rose will be donated to Barnardo’s. Rose features: • Fantastic strong and sweet perfume • Pink and apricot colour, which changes through the seasons • Each flower has up to 25 petals and is 12cm (5 inches) across in full bloom • Repeats bloom in summer and autumn, and flowers for a long time • Strong stem, which makes it easy to grow and train • Grows to an average height of 2.5m (8 ft) tall x 2.0m (6 ft) wide • Developed from a disease resistant breeding line Visit http://www.roses.co.uk to find out more.

National Children’s Gardening Week launches country-wide this Spring Bank Holiday May 28th May to 5th June 2016.
The week is the brainwave of Neil Grant, Managing director of Ferndale Garden Centre near Coal Aston and BBC Radio Sheffield’s gardening expert. After ‘sowing the seeds’ of his concept to colleagues in the garden industry during 2015, they germinated into National Children's Gardening Week, for which Neil was named Guardian Small Business Leader of the Year by a judging panel including Dragon’s Den TV investor James Caan and national public vote last summer for this innovative concept. “Children love growing plants, they love being the garden but they can be impatient growers, wanting to see instant results,” smiles Neil. “National Children's Gardening Week aims to capture children’s enthusiasm at a time when results are almost immediate. National Children’s Gardening Week will take place annually in the 'warm' half term at the end of May. This means that pretty much throughout the UK, children can plant all the popular plants with little fear of weather damage or the need for complicated protective growing.” 
Neil is also the members’ representative for the National Horticultural Trades Association and sits on both the retail board and national council- a great opportunity to support the industry which employs around 350,000 people and influence the direction it takes. “Last year we didn’t even ask centres to register,” he explained. “A ‘soft launch’ allowed over 30 garden centres to have a go and learn what children and their companion adults responded to best. Garden centres learned they simply needed to put on events and activities during the week that children could take an active part in and take the results or ideas home.
Garden centres can share their activities via the National Children’s Gardening week Facebook page and link up with others at www.childrensgardeningweek.co.uk “ And in a cut-throat supermarket-fighting and highly seasonal industry- it works. “Last year, one garden centre alone hosted over 6000 children during the week, leading to record sales in their restaurant- a Princess theme was particularly popular with girls, they told us, so we can share that experience to everyone’s benefit. Others successfully adopted National Children’s Gardening week as a focus for their existing children’s club. Our own centre at Ferndale had over 500 children through with top quality entertainers like talented children’s vegetable puppeteer Madame Zucchini, daily growing projects and competitions throughout the week.” And what about the direct benefit to children? “From all the reports I have seen by scientists, research has shown that gardening improves academic achievement across all abilities,” enthuses Neil. “After taking part in gardening activities, children show improved self-esteem and ability to work in groups. They show higher levels of creative play, increased inquisitiveness and classroom motivation, better concentration, communication and problem solving skills. And as our children face the highest ever levels of obesity, the great news for health is that children growing produce are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables, show greater levels of knowledge about nutrition, and are more likely to continue healthy eating habits throughout their lives. Children also show increased pro-environmental attitudes, which are more likely to be carried through to adulthood.”
Neil is also quick to point out the initiative is absolutely free to garden centres. “We are simply trying to get a whole new generation of children out having fun and growing things instead of watching screens indoors. We want garden centres to encourage young gardeners in a way that suits their business style and market. The only co-ordination we’d like is to use the logo to make it recognisable as we grow the idea, easily downloadable from the National Children’s Gardening Week Facebook page or website. After that, it all the centre’s own project,” emphasised Neil. “We know this Spring Bank week is always a busy one for garden centres- but that’s also one of the advantages. Gardening is proving to have many benefits to our lives and if we can encourage gardening and growing at a young age, then the health benefits could become part of a healthy life. A recent Essex University study showed just five minutes' "green exercise" can produce rapid improvements in mental wellbeing and self-esteem, with the greatest benefits experienced by the young. And for children gardening’s simply good fun when their results are achieved quickly!” Neil Grant 07831 382478, 01246 412763 Ferndale Garden Centre neil@ferndalegardencentre.co.uk Resources and ideas from the National Children’s Gardening Week Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/nationalchildren’sgardeningweek or www.childrensgardeningweek.co.uk
