
In This Issue
Promising year-end sales figures predicted by the GTN All Products Index
Ian Wylie steps into GCA top seat
Opening up for Christmas trading
Autumn lawn care lights up the sales chart
Limited places left at HTA Garden Futures conference
Mike Wyatt hands on the GTN baton
Multi-purpose equals multi-sales
Lunch! stays at Business Design Centre for 2013
Watch out for battle with the Dragons this Sunday
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GTN Bestsellers Tip of the week: Make Rootgrow a bestseller
£2m garden centre plan will create 40 new jobs
Onion Sets Electric spark high sales
Landscaping firm hit by burglars four times in five nights
GTN Bestsellers Chart Update
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Opening up for Christmas trading


Christmas opened for trading last week at Notcutts Wheatcroft. Manager Steve Cole told GTN Bestsellers his team, including catering staff, had worked extra shifts until midnight for many days to complete their main displays in time for opening to trade during week ending September 23rd.  

“We’ve had customers phoning us for weeks asking when Christmas would be open so although there are still some product lines to come in we’re now open for Christmas business and initial sales have been excellent,” said Steve, pictured below.

Wheatcroft has over 10,000 Sage club members who will be invited to a special Christmas Event in October.  Christmas hampers are also selling well from their expanded Gourmet food department.

With more garden centres opening their Christmas displays this weekend and customers welcoming the early opportunity to browse and buy we could be in for a bumper October.


Watch out for the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Charts in October.  GTN Bestsellers subscribers will get a weekly snapshot of the bestselling christmas products in UK garden centres.  To subscribe follow this link.

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Notcutts Wheatcroft - ready for Christmas
Notcutts Wheatcroft - ready for Christmas
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