Buddleja davidii 'SMNBDBT' (ROCKETSTAR INDIGO), submitted by Valkplant BV from Boskoop, has been chosen as the best Novelty of Plantarium 2018.
The jury particularly liked the distinctive and innovative combination of properties of the plant. The shrubs have abundant branches and a dense and low growth. There is a beautiful contrast between the dark-green leaf and the warm colours of the flowers, which are deep violet with an orange eye. Because of the large influence of Buddleja davidii in the hybrid, the plant is very hardy and suitable for different uses.
Four gold awards
Apart from the best novelty, four other plants were awarded gold by the jury. Carex morrowii 'Everglow' (EVERCOLOR), submitted by Cammeraat Potcultuur BV from Boskoop, Echinacea 'IFECSSSAL' (SUNSSEEKERS SALMON) of Gootjes-AllPlant BV from Heerhugowaard, Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA8' (BELLARAGAZZA LIMETTA) of Valkplant BV, and Hydrangea macrophylla 'ROCO131801' (ROCO BLACK KNIGHT) of RoCo Young Plants BV from Reeuwijk were presented with a gold medal. The jury also awarded eight silver and eight bronze medals.
63 plants judged
For the 36th edition of Plantarium, 95 novelties were submitted. Of these, 88 were accepted for the showcase. Eventually, 63 plants were judged. According to the jury this is a good number. Unfortunately, a number of participants were forced to withdraw their entries due to unforeseen circumstances. The judging of the novelties is done by a professional judging committee from the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Boskoopse Culturen (The Royal Society for Boskoop Cultures).
After the trade fair, the best Plantarium novelty gets a place in the Harry van de Laar assortment garden in Boskoop. The Best Novelties of the past years have been planted in a dedicated Plantarium border. The plants here can count on a lot of attention from the public. Besides this, it can be observed how the plant performs in terms of ornamental and practical value when planted in the garden.
Plantarium 2018 and GROEN-Direkt's autumn trade fair take place under one roof from 22 to 24 August 2018 at Denemarkenlaan 11. The site can be reached via the familiar car park at Greenpark Boskoop (Denemarkenlaan 9). The opening times are from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm and until 4.00 pm on Friday. Entry is free with a promotional ticket or by digital pre-registration. For further information, visit www.plantarium.nl.