With only a day to go, Westland Horticulture and the Rising Stars Programme are getting ready to exhibit at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show. A total of five Rising Stars will be taking part and exhibiting on the day, chatting to members of the public, journalists and perhaps even royalty! They have created a container around the theme of ‘home-grown gardening’ which will take pride of place at Peter Seabrook’s ‘The Sun – Flower Square’ when Chelsea opens its gates next week: Hana Parker – Monkton Elm Garden Centre, Taunton
“The chance to participate at the Chelsea Flower Show would give me great insight. I’ve never been to Chelsea and would love to see for myself the beautiful and inspiring garden and plant creations the Show is famous for.” Kathryn Crouch – Haskins Garden Centre, West End, Southampton
“I’m growing an Apple Chutney Pot. This is a planting display to show why companion planting is important. It features an apple column and is packed with plants that benefit apples, including Chives, Chamomile, Wallflowers, Lavender, Viola and Garlic.” Sam Clark – Cowell’s Garden Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne
“My theme is edible flowers. All the plants have either edible flowers or foliage. A twist on the ‘home-grown gardening’ theme. Hemerocallis in the centre, Along with Allium Sphaerocephalon. Lavender Dwarf. Chamomile to tumble and cover the edge of the pot.” Will Clark & Kathryn Bailey – Barton Grange Garden Centre, Preston
“We are proposing a contemporary, tiered, contained display to show off the relatively new and extremely beautiful Petunia Heartbreaker under planted with more Petunias. All the plants are grown in our nursery. The overall effect will be a cascading waterfall of colour.” Keith Nicholson, Marketing Director for Westland Horticulture, sponsors of the Rising Stars Programme said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the Rising Stars and their garden centres to exhibit at the prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show, which will be held during the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations “Not only will they have the opportunity to experience another element of the horticulture industry, but they will also be part of the most important horticultural event in the world.”

Martin Breddy has started his new role as Managing Director at Squire’s Garden Centres, following the retirement of Dennis Espley.
Martin is well known and respected in the horticultural industry having spent over a decade with the Scotts Miracle-Gro Company. Prior to that, Martin’s experience includes many years with Unilever and subsequently Glendinning Management Consultants. Martin said “I am thrilled to join Squire’s Garden Centres in their 80th anniversary year. Having worked as a supplier to them for over 10 years, I know the business has the highest standards and always acts with utmost integrity. It’s a family business, with a strong sense of family values, and this translates into great customer service. In today’s rapidly changing retail environment that’s a rare and precious commodity. My vision for Squire’s is very simple - to offer a world-class retail experience. Squire’s is already an outstanding operator, but the world keeps changing so we will have to evolve. We must always strive for underlying growth in revenue and customer numbers, even in a low inflation environment with ever increasing numbers of competing channels. Understanding and anticipating our customers needs and wants will be key to achieving this. The business has grown recently by upgrading sites and acquiring new ones. Milford was acquired in 2013, Long Ditton has just been upgraded with 25% more selling space and Chertsey is undergoing a re-build. I’m sure that there will be more opportunities for growth in the future. Squire’s has a large and diverse product range, however I always feel that the best garden centres have superb quality plants at the heart of their offer, and this could not be truer in the case of Squire’s.” Sarah Squire, Deputy Chairman commented, “We are delighted to welcome Martin to Squire’s. His skills and experience will very much complement the talents of our existing team. I look forward to working with Martin and to growing and developing our business further in the coming years.” www.squiresgardecentres.co.uk

GrowQuip 2016 is the major new international conference, dinner and exhibition being developed by the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA).
