Hillier Nurseries voted The Greatest Plant Supplier of the Year

While we visited all of the centres for The Greatest Plant Retailing Awards, our experts asked them “Who is your greatest Plant Retailing supplier of this year. 40 centres were asked and 24 different plant suppliers were nominated. A number of the votes were for “Our own nursery” and clearly local plant suppliers have very special relationships with Planteria Teams.
Three plant suppliers stood out from the crowd. The plant supplier with the most votes and Gold Award winner was Hillier Nurseries and there was a tie for the Silver Award which was shared by Allensmore and Farplants.
The Greatest Plant Supplier of the Year Nominated Suppliers
Allensmore, Barsfold Nurseries, Bransford Webbs, Bridge Nurseries, Cobbins, Darby Nurseries, David Austin Roses, Farplants, Garden Centre Fresh, Garden Centre Plants, Gardeners Kitchen, Hillier Nurseries, Ivan Ambrose, Javado, Marchants of Wimborne, “Our Own Nursery”, Pacific Nurseries, R & S Barnwell, Rushmere Nurseries, Veen Plant, W D Smith and Son, Woodlark Nurseries, Wyevale Nurseries, Y & S Humphries.
Gold Award 
Silver Award