A garden centre owner was threatened with violence after he introduced a ‘Tory tax’ on shoppers who voted Conservative in the general election.
Matt Woodruff, the owner of Woodruffs Yard, Lewes, put a sign outside the centre asking Conservative voters to ‘identify themselves’, as they would be charged 10% extra.
“I’m sure, as someone who has opted to support a party of elitist, self-serving types, that you understand that this is one of the many ‘tough’ decisions I need to make to ‘balance the books’,” the sign says.
UKIP voters were asked to ‘shop elsewhere’.
A picture of the board has gone viral, leading to extreme responses.
“It’s my right to protest, but I’ve sure got flack for it. It’s supposed to be humorous, for people to enjoy it,” Matt said.
“There have been swear words, I’ve been threatened that they’ll come down here, beat me up, trash the shop. I’ve had to unplug my phone at home, which will have to go on for at least a month.”
Matt admitted the idea of the sign was to poke fun at the Tories, it’s a parody of them. The response is ridiculous.
He was concerned the damage the sign could have on his business, but footfall had picked up. This week Woodruffs Yard has been full of shoppers.
And he has received lots of emails of support, being sent from as far afield as Japan, France, Australia, America, Italy, Germany and Russia.