Interest levels are exceeding expectations for GrowQuip 2016 as more sponsors add their weight of support, the first key-note speakers are announced and exhibition spaces continue to sell well at the major new international conference and exhibition brought to you by CHA. GrowQuip 2016 is the cross-industry commercial horticultural conference focusing on the key issues facing growers of fruit, vegetables, salads and ornamentals, and will take place for the first time in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire from 26-27 October 2016. Bulrush Horticulture and Hortifeeds are the latest leading horticulture enterprises to support GrowQuip as event sponsors alongside XL Horticulture, PG Horticulture and MorePeople. They are joined by the trade organisations, Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) and the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH). The two day event at Stratford Manor Hotel encompasses a themed conference programme --Equip yourself for success-- which will bring together the best brains in horticulture to provide growers with help in overcoming some of the common problems they face in the day to day running of their businesses. An exciting roll-call of speakers is currently being unveiled, with confirmed names presenting at the conference including: Jane King, Chief Executive Officer of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB); Marshall Dirks, US-based Marketing Director of Proven Winners; and James Simpson, Managing Director of Adrian Scripps, leading top fruit growers from Kent with state of the art packing technology as featured on BBC’s Countryfile. A number of other speakers will be announced over the coming weeks covering a wide spectrum from across the industry including a leading supermarket through to independent UK technology specialists and leading young plant growers. Allied to the conference programme is an exhibition, where conference attendees will be able to view the latest products and services available to commercial growers from major suppliers to horticulture. Stand sales are going extremely well to date and potential participants are encouraged to book now to avoid disappointment as numbers are strictly limited for this element of the event. The first day culminates in a networking dinner with an intriguing and truly unique after dinner speaker – certainly not to be missed! On day two, the exhibition will also be open free of charge to all growers. A new introduction to the second-day of the event will see a number of free seminars available to all attendees. CHA Chairman Pat Flynn comments: “GrowQuip 2016 is a cross-industry commercial horticultural conference which provides ideas, diversity and possibly solutions which maybe come from a different growing sector to your own – equipping you for success, equipping you for the future.” And in the year the world commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, the Bard’s hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon is the town to visit in 2016. Excursions for delegates and/or their partners can be arranged to tour Shakespeare’s birthplace, pay respects at his grave at Holy Trinity Church or simply explore the beautiful Warwickshire town he called home. A two day conference and dinner package, including accommodation with breakfast and lunch, is just £259+VAT and exhibition costs start at just £555+VAT. CHA members receive a 10% discount on delegate packages or exhibition bookings. Further sponsorship packages are also available on request. Contact Pat Flynn or Stuart Booker for details and to book your places at the conference, dinner or your exhibition presence. E-mail Pat@cha-hort.com or Stuart@cha-hort.com or visit
As the funds raised by those who took part in Garden Re-leaf Day this year continue to be counted, Greenfingers Charity is hoping to announce a record breaking grand total raised at the GIMA Awards in July. If you haven’t already done so, to ensure the funds you’ve raised are included in the big reveal, please contact Sarah@greenfingerschairty.org.uk who will let you know how to make your donation. With a waiting list of hospices that need their help now, the money raised this year will enable Greenfingers to plan for and create more magical gardens for children who spend time in hospices, along with their families, across the UK.


The most beautiful spring garden in the world is satisfied with this result. 2016 is the third consecutive year that Keukenhof has attracted over 1 million visitors. The beautiful, cool spring provided 8 weeks of flowers in full bloom and visitors appreciated the flower show rating it 8.9.
The increasing number of visitors to Keukenhof is partly the result of a rise in the number of younger visitors. They experience Keukenhof more as a trendy park for a fun day out among the flowers. Visitors came from more than 100 countries. Most notably, the number of visitors from France and America increased. China and Southeast Asia remain as emerging markets. Despite the large number of visitors, the traffic flow around Keukenhof was good this season. In 2016, Keukenhof in cooperation with her partner Arriva, had more than 200,000 visitors who travelled using public transport. The Keukenhof theme for 2017 is Dutch Design. Keukenhof expects Dutch Design to add inspiring events to the flower park, together with new partners. Keukenhof is open in 2017 from 23 March to 21 May.

Celebrating the most outstanding buyers from the garden retail industry, the Buyers Power List will be returning to Glee 2016 - 12th to 14th September, NEC Birmingham.
First launched to the market at Glee 2015 – and receiving a wholly positive response from the garden retail industry - the Buyers Power List is designed to provide suppliers and retailers with a platform to recognise the individual buyers and buying teams who have gone above and beyond to make a difference, and whose decisions are helping the garden retail industry to thrive. Maintaining the successful format of the 2015 awards, there will be five individual categories, with votes invited from across the industry, with everyone from heads of purchasing to suppliers eligible to vote. Nominations can be submitted via the dedicated Buyers Power List pages at www.gleebirmingham.com/content/Glee-BUYERS-POWER-LIST-2016, with 26th June marking the cut-off point to nominate your favourite buyer or buying team. The Buyers Power List categories have been confirmed as: • Garden Centre Buyer or Buying Team (fewer than 5 stores) • Garden Centre Buyer or Buying Team (more than 5 stores) • DIY store or Builders Merchant Buyer or Buying Team • Other Retailer Buyer or Buying Team (including supermarkets, department stores and high street) • Online Retailer Buyer or Buying Team Once all nominations have been received a shortlist will be drawn up, with the top 10 names from each category being announced in mid-July. This list of the top 50 buyers and buying teams will then be subject to peer nominations, where those shortlisted have the opportunity to cast one final vote, to decide on an overall winner in each of the five categories. The Buyers Power List ‘winner of winners’ will then be announced during a special ceremony at Glee 2016. Taking place on the afternoon of Tuesday 13th September, the ceremony will see representatives from both the retail and supply side of the garden industry come together to celebrate another impressive 12 months of trading. Talking about the Buyers Power List, Glee’s event director, Matthew Mein said: “I am incredibly pleased to confirm that the Buyers Power List will be returning to Glee 2016. Last year’s event was extremely well received and drew hundreds of entries from a wide range of retailers, suppliers and members of the press. The true value of these awards lie in the fact that it is peer voted, making any nomination or win a truly meaningful event for those lucky enough to make the cut. I look forward to seeing who the industry chooses to award this year.” 
