Town & Country’s pledge to raise money for the Greenfingers Rosy Cheeks appeal has paid huge dividends, with over £7,000 raised for the charity during 2014.
A total of £7,300 has been achieved through sales of Town & Country’s Master Gardener Secateurs Promotion which was launched at GLEE 2013. For each sale of the fully stocked, counter display - comprising 42 items across the five different products (three secateurs and two snips) - Town & Country is donating £25 to the charity.
The cheque was handed over by Town & Country’s marketing and design executive, Nicole Dopson, to Greenfingers Trustee and HTA chief executive, Carol Paris, and Head of Fundraising for Greenfingers, Linda Petrons, at the Garden Press Event at the Barbican on Thursday.
Commented Carol Paris: “I was on the Town & Country stand at GLEE 2013 for the launch of this promotion to raise funds for the charity. I am absolutely thrilled with the success of the campaign, which has resulted in such a significant contribution to this wonderful charity which we are all so passionate about.”
Town & Country’s chief executive Barry Page said: “Our aim with the launch of the Master Gardener Secateurs Promotion was to help create a steady income stream for Greenfingers so that they are able to fund more projects and continue to carry out the wonderful work they do for children’s hospices.
"We are delighted that our efforts, and those of our customers who have bought into the promotion, have enabled us to contribute to this very worthwhile cause.
Enquiries: Town & Country; 01530 830990; info@townandco.com; www.townandco.com