The Colegrave Seabrook Foundation has created a series of podcasts ‘Cultivate Your Future’, which raises awareness around the shortage of people seeing horticulture as a viable career.
The podcast series speaks to people from the wide variety of roles in the industry. Listeners can hear about what they do, how they got into the job and the opportunities that they see ahead for their career.
If people even ‘think plants’, they probably think ‘gardening’, that chore that has to be done, and unlike the washing up or ironing it has to be done outside in the cold, wet and mud! Modern horticulture is not like that. A wealth of interesting, often high tech and varied roles, in exciting vibrant businesses requiring a multitude of skills at a huge range of levels.
Add to this the opportunity often to work outside, amongst plants and the natural environment, in touch with the seasons and the benefit of reduced levels of stress (not always!) Horticulture as a career in the UK is a truly sustainable career.
As an industry we need to help people understand what modern horticulture, as a professional career, is about. Your customers may be thinking about a new career for themselves, know somebody who is or have a family member starting out in life who seeks inspiration. Your customers need to know about the podcast series Cultivate Your Future. After all they may even be a candidate for one of the Foundations scholarships in the future if that person really is inspired to see Horticulture as the career for them.
If you need further information, have an idea on how we can do more to support you, or you would like something custom prepared to help you promote careers in horticulture to your customers, please speak to one of the Colegrave Seabrook Foundation Trustees you may already know or get in touch via