Glee is the UK’s leading garden retail show, focussing on building year-round profits within core product categories including garden care, outdoor living, landscaping, garden design, pet, speciality food and catering, home, gift and clothing, and plants. Each year the show attracts thousands of buyers from top retailers, such as leading UK garden centres, builders’ merchants, multiple retailers, and DIY stores. To keep up-to-date on all the latest news log onto www.gleebirmingham.com or call 020 3033 2160 to find out about exhibiting. 2015 Glee Buyers Power List finalists & winners Best Independent Garden Retail Buying Team: Finalists: Ayletts Nurseries Burford Garden Centre Haskins Polhill Garden Centre Scotsdale Winner: Haskins Best Online Garden Retail Buying Team: Finalists: Achica Crocus Greenfingers.com gardensite.co.uk Primrose Winner: gardensite.co.uk Best Multiple Garden Centre Buying Team: Finalists: Blue Diamond Dobbies Notcutts Wyevale Winner: Blue Diamond Best DIY / Builder Merchant Buying Team: Finalists: B&Q Homebase Wickes Winner: Homebase Best ‘Other’ Garden Retailer Buyer Team: Finalists: John Lewis M&S Next Waitrose Winner: John Lewis

• 14 finalists selected
• Networking included: Prototype exhibition in the product segment garden unique • unique hour: Jury and public prize award ceremony on the first day of the fair The final preparations for spoga+gafa 2016 (4 to 6 September) are in full swing and the young designer competition 'unique youngstar' is also on the home stretch. Once again this year, young designers, who have completed their degree no longer than three years ago as well as design students, have the opportunity to submit their idea of 'Outdoor Living'.
Among all entries from 13 countries the specialised jury has now selected 14 nominees. In addition to the nomination, the young creative minds can also look forward to exhibiting their prototype at the international garden trade fair (Hall 10.2) and thus to contacts from all over the globe. In addition, the 14 finalists can also be found on the garden unique homepage and enter the running for the public prize. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony of the unique youngstar 2016 will take place on the first day of the fair, 4 September 2016, at 2:00 p.m. in the unique lounge (Hall 10.2). The winners can look forward to prize-money to the value of 3,000 EUR (1st prize), 2,000 EUR (2nd prize), 1,000 EUR (3rd prize) and 1,000 EUR (public prize). Since mid-January, the young designers have been able to apply for the unique youngstar 2016 by submitting their idea of Outdoor Living. The high interest and the numerous, varied entries certainly didn't make choosing the nominees easy for the jury. The experts' appraisal was based on the criteria: the overall concept, the originality of the design, the conceptual and visionary quality, the functionality and quality of presentation. This year the following were delighted to receive a nomination: • Joel Hoff, ’Tray Table’, Germany • Maria Ihrefors, ’TiPi Seat’, Sweden • JinSik Kim, ‘HalfHalf’, South Korea • Nadine Kümmel, ‘Tauko’, Germany • Michael Leßmöllmann und Philipp Lorenz Schott, ‘Vakant Furniture Series‘, Germany • Roee Magdassi, ’Edge’, Israel
 • Lena Plaschke, ‘Season’, Germany • Clara Schweers, ‘Saitens’, Germany • Miguel Flores Soeiro, ‘Spin Stool‘, Portugal • Nina Stratmann und Juliane Spiegel, ‘Platzwunder', Germany • Nina Stratmann und Juliane Spiegel, ‘Charlie‘, Germany • Philip Weyer, ‚Feuer.zeug‘, Germany • Melanie Witte, ‚Raus in die Küche‘, Germany • Benjamin Wipfler, ‘Stapelhocker Paul‘, Germany All information on the nominees is available under the following link. This link will take you to the voting for the public prize: Interested parties can vote for their favourites up until 19.08.2016 www.spogagafa.com/votingyoungstar . The spoga+gafa 2016 is open to trade visitors on 4 August and 5 September from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and on 6 September from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Further information is available at www.spogagafa.com. The Garden Day 2016 is open to end-users and trade visitors on 3 and 4 September from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. Further information is available at www.tagdesgartens-koeln.com.

