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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


Centenary Chelsea to promote 'greener, brighter world'

The RHS unveiled plans this week for next year’s centenary Chelsea Flower Show…

Many of the show Gardens will promoting the idea of a greener, brighter future by highlighting sustainability, heritage and conservation.

The show’s sponsors, M&G Investments, have commisioned Roger Platts to create a garden capturing the design trends and themes of RHS Chelsea shows past and present. It will set out to demonstrate that many trends have stood the test of time.

B&Q returns to Chelsea with the Sentebale charity’s ‘Forget-me-Not' Garden, a conceptual evocation, designed by Jinny Blom, of the landscape and culture of Lesotho. Sentebale was established by HRH Prince Harry after he spent time working with vulnerable children in Lesotho, with a garden designed by Jinny Blom.

Christopher Bradley-Hole’s garden for the Daily Telegraph will be a  contemporary, Japanese-influenced garden celebrating English native trees and shrubs, whilst drawing attention to the challenges posed to them by settlement, civilisation and cultivation.

Jo Thompson has designed the Food and Environment Research Agency’s garden to communicate the threat faced by British trees and plants, from pests, diseases and invasive species. The garden contrasts beautiful, herbaceous planting with an avenue of dead trees.

Delancy’s East Village Garden, designed by Michael Balston and Marie-Louise Aguis, will represent the sustainable regeneration of an urban environment, celebrating local history and the creation and delivery of London 2012’s ‘Legacy Promise'.

Royal Bank of Canada, Flemings and Homebase will also be drawing on the theme of sustainable living with gardens to attract wildlife and conserve resources such as water and energy.

Seeability, in partnership with Coutts, will create a garden to demonstrates that life can still be enriched by maximising limited vision and other senses. For Arthritis Research UK, Chris Beardshaw, (himself diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 19) will create a garden representing the positive, personal journey of someone suffering from the disease.

Stoke-on-Trent Garden Partnership will create illustrating the story of Stoke-on-Trent's journey from a rich industrial past to a contemporary city. Laurent-Perrier returns to the show with a garden designed by Ulf Nordjfell and inspired by the Champagne region of France, while Robert Myers reflective garden for Brewin Dolphin will be an area for relaxation and informal entertainment.

The Homebase garden designed by Adam Frost for next year's centenary Chelsea Flower Show.

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