Winter is well and truly here, the days are crisp, the nights are long, and everyone is digging out their hats and gloves. But you’ve got the perfect thing to brighten up the long grey months for your customers, those bold bursts of colour - poinsettias!
Consumer trends this year are leaning towards the natural, rustic and homemade, which is all the more reason to make some space amongst all the tinsel and glitz and give your living Christmas decorations a bit more of a push.
Once again, Stars for Europe are here to help with heaps of free materials to maximise your poinsettia sales, all available on the incredibly useful website sfe-web.com
There are excellent and inspiring new films with step-by-step instructions for building an irresistibly eye-catching poinsettia display in your garden centre. We dare your customers to walk past without at least one plant ending up in the trolley!
There’s also professional-looking POS material you can customise with your own logo and message, not to mention a wealth of materials to add some movement and sparkle to your website, including banner ads, videos to embed, and fun online games.
Brand new this year is a focus on PR work, with expert tips on how to get your local press interested in your business in the run-up to Christmas.
And as always, loads of great advice on how to care for the plants, making sure your Christmas display is filled with Poinsettias in all their glory.
Once again we’re running a competition to see how you have used the materials on sfe-web.com. Email hello@purplespotted.com with a photo, screenshot, or even a description of how they have helped with your sales, and you could win fabulous poinsettia umbrellas like the one pictured for you and your staff (maximum three per shop).