Interior Landscaping Regional Manager (ref:DS8322) Location: East of England Salary: £30,000 depending on experience Date: 16 May Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent  This pro-active client is a leading Interior and Exterior Landscaping and Maintenance Company based in East Anglia who carry out a wide range of commercial contracts throughout the UK. They are currently seeking to recruit an experienced Regional Manager to oversee commercial interior landscaping contracts throughout their region. The Role You will be reporting to the Operations Director.
The ideal candidate will currently be employed in a similar role or be seeking to take their next step into a more senior management role. Responsibilities will include: Overseeing the implementation of contracts to strict deadlines and budgets. Assisting in development and bidding for new works. Liaison with clients Implementation and management of health & safety and quality procedures. Supervision of teams Maintaining contract files The Candidate The successful candidate should hold a relevant horticultural or landscape qualification, preferably with 3 plus years experience in the interiors sector. A full driving license is essential. They should also have significant experience in managing commercial contracts and be able to give superb customer service to clients.
Ideal candidate should be based within one and half hours commute of Cambridge.
Salary range: £30,000 depending on experience chandising and the little details that make a department special will make you stand out. Experience within a garden centre is desirable as is supervisory skills.
To apply for this role click here

Horticultural / Plantarea Manager | Somerset (ref:DS8362) Location: Somerset Salary: £19,000 - £22,000 Date: 13 May Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent  Our client is a Nationwide group that are continually growing and developing their leading garden centres across England and Wales. They are proud of their heritage in the gardening industry and each and every one of their garden centres has its own identity and for this reason each of the garden centres is separately branded and the staff and customers are loyal to their centre.
Currently they are seeking an outstanding Plants Person / Horticultural Manager to manage their Plantarea.
The Role The role will be to take responsibility for one of the largest departments within the centre. As Horticulture / Plantarea Manager you will look after the day to day merchandising and maintenance of the plant stock as well as motivating the team to provide the highest standard of customer service. The role will also have duty management responsibility across the entire centre.
The Candidate For this role we are seeking a leader with superb retail experience to head this busy department.
Candidates MUST HAVE strong horticultural knowledge both practical and academic and be able to demonstrate a very high level of plant knowledge.
The plantarea is the focus point of any garden centre and your standards for customer service, merchandising and the little details that make a department special will make you stand out. Experience within a garden centre is desirable as is supervisory skills.
To apply for this role click here

Garden Sundries Retail Manager | Gloucestershire (ref:DS8366) Location: Gloucestershire Salary: £18,000 - £21,000 Date: 16 May Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent  We are currently seeking an outstanding Garden Sundries Retail Manager to manage the Shop Area of this Gloucestershire based garden centre that are part of a Nationwide group that are continually growing and developing their leading garden centres across England and Wales.
The Role
This is an exciting opportunity to join a cutting edge Garden Sundries Department. The ideal candidate will have a background in seasonal products or garden centre retail with excellent garden sundries product knowledge from seeds to clothing. They will manage seasonal changes and have the ability to present and merchandise their department to the highest standard.
The Candidate
Team leadership skills are essential as is the ability to communicate well with customers delivering excellent standards of customer care. Working in a busy retail team environment means you will have to have a hands-on approach to all duties within this department. Candidates must have a background in retail, be able to merchandise and manage rapidly changing stock. Knowledge of garden products and garden chemicals etc. would also be an advantage but additional training can be given. If you are passionate about Garden Sundries and would enjoy sharing this enthusiasm with our client's customers, we would love to hear from you. To apply for this role click here

Garden Sundries Retail Manager | Cornwall (ref:DS8368) Location: Cornwall Salary: £18,000 - £19,000 Date: 16 May Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent  We are currently seeking an outstanding Garden Sundries Retail Manager to manage the Shop Area of this Cornwall based garden centre that are part of a Nationwide group that are continually growing and developing their leading garden centres across England and Wales.
The Role
This is an exciting opportunity to join a cutting edge Garden Sundries Department. The ideal candidate will have a background in seasonal products or garden centre retail with excellent garden sundries product knowledge from seeds to clothing. They will manage seasonal changes and have the ability to present and merchandise their department to the highest standard.
The Candidate
Team leadership skills are essential as is the ability to communicate well with customers delivering excellent standards of customer care. Working in a busy retail team environment means you will have to have a hands-on approach to all duties within this department. Candidates must have a background in retail, be able to merchandise and manage rapidly changing stock. Knowledge of garden products and garden chemicals etc. would also be an advantage but additional training can be given. If you are passionate about Garden Sundries and would enjoy sharing this enthusiasm with our client's customers, we would love to hear from you. To apply for this role click here

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Garden product sales continue on positive note
Garden product sales picked up significantly on the previous week, according to GTN Bestsellers, with fabulous weather prompting the great British public to get outdoors and into their gardens. Smart Solar Eureka! Lightbulb Lantern retains the top spot...
Garden product sales are continuing to hold up well, according to GTN Bestsellers, as the growing season gets well underway. Volumes were slightly up on the previous week (+0.5%), and above the same weeks of 2015 (+11.6%) and 2014 (+4.7%).
The notable performances this week were: - Growing Success Advanced Slug Killer was the highest re-entry at No 23.
- The highest climber was Gardman Hanging Basket Coco Liner, moving up 21 places to No 18.
- Doff Tomato Feed (1-litre) was the highest new entry at No 35.
- Smart Solar Eureka! Lightbulb Lantern retains the top spot.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Veg-2-Gro volume sales take a tumble
After the previous week’s sales hike, Veg-2-Gro volumes came back down to earth, being 22.1% down, and also below the same week last year (-20%). Quantil Runner Bean White Emergo Strips took over the No 1 spot...
After the previous week’s sales hike, Veg-2-Gro volumes came back down to earth, being 22.1% down, and also below the same week last year (-20%).
There were still some good performances though: - Woodlark Planted Tomato Tumbler Hanging Basket was the highest new entry at No 16
- A position behind was the highest climber – Quantil Leek Strips – which jumped 30 places.
- And at No 18 was the highest re-entry, Quantil Cucumber Ridge (8cm).4
- Quantil Runner Bean White Emergo Strips took over the No 1 spot.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Growing Media sales still holding up
Down by 16.4% on the previous week, the GTN Bestsellers Growing Media volumes are still above the past two years. Scotts Miracle Gro Fruit & Veg Planter was the highest re-entry at No 33...
Down by 16.4% on the previous week, the GTN Bestsellers Growing Media volumes are still above the past two years.
This week’s Growing Media star performers were: - The highest new entry was Westland The Gardener’s Multipurpose Compost (50 litres) at No 46.
- The highest climber was Westland Multipurpose + John Innes (40 litres), moving up 22 places to No 24.
- The highest re-entry was Scotts Miracle Gro Fruit & Veg Planter at No 33.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
The May issue of Garden Trade News is packed full of advice and information for garden retailing professionals.
- Who will buy Dobbies? Spotlight on the leading contenders.
- Preview of Chelsea Flower Show - Spotlight on new plant varieties.
- Garden tools that make life easier.
- GTN's Greatest Awards - how to enter.
- The case for EPoS - a great opportunity unity to communicate with target consumers.
To find out how you can receive your copy of Garden Trade News every month email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
April showers dampen traditional garden centre sales
The Garden Centre Association’s (GCA) Barometer of Trade results for April shows that the cold and wet weather in April put a dampener on sales in traditional categories but boosted non-traditional ones at GCA member garden centres...
The Garden Centre Association’s (GCA) Barometer of Trade results for April shows that the cold and wet weather in April put a dampener on sales in traditional categories but boosted non-traditional ones at GCA member garden centres. Sales of houseplants were up just 1.92% while sales of outdoor plants were down -17.47%. Clothing sales were up 9.95% and catering was up 8.90%. Iain Wylie, GCA Chief Executive, explained: “April was a very cold and wet month so it’s no surprise that sales in traditional categories were down. The frost seemed to linger a lot longer this year, which would have put a lot of people off gardening. “Another factor for poor sales was that Easter was very early this year, in March, compared to 2015, when it was in April. “Despite sales in traditional categories being down, there was some positivity in clothing and catering. Food hall and farm shops sales were also up 3.70% compared to the same month last year.” Seed and bulb sales were down -9.28%, garden sundries were down -16.21% and furniture and barbecues sales were down -23.50%. 
Steven Palmer, Financial Director at Squires Garden Centres, which has centres across Surrey, Berkshire and Sussex, said: “Direct comparisons are distorted due to Easter falling in April in 2015 but not in 2016. The unseasonably poor weather in the south meant reduced demand for traditional seasonal gardening products, including furniture.
“However, demand for gifts remains robust and bird care products benefitted from the poor weather.” Sales in pets and aquatics departments were up 1.45%. Gift sales were down -1.14% and hard landscaping down -12.68%. 
Mark Winchester, Managing Director at Blackbrooks Garden Centre in East Sussex, said: “April was unseasonably cold and while our gifts, clothing and catering were up, our horticultural products were down. The only real winner was our houseplant department, but this could have been in part due to a redesign incorporating a walk through department on the way to the checkouts, resulting in a 100% uplift in sales.”
RHS gold medal winning garden designer and TV presenter Kate Durr will be hosting a talk entitled ‘Winning with Wyevale’ all about using Wyevale plants in her RHS Malvern show garden in 2015 at the Wyevale Nurseries Open Day on Thursday, June 30. Adam Dunnett, Sales and Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries in Hereford, said: “We’re delighted that Kate will be attending our Open Day, which is aimed at primarily our garden designers and landscape customers. “Kate has a diploma in professional garden design after studying at the renowned Cotswold Gardening School. She designed and built her first RHS show garden at the Malvern Spring Festival in May 2015, after winning a national RHS competition. Her garden ‘Constraining Nature’ won an RHS Gold medal and was awarded the Best Festival Garden prize. “Recently Kate worked with Highgrove at the Royal Gardens in Gloucestershire as Creative Director of its first week-long garden festival in April. She designed and created spring plant displays and was the buyer for the Highgrove plant fair attended by more than 5,000 visitors. “We’re inviting people to come to our Open Day to tour our 70-acre container nursery site where we grow more than 1.5 million plants annually, including more than 1,000 different varieties. Our team will be on hand to meet attendees and share their expertise in plant selection and product knowledge.” The event will start at 10am with a welcome speech and coffee. There will then be a nursery tour and a talk by one of our speakers. To follow will be a complimentary lunch and a talk from Kate at 2pm and then another nursery tour. The Open Day will finish at around 4pm. Kate added: “I am delighted to be a part of Wyevale Nurseries’ Open Day. As a company it understands the demands of creating show gardens and is able to deliver fantastic quality plants, in generous sizes, that win awards. “Its range is always on-trend and it is constantly introducing new and exciting lines, that work well for both contemporary and traditional garden designs alike.” To attend the Open Day, please email Carol Dickinson, Customer Support and Innovation Manager at Wyevale Nurseries, via carol@wyevale-nurseries.co.uk or call 01432 845200.
In a week that has seen Bayer Garden finally sold to French company SBM and Monsanto received an unsolicited, non-binding proposal from Bayer AG for a potential acquisition of Monsanto the EU stalled over renewing the licence for Glyphosate despite results of an exhaustive risk assessment that suggests glyphosate is unlikely to pose a risk of cancer through the human diet. Gary Philpotts, Business Director, Roundup Consumer at Monsanto in the UK told GTN Xtra: "Roundup weed killer widely used in agriculture and by gardeners, is unlikely to cause cancer in people. This week experts from the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) said glyphosate is "unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans". "In an effort to clear up the confusion of the IARC statement in March 2015, the UN/WHO joint committee released this verdict: Retailers should continue to sell Roundup with confidence and not allow this unwarranted activists vandalism in stores."
From the Monsanto website: MONSANTO STATEMENT ON FURTHER DELAYS IN EU RENEWAL OF GLYPHOSATE 19/05/2016 Regulatory decisions must be made consistently, predictably and be based on the best available science In response to further delay of a vote by European Union (EU) Member States on the renewal of glyphosate, Philip Miller, Ph.D., Monsanto’s vice president of global regulatory and governmental affairs, today issued the following statement: The European Union’s risk assessment on glyphosate has been one of the most thorough evaluations of an agricultural product ever conducted. The risk assessment conducted by the rapporteur member state, Germany, and reviewed by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) included more than 90,000 pages of data and 353 studies not previously reviewed by the EU. The assessment considered the best available science and found no evidence of unreasonable risk. In addition, earlier this week, the Joint WHO/FAO Meeting on Pesticide Residues again reaffirmed that glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet. Further delay in a vote by the EU Member States is not scientifically warranted and represents an unprecedented deviation from the EU’s legislative framework. This delay undermines the credibility of the European regulatory process and threatens to put European farmers and the European agriculture and chemical industries at a competitive disadvantage. Monsanto joins with farmer groups and other European glyphosate registrants in reinforcing the strong conclusions of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and EFSA. On the basis of this scientific assessment, we urge a prompt and full renewal of glyphosate by the EU Member States.
The new management of the Garden Media Guild has made significant improvements to the benefits package that sponsors secure when they support categories at the annual Awards Lunch in November. New chair, Clare Foggett, editor of The English Garden, and her committee have made much needed improvements to the sponsorship packages available at the lunch. Sponsors still have a table of ten at the Savoy event but now benefit from a much improved online presence on the Guild’s new website and in its newsletter. They will have far stronger recognition at the lunch itself, including free advertising and editorial coverage in the lunch programme, free tickets to the Guild’s summer party and other promotional improvements. Graham Paskett, the Guild committee member responsible for sponsorship, explained: “Nineteen award categories are open for sponsorship at a cost of £2,950 each. Our core strength is that sponsors stay with us year on year but I am keen to attract new supporters. With the enhanced publicity package we hope that companies from across the gardening sector will take up this exciting opportunity to reach the real decision makers in the media.” The 2016 event will take place at London’s Savoy Hotel on 24th November. Each year the Guild supports gardening charities and this year money will be given to Greenfingers and Perennial. If you are interested in sponsoring the event please contact grahampaskett@paskett.co.uk
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2014 as well as 2015 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or buy on-line using this link.
Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Veg-2-Gro Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.
Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.
All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering

With only 18 days to go, now is the time to sign up for the HTA Catering Conference, exhibition and dinner, which takes place on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June at The Belfry Hotel and Resort, near Sutton Coldfield.
With garden centre catering worth around £200 million and over half of garden retail businesses having a café or restaurant, this two day event, sponsored by Vision Commercial Kitchens, provides garden centre caterers with inspiration and ideas to take their outlet forward. Keynote speakers, Fred Sirieix and Henry Dimbleby, will be joined by a host of speakers from inside and outside the industry. ‘Strategy and Operations’ is the theme for day one and a ‘Focus on Food’ on day two, the programme covers many topics impacting on garden centre catering operations.
Book now The cost to HTA members is £325.00, plus VAT, which includes the two day conference, dinner and accommodation for single occupancy at The Belfry (£445.00, plus VAT for non-members). Single day only rates are also available for those who cannot attend the full conference. For more information and to book visit www.hta.org.uk/cateringconference

Fred Sirieix, General Manager of Michelin-starred restaurant Galvin at Windows on the 28th floor of the London Hilton on Park Lane, will discuss the principles of customer service and why excellent customer service is absolutely critical in catering-based operations.
As well as being a General Manager, Fred co-hosted with Michel Roux Jr. in the BBC2 series about service and hospitality, "Michel Roux's Service".
Since 2015 Fred is also recognized for his role as the host and charismatic Maitre d'H in the much loved BAFTA winning "First Dates" series on Channel 4.
In this keynote session, Fred will use the hospitality industry to demonstrate how to deliver great service in any industry, sector and business.
Book now The cost to HTA members is £325.00, plus VAT, which includes the two day conference, dinner and accommodation for single occupancy at The Belfry (£445.00, plus VAT for non-members). Single day only rates are also available for those who cannot attend the full conference. For more information and to book visit www.hta.org.uk/cateringconference
Henry Dimblebyis co-founder of the award-winning Leon Restaurants. Henry started his career as a commis chef with Michelin-starred chef, Bruno Loubet, before joining The Daily Telegraph.
From there he moved to Bain & Company, a management consultancy firm, where he met John Vincent. They spent a lot of time together on the road, travelling for work, where all they found to eat was delicious but life-destroying fried chicken or cold, neon-lit sandwiches.
Infuriated by the difficulty of finding tasty, nutritious food on the run, they resolved to do something about it. And so, in 2004, Leon was born. With 33 very busy restaurants across the country and a number of cook books under their belt, Leon Restaurants has a strict food sourcing and sustainability policy and keeps food and packaging waste to a minimum.
Henry will explain the concept behind Leon. How they source their ingredients and manage their suppliers, how they develop their menus and how they engage with their customers. Book now The cost to HTA members is £325.00, plus VAT, which includes the two day conference, dinner and accommodation for single occupancy at The Belfry (£445.00, plus VAT for non-members). Single day only rates are also available for those who cannot attend the full conference. For more information and to book visit www.hta.org.uk/cateringconference
Book your place at the HTA Catering Conference now
The cost to HTA members is £325.00, plus VAT, which includes the two day conference, dinner and accommodation for single occupancy at The Belfry (£445.00, plus VAT for non-members). Single day only rates are also available for those who cannot attend the full conference. For more information and to book click here